Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tur Ziarah & Wisata Manado - Bunaken

Category:   Tickets
Price:   Rp 4.500.000,- / pax


4 Hari 3 Malam / 26 November - 29 November 2009

"Mengalami kebesaran Tuhan dengan menjelajahi keindahan alam, budaya dan religi"

Ziarah mengunjungi:

1. Bukit Kasih, Bukit Mahawu
2. Mengunjungi Patung Yesus Kristus terbesar di Asia (tinggi 31m, dengan posisi melayang, menghadap kota Manado. Ini merupakan patung ke-2 terbesar di dunia setelah yang ada di Rio de Janiero - Brazil)
3. Sore hari menikmati sunset di tepian Pantai Teluk Manado, sambil menikmati pisang goreng dengan dabu-dabu.

Wisata ke:
- Pulau Bunaken (Taman laut dengan keindahan terumbu karang dan ribuan jenis ikan aneka warna)
Diberi kesempatan bagi yang berminat snorkeling.
- Danau Linow (danau warna-warni dengan perbukitan alam yang indah dan sejuk)
- Danau Tondano, Woloan (Rumah Adat Minahasa)
- Pagoda 9 tingkat di Kakaskasen, Kaaten
- Kebun binatang Bitung untuk melihat primata terkecil di dunia Tarcius Spectrum
- Shopping pakaian, cinderamata khas Sulawesi Utara dan berbelanja makanan ringan.
- Diberi kesempatan (optional) bagi yang berminat mencicipi es kacang susu dan biapong khas Kawangkoan.

Biaya: Rp 4.500.000,- / orang

Biaya termasuk:
Tiket pesawat PP, Hotel Grand Puri (Bintang 4), Makan 3 kali sehari, bus wisata, tiket rekreasi, transportasi ke Bunaken, perahu kaca Katamaran dan Subsee.
Biaya tidak termasuk:
Airport tax, kelebihan bagasi dan tip untuk driver.

Untuk pendaftaran dan informasi hubungi:
Ina di (021) 451-5278 / 0812-860-3099 (Jakarta)

Info tambahan:
Patung Yesus Memberkati Kota Manado

[vadismart - the cybermall] Wisata Ziarah Manado - Bunaken

Jesus Blesses Manado - The Monument Statue

Tarcius Spectrum - The smallest primate in the world

Bunaken Underwater Coral Garden


4 Hari 3 Malam / 26 November - 29 November 2009

"Mengalami kebesaran Tuhan dengan menjelajahi keindahan alam, budaya dan religi"

Ziarah mengunjungi:
1. Bukit Kasih, Bukit Mahawu

2. Mengunjungi Patung Yesus Kristus terbesar di Asia (tinggi 31m, dengan posisi melayang, menghadap kota Manado. Ini merupakan patung ke-2 terbesar di dunia setelah yang ada di Rio de Janiero - Brazil)

3. Sore hari menikmati sunset di tepian Pantai Teluk Manado, sambil menikmati pisang goreng dengan dabu-dabu.

Wisata ke:

- Pulau Bunaken (Taman laut dengan keindahan terumbu karang dan ribuan jenis ikan aneka warna) Diberi kesempatan bagi yang berminat snorkeling.

- Danau Linow (danau warna-warni dengan perbukitan alam yang indah dan sejuk)

- Danau Tondano, Woloan (Rumah Adat Minahasa)

- Pagoda 9 tingkat di Kakaskasen, Kaaten

- Kebun binatang Bitung untuk melihat primata terkecil di dunia Tarcius Spectrum

- Shopping pakaian, cinderamata khas Sulawesi Utara dan berbelanja makanan ringan.

- Diberi kesempatan (optional) bagi yang berminat mencicipi es kacang susu dan biapong khas Kawangkoan.

Biaya: Rp 4.500.000,- / orang

Biaya termasuk:Tiket pesawat PP, Hotel Grand Puri (Bintang 4), Makan 3 kali sehari, bus wisata, tiket rekreasi, transportasi ke Bunaken, perahu kaca Katamaran dan Subsee.
Biaya tidak termasuk:Airport tax, kelebihan bagasi dan tip untuk driver.

