Sunday, August 31, 2008

[vadismart - the cybermall] CM-Rims : Koleksi Velg Mobil 03

Sword 17 inch

Advanti 17 inch

Beyern 18 inch

HRE 17 inch

League 18 inch

Motoring 16 inch

Rims to fine-tune your car! We recommend these cool, xtraordinary designs from renowned brands: Fledermaus, Konig etc to make your ride the King of the Street Show. Just call us or come to this address to get a set (or two).

Velg-velg dahsyat untuk membuat hasil modifikasi mobil anda lebih unik dan bergengsi. Model-model unik dan istimewa dari merk-merk ternama: Konig, Fledermaus, Work dll tersedia di sini. Hubungilah kami atau kunjungi kami di alamat ini:

Cahaya Makmur Tires & Rims
Jl. Sukarjo Wiryopranoto No. 37B Jakarta Barat, Indonesia
(Sentra Otomotif Sawah Besar)

Tel: (62-21) 6251582, 6260821 setiap hari kerja (work days) 10:00 - 17:00 (10am - 5pm)
Contact Person: A Hoa

Juga tersedia (also available):
Tires: Bridgestone, Yokohama, Falken
Tire replacement comprehensive services

Get the Radiance to your Radials, get CM-Rims!


Posted By vadis to vadismart - the cybermall at 8/31/2008 09:59:00 AM

[Rosta Masta!] All those hot evos!

Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X (EVO X)
EVO-X Dark Lightning HKS

EVO-X Jun Yellow

EVO-X Black Bride

EVO 9 Street Race Blue

EVO 8 Green Extreme Tuner

Some of my photo collections of tuned Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution


Posted By Andry Chang to Rosta Masta! at 8/31/2008 11:07:00 PM

[FireHeart di Fantasy Worlds Indonesia] Selin Fireheart onMagister's Ter...

Selin Fireheart is the first boss in the Magister's Terrace dungeon (Quel'danas Isle) - World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Patch 2.4



Posted By Andry Chang to FireHeart di Fantasy Worlds Indonesia on 8/31/2008 08:57:00 AM

[vadismart] CM-Rims : Koleksi Velg Mobil 02

FlederMaus 6Star Black & White
17", 6 fingers

Mercedes-Benz Special Edition Rim
18", 10 fingers

Rims to fine-tune your car! We recommend these cool, xtraordinary designs from renowned brands: Fledermaus, Konig etc to make your ride the King of the Street Show. Just call us or come to this address to get a set (or two).

Velg-velg dahsyat untuk membuat hasil modifikasi mobil anda lebih unik dan bergengsi. Model-model unik dan istimewa dari merk-merk ternama: Konig, Fledermaus, Work dll tersedia di sini. Hubungilah kami atau kunjungi kami di alamat ini:

Cahaya Makmur Tires & Rims
Jl. Sukarjo Wiryopranoto No. 37B Jakarta Barat, Indonesia
(Sentra Otomotif Sawah Besar)

Tel: (62-21) 6251582, 6260821 setiap hari kerja (work days) 10:00 - 17:00 (10am - 5pm)
Contact Person: A Hoa

Juga tersedia (also available):
Tires: Bridgestone, Yokohama, Falken
Tire replacement comprehensive services

Get the Radiance to your Radials, get CM-Rims!


Posted By Andry Chang to vadismart at 8/31/2008 08:40:00 AM

[vadismart] CM-Rims : Koleksi Velg Mobil 01

Rims to fine-tune your car! We recommend these cool, xtraordinary designs from renowned brands: Fledermaus, Konig etc to make your ride the King of the Street Show. Just call us or come to this address to get a set (or two).

Velg-velg dahsyat untuk membuat hasil modifikasi mobil anda lebih unik dan bergengsi. Model-model unik dan istimewa dari merk-merk ternama: Konig, Fledermaus, Work dll tersedia di sini. Hubungilah kami atau kunjungi kami di alamat ini:

Cahaya Makmur Tires & Rims
Jl. Sukarjo Wiryopranoto No. 37B Jakarta Barat, Indonesia
(Sentra Otomotif Sawah Besar)

Tel: (62-21) 6251582, 6260821 setiap hari kerja (work days) 10:00 - 17:00 (10am - 5pm)
Contact Person: A Hoa

Juga tersedia (also available):
Tires: Bridgestone, Yokohama, Falken
Tire replacement comprehensive services

Get the Radiance to your Radials, get CM-Rims!

Amistad 18" - Amisdat
9 fingers

Cruiser Alloy 17"

Fledermaus 5Spin, 17", 10 fingers

Konig 17" RedBlack

Konig 18" Rainbow


Posted By Andry Chang to vadismart at 8/31/2008 08:38:00 AM

[vadismart] Kue Lapis Legit Yulia's Cakes!

Spesial dari Yulia's Cakes!
Kue lapis legit yang dibuat dari bahan-bahan alami dengan aroma khas, dengan pilihan mentega wysman atau mentega lain-lain.
Cocok untuk perhelatan keluarga dan jamuan bagi kerabat dan handai taulan.
Untuk pesanan, hubungi: Ibu Yulia (021-30679099), Ibu Susanti (021-6397361)
atau lewat email ke vadisworld-at-yahoo-dot-com

Harga (Per 7 April 2008)
Kue Lapis Biasa Rp 350.000,- (24x24cm)
Kue Lapis Prem Rp 375.000,- (24x24cm)

Catatan: Harga belum termasuk ongkos kirim di Jakarta (Rp 10.000,-). Hanya melayani pengiriman untuk Jakarta Barat, Utara dan Pusat dan sekitar Sudirman-Thamrin-Rasuna Said. Selebihnya untuk pengambilan dsb bisa dibicarakan lewat telepon.
Harga dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu dan tanpa diupdate di website ini.


