Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Review: Codex Evernium

Codex Evernium Codex Evernium by Andry Chang
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Author's Note:
This First Edition of Codex Evernium contains information on Everna Saga essential works,
including Fireheart Legacy, Everna Anthologies and some details from Maven and Morf.
Spoiler Warning! Avoid reading this book for those who are uncomfortable with spoilers.

This guide book or encyclopedia is made as a reference for writers and readers alike.
You may use the information from this book to make stories based on the World of Everna or the Universe of Omnia, or adapt it into your worldbuilding by mentioning this book as a reference.
For inquiries and permissions to make Everna or Omnia stories, please contact the creator
via or e-mail: evernasaga-at-gmail-dot-com.

View all my reviews

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