Untuk pendaftaran dan informasi hubungi:
Ina di (021) 451-5278 / 0812-860-3099 (Jakarta)

Info tambahan:
Patung Yesus Memberkati Kota Manado


Posted By Andry Chang to vadismart - the cybermall at 9/29/2009 05:51:00 AM

[vadismash - the music channel] Black Eyed Peas - I Gotta Feeling


Music video by Black Eyed Peas performing I Gotta Feeling
with Ben Mor [Video Director], Tim Lynch [Video Producer]
(C) 2009 Interscope

bj's comment: I gotta feeling i gotta buy bep's new album! i gotta!


Posted By Andry Chang to vadismash - the music channel at 9/29/2009 07:47:00 PM

Thursday, September 24, 2009

[FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy] RPG Maker VX SpritesEditor with Ad...

Sprites for use in vadis' game FireHeart - Legend of the Paladins

RPG Maker VX Sprites Editor with Adobe Photoshop by vadis
Note: Always save the result in PNG format to be imported in your RPGVX Engine

Single Sprite Editor

Full-Size (Charset 8-sprite Mass Editor)

RPG Maker VX Charset Sprite Template Sheet - Photoshop Format


Posted By Andry Chang to FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy at 9/24/2009 01:33:00 PM

[FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy] RPG Maker VX BattlerEditor with Ad...

RPG Maker VX Battler Editor with Adobe Photoshop by vadis
Note: Always save the result in PNG format to be imported in your RPGVX Engine

Good for side view battle


Good for first-person view and big battlers


Posted By Andry Chang to FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy at 9/24/2009 01:29:00 PM

[FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy] RPG Maker VX Face Editorwith Adobe...

RPG Maker VX Face Editor with Adobe Photoshop by vadis
Note: Always save the result in PNG format to be imported in your RPGVX Engine

Faceset full size 384 x 192 pixels

Full Character Picture Editor

Category: Resources, Faceset


Posted By Andry Chang to FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy at 9/24/2009 01:21:00 PM

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

[FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy] 3D Demo Reel

Demo Reel from Blur studios.
Fantasy Videos


Posted By Andry Chang to FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy at 9/24/2009 10:12:00 AM

[Riverstream Rhapsody] Super Mario Allstars RPG - First Trailer(RPG Maker 2k...


This is our Super Mario RPG created with the RPG Maker 2k3. During the story our heros have to travel through a world with well-known places, but there are also unknown, invented locations from Nintendo games in it. Be ready to play as Kirby, Yoshi, Link, Bowser, and of course, the Mario Bros.!

Stay tuned, the second Beta is coming out soon, but it will be a German only. Maybe, if there are enough people interested, we'll translate it into an English one too.

Music by Blind Guardian - Sacred



Posted By Andry Chang to Riverstream Rhapsody at 9/23/2009 08:55:00 PM

[Riverstream Rhapsody] Game Art Demo Reel



Posted By Andry Chang to Riverstream Rhapsody at 9/23/2009 08:19:00 PM

[vadisworld - my way, my world] Data account Yahoo! Anda telahberubah

Yang berikut ini telah ditambahkan ke account Anda:
pertanyaan rahasia baru

Anda dapat menggunakan alamat email pada account Yahoo! Anda untuk mengeset ulang kata sandi Anda. Untuk memastikan data account Anda tetap akurat dan aman, kami akan memberitahu Anda bila ada perubahan pada data ini.

Layanan Account Yahoo!
Permintaan perubahan ini dibuat pada tanggal 24 September 2009, pukul 10:09 ICT


Posted By Andry Chang to vadisworld - my way, my world at 9/23/2009 08:09:00 PM

[FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy] HMS Victory in Battle ofTrafalgar

**Please watch in HQ**

3D cinematic recreation of the HMS Victory breaking the line at the Battle of Trafalgar between Napoleon's Navy vs. England under Admiral Horatio Nelson.

Produced for the documentary "TRAFALGAR" from K2

Animatics and test renders:

Software used: Maya, Blastcode, RealFlow, After Effects, Photoshop



Posted By Andry Chang to FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy at 9/24/2009 10:04:00 AM

[Rosta Masta!] motorcycle stunts



Posted By vadis to Rosta Masta! at 9/24/2009 10:01:00 AM

Saturday, September 19, 2009

[FireHeart Saga] The One Job No One Wants - Part 2

The second floor consists of several office cabins and Hulferd’s own compartments. Hulferd enters a room – his office. Robert follows him in, and inside he sees a simple table with three chairs, with piles of parchments stored in racks. The wall is full of job posters – almost all with ‘X’ in a ‘O’ stamps that signifies that the jobs are complete. Robert takes notice of a new, unstamped poster with a picture of a fearsome, mysterious looking assassin on it and asks Hulferd.

‘Hulferd, who is the guy in that poster? Why didn’t you put it on the boards?’

‘Oh boy, haven’t you heard, Rob? Tsk, tsk, a person by your trade…’

‘Well, I’m not actually THAT sociable, you know.’

‘Hahaha… By the way, that guy is called MacLair. Oliver MacLair, a rogue assassin. He has killed several high-rank officials in Wardstone, not to mention daughter of the governor, rest her soul. Who hired him, we don’t know. And it’s not quite an accurate drawing either. He moves real damn quick so none of the “survivors” can see his actual looks – and he seldom leaves any “witnesses”. If anyone tries to chase him or even takes a glimpse of his face – that guy will end up dead before he can even blink. And I’m damn sure that none of the hunters here can match him…’

‘… Even me?’

‘… Even you. Don’t get insulted – that’s for your own good. It takes someone who can match his speed to take him down. The poster was sent to me a fortnight ago from the capital, and I decided to keep it down low until I have a chance to meet Kyflynn.’

Robert is curious. ‘Kyflynn?’

‘A night elf assassin – don’t tell me you don’t know him too.’

‘Only by reputation. I once overheard people talking in the tavern about the assassin that never killed people – only monsters. And his speed is legendary too.’

‘Yeah. I believe he’s the only one who can match MacLair. Ah, shall we get on the business now?’

‘Go on.’

Hulferd moistens his lips then talks on.

‘Now this A’bong and his kobold gang are nomads, they came here about three months ago and they raid villages, caravans and ambush travellers – kill and pillage like bandits do. Only bandits sometimes spare people’s lives so they can rob them again in the future. By the way, our spies have found their lair in the cave in the West Harper Hills. Here’s a copy of the map, and you can find the location accurately drawn in it. A’bong uses a broad battle axe and well-armoured – I think he’s a veteran from The Gremion Wars that deserted his army after Gremion was forced to share its territory with Bry’connor. And the kobolds are eight – two large ones and six small ones – including two females.’

Hulferd pauses for a while, staring at Robert with concern. Then he sighs.

‘I know you always get excited when it comes to orcs, but as your friend and mentor I warn you – be extra careful this time. A’bong is not an ordinary orc. He is intelligent and have leadership qualities – real different than the orcs you hunted all these times. I think he used to be a captain or even a general. Better take along a party with you, don’t act alone.’

Robert replies in a calm, polite voice.
‘I understand, teacher. You always have been my helper and guide since I’m a greenhorn and only a bit skilled in the battlefield. You even saved my life several times. You taught me your sword moves and treated me like your son. I will never forget that.’

‘But as always, I work alone. I always had this difficulty to deal with people, you know. And I bet no one will join me even though I tell them to handle the kobolds only and let me deal with the orc. For this once, teacher, let me handle this alone. If I can’t overcome this difficulty, I will never improve and I will be no different than others who only content themselves hunting acid blobs, petty monsters and petty bandits.’

‘I see. But you surely won’t mind if I send one of my spies to keep an eye of you, so he can collect the heads and the proofs of your work – standard guild procedure.’

Robert nods. It seems that he doesn’t mind at all, because the guild usually send novice hunters as spies – an extra job – to learn from the experienced ones. Robert used to be a spy to assist Hulferd these three years.

Then Hulferd’s wife, Charlotte comes in. She’s 39, a plump lady but still pretty. Although never experienced real education, she has a keen judgment and a kind heart. She has two kids, Helen, 16, quite pretty just like her, and her younger brother, Pearce, 10 years old. Apparently Pearce is the same Pear that called Robert earlier. Pear has great intuition and a keen sense upon anything, just like his mother and great determination to improve himself just like his father. No wonder he immediately searched for Robert as he saw the poster before his father told him not to. Maybe someday he can become a great hunter just like his father.

Charlotte greets Robert enthusiastically – she also wants Robert to marry Helen someday, but apparently Helen already has a lover somewhere… and Robert too…
‘Oh, Robert! What a surprise!’

‘Good day, ma’am. Long time no see.’

‘A long time, indeed. Two months! Where have you been? Helen has been asking for you.’

Robert snorts and shows his rare, cold smile. How can that be, he thinks. Helen already has Albert, the bookworm. She must be in the library with him now. She is only interested in poetry and writing, and Robert doesn’t even have an interest in it – or even in her.

‘Really? Tell her I said hello. Oh yes, about Pear, just tell him to stay out of trouble. I’ve been staying in the tavern these days, and it’s getting rowdier each and every day.’

‘WHAT? Ah, Pear! That overactive son of yours, Ferdy. Give him a word or two once in a while, will you? What kind of father are you, letting him prowling around, huh?’

‘Aw, honey, don’t be like that. Just let him taste a bit of the real world, it’s good for him. He’s smart, and I’m sure he will be a good hunter one day, just like dear Rob here. Anyway I’m too busy with the guild and things…’

‘But at least a warning, so he can learn to be cautious – like dear Rob here.’

‘…. Perhaps too cautious.’

‘… Or too rash.’

Charlotte and Hulferd stare at Robert at the corner of their eyes with their strange faces. Robert stares at them with a silly, stupid and puzzled face. He replies…

‘Hey, hey, don’t get angry, old fellas. I promise you I will keep an eye on Pear whenever I’m not at a job. Is that okay with you?’

Hulferd lands a slow jab on Robert’s shoulder.

‘Now that’s the spirit. Don’t let your cool hides who you really are.’

But THIS is who I REALLY am, Robert thinks.

Charlotte is not satisfied yet with Robert’s answer, and contorts…

‘And MOVE OUT from that smelly, flea-ridden Golden Ram Inn! And buy yourself a REAL house! I don’t want to see Pear play with you in that God-forsaken place every day! Gambling? God forbid!’

Robert replies, ‘I’ll work something out, ma’am. I will.’

But a different thought comes into Robert’s mind.

Aw, we hunters still have to eat when there’s no job. And honest jobs will keep us out of monster-hunting. And I don’t have enough money to buy a proper house, either. Later, ma’am. Much later.

Charlotte snorts. She knows her bidding won’t be fulfilled in the near future, knowing very well of the hunters’ nature – namely her husband’s. But she finally resigns and goes to the kitchen to make some tea for Robert, Hulferd and herself.

‘All right then. Don’t leave yet, Robert. I still want to talk to you over a cup of tea.’

Robert nods. Although he knows that a talk with Chatty Charlotte will be a boring one, but their kindness tops over anything in the world for him so he compels himself to stay a little longer – preparing his spirit for the most difficult job he has taken until now… with some pep talks and a healthy cup of tea.
Previous Page Next Page


Posted By Andry Chang to FireHeart Saga at 9/19/2009 05:49:00 PM

[FireHeart Saga] The One Job No One Wants - Part 1

Robert and Pear arrive at the Hunters’ Guild in Rand. It’s a fairly large building with a banner bearing a cross-lining between a snake and a sword, as though the snake is pierced by the sword. All Hunters’ Guilds in all regions of Lore use this symbol to show the wide network and excellent management system they have. So it is possible that several jobs can come from other cities – but those sorts of jobs must be the difficult ones that require extra skill and experience that are few among the hunters in the job commissioner’s region.

Many hunters of different sorts: swordsmen, warriors, assassins, archers and mages; men and women are there – it seems that the hunting job attracts more talented people than being a soldier, a mercenary, a bodyguard or even a thug. Some even wear clean robes and shiny armors – to show that they are distinguished hunters that are more trustworthy than the shabby ones. Of course, most of them crowd near job posters hanging on walls and message boards, and queue near job counters. The clerks are usually fine maidens with attractive uniforms – another proof of the excellent management of the guild.

Pear guides Robert to a poster on the right wall – the one that no hunters are seen around it. It bears a poorly drawn picture of an orc’s face, and Robert sees the notice:

A’bong the Orc

200 Crowns

Extra 50
Florins for every kobold’s head of A’bong’s gang

For crimes against
the kingdom
Banditry, Robbery, Murder

Robert reacts, ‘Well, it seems the reward is slightly higher than usual.’

A voice comes from behind.
‘That’s because this is not any stray Gremion orc or common ones – this guy is intelligent. He can even round up kobolds and lead a band. Of course the reward is fitting.’

Robert turns around to see the speaker as he speaks – he is Hulferd, the Guild Master. Hulferd is a 43-years old man with beautifully-trimmed moustache and beard, and well-built. Traces of his handsome face can be found on him. It seems that he is a former well known hunter and now runs his own guild. Robert greets him in his usual, cold but polite manner.

‘Good afternoon, Sir Hulferd.’

‘So, are you interested, Rob? I got the details right here.’

‘You don’t have to ask me that. Just tell me the details straightaway.’

‘Hahaha, don’t be like that, Rob, my friend. You know I always remember you every time I get jobs like this. It’s just no other hunters here ever want to take orc-hunting jobs. They think it’s too risky and dangerous for them, and I don’t have to send the posters to other cities when you’re around.’

‘And I specialize in orcs, highly dangerous monsters, and bandits.’

‘Right. Well then, shall we move to a quiet place for a quick briefing?’


Then Robert takes out three zennies and hands them to Pear, touching his head affectionately as though Pear is Robert’s own son.

‘Here, Pear. Now stay out of trouble. There are so much bandits and monsters around with these many posters. Don’t let your parents worried.’

‘I will, sir. Thank you, sir.’

Pear walks away joyfully. Robert and Hulferd walk to the office rooms in the second floor.

Previous Page Next Page


Posted By Andry Chang to FireHeart Saga at 9/19/2009 05:25:00 PM

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

New Talk Message from Ryan P

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Ryan P just posted a new talk message to your profile.

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We'll talk later,

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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

[Rosta Masta!] Fastest Toyota Supra in the world (Street Legal 8sec) Supra f...


Meet the supra from Hell 8 second Supra.

Also Skyline GTR AWD owns American muscle anyday!!!
BTW There are 6 second Honda and 6 second Mitsubishi Eclipse 1/4 mile.

Type it in youtube if you want, so don't come around me with this bullshit that only American cars can do 7 seconds cause Japanese can do 6!!


Posted By vadis to Rosta Masta! at 9/15/2009 08:27:00 PM

[Rosta Masta!] Nissan GT-R GT500 Race Car Unveiled at TAS 2008

GT-R is back on the race track with it's Super GT race car, the GT500 contender unveiled today at the Tokyoo Auto Salon 2008. Check out the traditional Nismo color scheme! Looks good on the R35 GT-R doesn't it?



Posted By vadis to Rosta Masta! at 9/15/2009 08:28:00 PM

Saturday, September 12, 2009

[GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc.] Getamped Skin Gallery 14aCatalog

AC Milan - Kaka


Free file hosting from File Den


Free file hosting from File Den

Adler von Bachmann - Fireheart Paladins


Free file hosting from File Den


Free file hosting from File Den


Free file hosting from File Den


Free file hosting from File Den


Free file hosting from File Den

Andy Lau


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Free file hosting from File Den


Free file hosting from File Den

Jim Carrey - Ace Ventura the Pet Detective


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Free file hosting from File Den



Free file hosting from File Den

Britney Spears


Free file hosting from File Den


Free file hosting from File Den

Crazy Frog


Free file hosting from File Den

Domo 2


Free file hosting from File Den



Free file hosting from File Den

Fireheart - Robert Chandler - Knight


Free file hosting from File Den



Free file hosting from File Den


Posted By vadis to GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc. at 9/13/2009 10:56:00 AM

[GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc.] my 4shared got hacked?

Oh, great! What now? My 4shared GetAmped Skins files got hacked?
Well, time to do some backups, in case the old links are completely duped.

Vadis GetAmped skins 15 Catalogue

Michael Jackson Version 2 - not by vadis


Free file hosting from File Den

Motor Rider 1 - custom not by vadis


Free file hosting from File Den


Free file hosting from File Den

KICKASS Inc. Guild Series:


Free file hosting from File Den


Free file hosting from File Den


Free file hosting from File Den


Free file hosting from File Den


Free file hosting from File Den

Michael Jackson in Smooth Criminal / Moonwalker


Free file hosting from File Den

Michael Jordan


Free file hosting from File Den

Reog Concept


Free file hosting from File Den

Valentino Rossi


Free file hosting from File Den


Posted By vadis to GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc. at 9/13/2009 10:07:00 AM

Friday, September 11, 2009

[Playful Tots 2009] Playful Tips #2: 8 principles in washing babyclothes (0-...

“Gwah gwah” --> Playful Tots in its 3-month old baby-speak is excited to teach mommies how to wash baby clothes the right way with Playful Tip2 No.2! Babies’ laundries often pose a headache for newborn mommies because every day, the clothes they wear are prone to dirt, milk and urine stains. Oh dear! How do I clean these dirty baby clothes?

Playful Tots’ 8 principles in washing baby clothes (0-2 years-old):

1. Do separate baby clothes from your family’s clothes when doing laundry to prevent infectious diseases. At this stage, your baby’s skin is still very much sensitive, and diseases that may not affect adults can be transmitted to your child. So please wash your clothes separately from your babies!

2. Babies’ inner wear and outer wear should also be washed separately. Typically babies’ outer wear gets dirty more easily than their inner wear, plus babies’ inner wear are in direct contact with your babies’ skin. Thus, separating wash for their outer and inner wear can prevent infectious skin diseases. Also, since most of the baby clothes are made by cotton, it can get dirty easily, so it is important that they are maintained clean.

3. Baby clothes should be washed by hand and not machine washed. The germs that are inside your washing machine may be negligible to adults, but it can harm your baby. As your babies’ resistance to germs is still very low, they are more susceptible to skin diseases or other allergies. If you insist on using a washing machine, do buy a small one that is used exclusively for your babies’ clothes.

4. Choose a detergent specially made for babies. When selecting detergents to clean the baby clothes, it's better to use detergents that are specially designed for babies or skin sensitive detergents rather than normal detergents. This can significantly reduce the occurrence of skin allergy in infants. First, soak the clothes with warm water with babies’ detergents for 10-20 minutes and then rinse with water until the clothes are clean. If you don’t have access to babies’ detergent, then do use ordinary soap instead of normal detergent.

5. Stay away from concentrated detergents or bleaching detergents for your babies’ clothes. Many of you moms will be asking: Isn’t it better if we wash our baby clothes with concentrated detergents or bleaching? Actually, concentrated detergents or bleaching detergents makes it harder to rinse your babies’ clothes till they are clean. The most practical way of eliminating the existing bacteria in baby clothes is drying it under the sun.

6. Baby clothes should be rinsed till it’s soap-free. Whichever detergent or soap you use, rinsing your babies’ clothes properly is one of the most important steps in your washing your baby clothes. Your baby clothes should be rinsed with clean water from to 2 to 3 times. If not rinsed properly, your babies’ clothes will still have the traces of detergents and these can cause infant skin allergies.

7. Dry your baby clothes the right way. After your baby clothes are washed and rinsed, they should be dried under the sun, as this will kill those germs that are still on the clothes. Although your baby clothes will be more easily damaged this way, mommies do not worry. Your baby at this stage will outgrow the clothes he or she wears quickly, so your baby will probably be using bigger clothes before his or her clothes get really damaged by the sun. Avoid areas that have less exposure to the sun and places that have no ventilation, as this will cause germs to contaminate in the clothes.

8. Clothes that are stained must be washed immediately. Your baby clothes’ are always in danger of coming into contact with stains from drink, chocolate, milk, tomato juice and others. These stains are not easy to get out, especially if the clothes are kept for 1 to 2 days before washing. Thus, Playful Tots advice moms to clean those stains by washing your babies’ clothes immediately.

So mommies, push yourselves to be a hard-working moms. Hope that you find Playful Tips No.2 useful and remember them when doing your babies’ laundries. “Dah-dah” --> Playful Tots say thank you in its baby-speak.

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Posted By Playful Tots to Playful Tots 2009 at 9/11/2009 09:12:00 PM

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

[GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc.] Michael Jackson version 2

Disclaimer: skin submitted by parabebek, not made by vadis

Download from here:

Michael Jackson Version 2.00


Posted By vadis to GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc. at 9/09/2009 08:35:00 PM

[GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc.] Michael Jordan

Your Airness Michael "Air" Jordan
The NBA MVP Basketball Legend from USA
Chicago Bulls No. 23

After retiring, he kicks butt and hopes to be a legendary Splash Fighter
with his super moves: Air Dunk and Three-Point Flyer Shot.

Download from here:

KICK ASS Inc. Guild Uniform Version


Posted By vadis to GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc. at 9/09/2009 08:19:00 PM

[vadisworld - my way, my world] Yellow 26 - Not a Ghost of aChance!

Pokemon Yellow was one of the earlier games in Pokemon - the third in the series to Red and Blue, sort of like what Pokemon Platinum is to Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. This is Marriland's Pokemon Yellow Adventure!

In this twenty-sixth episode, I finally make my way to Lavender Town, only to find out that Team Rocket is a band of cold-blooded MURDERERS. Then I show people around the town, take Gary on in the tower, and get the flip spooked out of me!

Stay tuned and stop back every 'Chusday (Tuesday) for a new episode of Marriland's Yellow Adventure! Why only one a week? This isn't meant so much as a walkthrough or guide as it is entertainment, so it gives you something to look forward to each week, that's why! Think of it as entertainment, like a weekly show!



Posted By Andry Chang to vadisworld - my way, my world at 9/09/2009 03:54:00 AM

[FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy] FireHeart Fantasy GameSoundtracks ...

FireHeart Fantasy Games Soundtracks 1

mp3 songs from popular games like final fantasy, kingdom hearts etc. can be used as background music in rpg maker vx games (as long as u don't sell 'em) - collected by bj vadis


Posted By Andry Chang to FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy at 9/09/2009 06:22:00 PM

[Riverstream Rhapsody] Andry Chang wants to keep up with you onTwitter

a { color: #0084B4} a:hover { color: #215e88} h1, h2 { margin: 0 0 16px 0; color: #000;} h2 { font: 20px Georgia, serif; } h3 { margin: 14px 0 4px 0; color: #000; font: normal 18px Georgia, serif; line-height: 22px; } p, ul { margin: 4px 0 15px 0; } p { font:13px 'Lucida Grande', Lucida Grande, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; line-height: 18px; } .user:after { content: "."; display: block; height: 0; clear: both; visibility: hidden; } .user { {display: inline-block;}

Andry Chang wants to keep up with you on Twitter

To find out more about Twitter visit http://twitter.com/i/7c59021695802b0150261addb39727a8eb970cfa

— The Twitter Team

About Twitter

Twitter is a unique approach to communication and networking based on the simple concept of status. What are you doing? What are your friends doing—right now? With Twitter, you may answer this question over SMS or the Web and the responses are shared between contacts.

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Posted By Andry Chang to Riverstream Rhapsody at 9/09/2009 04:56:00 AM

[VadisGames - Fully Loaded!] Andry Chang wants to keep up with youon Twitter

a { color: #0084B4} a:hover { color: #215e88} h1, h2 { margin: 0 0 16px 0; color: #000;} h2 { font: 20px Georgia, serif; } h3 { margin: 14px 0 4px 0; color: #000; font: normal 18px Georgia, serif; line-height: 22px; } p, ul { margin: 4px 0 15px 0; } p { font:13px 'Lucida Grande', Lucida Grande, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; line-height: 18px; } .user:after { content: "."; display: block; height: 0; clear: both; visibility: hidden; } .user { {display: inline-block;}

Andry Chang wants to keep up with you on Twitter

To find out more about Twitter visit http://twitter.com/i/84f99c2113136638f4abdd57f6c55b2a81b4a1f6

— The Twitter Team

About Twitter

Twitter is a unique approach to communication and networking based on the simple concept of status. What are you doing? What are your friends doing—right now? With Twitter, you may answer this question over SMS or the Web and the responses are shared between contacts.

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Posted By Andry Chang to VadisGames - Fully Loaded! at 9/09/2009 06:57:00 PM

[vadismart - the cybermall] Andry Chang wants to keep up with youon Twitter

a { color: #0084B4} a:hover { color: #215e88} h1, h2 { margin: 0 0 16px 0; color: #000;} h2 { font: 20px Georgia, serif; } h3 { margin: 14px 0 4px 0; color: #000; font: normal 18px Georgia, serif; line-height: 22px; } p, ul { margin: 4px 0 15px 0; } p { font:13px 'Lucida Grande', Lucida Grande, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; line-height: 18px; } .user:after { content: "."; display: block; height: 0; clear: both; visibility: hidden; } .user { {display: inline-block;}

Andry Chang wants to keep up with you on Twitter

To find out more about Twitter visit http://twitter.com/i/c74937ccfcc67816d2c3b267e059da393514b79f

— The Twitter Team

About Twitter

Twitter is a unique approach to communication and networking based on the simple concept of status. What are you doing? What are your friends doing—right now? With Twitter, you may answer this question over SMS or the Web and the responses are shared between contacts.

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Posted By Andry Chang to vadismart - the cybermall at 9/09/2009 04:56:00 AM

[vadisworld - my way, my world] Andry Chang wants to keep up withyou on Twitter

a { color: #0084B4} a:hover { color: #215e88} h1, h2 { margin: 0 0 16px 0; color: #000;} h2 { font: 20px Georgia, serif; } h3 { margin: 14px 0 4px 0; color: #000; font: normal 18px Georgia, serif; line-height: 22px; } p, ul { margin: 4px 0 15px 0; } p { font:13px 'Lucida Grande', Lucida Grande, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; line-height: 18px; } .user:after { content: "."; display: block; height: 0; clear: both; visibility: hidden; } .user { {display: inline-block;}

Andry Chang wants to keep up with you on Twitter

To find out more about Twitter visit http://twitter.com/i/e1b576d137c49b04d95912abeff403d313abec0f

— The Twitter Team

About Twitter

Twitter is a unique approach to communication and networking based on the simple concept of status. What are you doing? What are your friends doing—right now? With Twitter, you may answer this question over SMS or the Web and the responses are shared between contacts.

This message was sent by a Twitter user who entered your email address. If you'd prefer not to receive emails when other people invite you to Twitter you can opt-out

Please do not reply to this message; it was sent from an unmonitored email address. This message is a service email related to your use of Twitter. For general inquiries or to request support with your Twitter account, please visit us at Twitter Support.


Posted By Andry Chang to vadisworld - my way, my world at 9/09/2009 04:56:00 AM

[vadismash - the music channel] Verti90 - Best of the 90s Music!


The 2nd Spin of the Spin90 Playlist - best songs of the 1990s! New mixes and stuff compiled by bj vadis!


Posted By Andry Chang to vadismash - the music channel at 9/09/2009 06:29:00 PM

Yellow 26 - Not a Ghost of a Chance!

Pokemon Yellow was one of the earlier games in Pokemon - the third in the series to Red and Blue, sort of like what Pokemon Platinum is to Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. This is Marriland's Pokemon Yellow Adventure!

In this twenty-sixth episode, I finally make my way to Lavender Town, only to find out that Team Rocket is a band of cold-blooded MURDERERS. Then I show people around the town, take Gary on in the tower, and get the flip spooked out of me!

Stay tuned and stop back every 'Chusday (Tuesday) for a new episode of Marriland's Yellow Adventure! Why only one a week? This isn't meant so much as a walkthrough or guide as it is entertainment, so it gives you something to look forward to each week, that's why! Think of it as entertainment, like a weekly show!


Tuesday, September 08, 2009

[Riverstream Rhapsody] RPG Maker VX Faceset Maker

Known result above: LIMBAD

Download the RAR file and extract it in your computer!


Category: RPG Maker VX Resources Faceset


Posted By Andry Chang to Riverstream Rhapsody at 9/08/2009 04:25:00 AM

Monday, September 07, 2009

[FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy] RPG Maker VX Legend ofOnibaku (Tal...

Legend of Onibaku almost complete. This is my first game and I hope it get's a real nice base score from rpg revolution and the other sites. I new to rmvx so currently I lack alot of fancy things in my game but I do the best I can with basic computer knowledge so with that said enjoy the intro to Legend of Onibaku.

Credits will Be Given to Everyone That helped
source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZSrpNZXc-A


Posted By Andry Chang to FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy at 9/07/2009 08:19:00 PM

Friday, September 04, 2009

[Rosta Masta!] Nissan 2000 Skyline GT-R VSpec-II



Posted By vadis to Rosta Masta! at 9/04/2009 06:28:00 PM

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