Posted By Andry Chang to vadismart at 8/31/2008 08:21:00 AM

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

[FireHeart di Fantasy Worlds Indonesia] FireHeart - Kata Pengantar


Berawal dari sebuah mimpi, sebuah ilham, lalu sebuah tekad.

Perjalananku di dunia magis Eternia dimulai Januari 2005, setelah lama sebelumnya hanya mencorat-coret gambar tokoh-tokoh Legenda Fireheart sebagai penyaluran hobiku menggambar. Setelahnya, kapanpun ada waktu senggang, aku “masuk” ke dunia Eternia, menyaksikan segala kejadian yang dialami oleh Robert Chandler dan kawan-kawannya, para pahlawan yang disebut Paladin pada zamannya, lalu mencatatnya. Itulah yang lalu aku ceritakan lagi pada orang-orang di duniaku sendiri.

Jadi, semua citra yang kulihat, kuraba dan kurasakan dengan mata imajinasiku ini kutuangkan dalam rangkaian kata-kata, membentuk hikayat. Harus diakui, hal ini amatlah sulit dilakukan karena baru kali ini aku menulis novel, bukan artikel, dokumen, karikatur, poster atau komik strip seperti saat sekolah dan kuliah dulu, dalam profesi sales dan marketing yang pernah kujalani dan profesiku sekarang ini sebagai penterjemah freelance dan usaha kecil-kecilan. Untuk mengatasi hal ini, aku mendayagunakan segala pengetahuan yang kudapat tentang dunia fantasi dengan setting seperti Eropa abad pertengahan di dunia kita, baik dari kegemaranku membaca novel-novel dan komik-komik ternama, dan pada game-game bergenre fantasi, ditambah dengan riset ringan lewat buku-buku referensi, internet, dan ensiklopedia on-line.

Maka, setelah satu tahun sepuluh bulan melewati segala kesulitan, pengorbanan dan suka-duka dalam petualanganku, rampunglah Fireheart – Legenda Paladin Buku Pertama: Sang Pemburu ini. Karena ini adalah karya idealis yang dibuat dengan prinsip “what I see is what I write”, aku menaruh sebagian versi Bahasa Inggrisnya dalam bentuk blog (weblog). Dan beberapa lama kemudian, syukur pada Tuhan, aku bisa menceritakan kisah ini pada lebih banyak orang dalam bentuk novel cetakan berbahasa Indonesia. Terima kasih telah membeli novel si tukang cerita ini, semoga anda yang membacanya terhibur dan mendapat manfaat serta inspirasi dari kisah ini. Harus diakui banyak sekali kekurangan serta ketidaksempurnaan dalam karya ini walau sekuat apapun upaya yang telah dikerahkan, serta gaya berceritaku yang mungkin kurang berkenan di hati, mohon agar anda memakluminya. Segala saran dan masukan dari anda kami sambut dengan senang hati.

Tidak lupa kusampaikan terima kasih sebesar-besarnya atas dukungan serta kritik yang membangun dari keluarga, sanak saudara serta para sahabat. Juga perhatian, kritik dan sumbang saran dari teman-teman “seperjuangan” dalam forum-forum on-line dan para pengunjung blog saya. Terima kasih pula atas kerjasama yang baik dari Penerbit Andi, baik para pimpinan, editor, ilustrator dan semua pihak yang telah mendukung penggodokan dan penerbitan novel ini, yang tak dapat kusebutkan satu-persatu.

Novel “Sang Pemburu” ini adalah bagian pertama dari Trilogi FireHeart – Legenda Paladin. Nantikanlah buku kedua dan ketiga yang akan merampungkan seluruh petualangan di dunia magis, Eternia yang penuh misteri dan bahaya ini.

Majulah, wahai Paladin! Penuhi takdirmu!

Andry Chang


Posted By Andry Chang to FireHeart di Fantasy Worlds Indonesia on 8/27/2008 09:01:00 AM

[FireHeart di Fantasy Worlds Indonesia] FireHeart - Sinopsis CoverBelakang

- Untuk promosi/posting dalam forum-forum dan iklan-iklan online, khusus digunakan oleh penulis -

Sinopsis Cover Belakang FireHeart
Draft 2:

Robert Chandler adalah pemburu monster yang penyendiri, dikuasai dendam dan trauma masa lalunya.
Namun, pelbagai petualangan dan tantangan yang ia hadapi seiring perjalanan hidupnya membuatnya sadar bahwa ia tak sendirian. Ada teman, guru, murid dan kekasih yang membantunya mengatasi semua halangan, juga rival, musuh dan mereka yang mewarnai hidupnya dengan tantangan.
Semuanya itu menempanya untuk menjadi pemimpin yang baik, mau bekerjasama, meninggalkan dendam dan menjadi salah seorang Paladin, pahlawan adidaya pembela kebenaran yang mengemban misi menangkal biang kejahatan yang ingin bangkit dan kembali berkuasa di dunia magis, Eternia.

Majulah, wahai Paladin! Penuhi Takdirmu!

Sinopsis Cover Final:

Kehidupan pemburu monster tidaklah mudah bagi siapapun, terlebih bagiku. Banyak hal kualami: Selamat dari pembantaian yang menewaskan keluargaku dan seluruh warga desa, jatuh cinta pada putri raja, seorang diri menerobos sepasukan tentara, melarikan diri dari kota benteng kaum kurcaci, dan bekerjasama dengan para pemburu dan pahlawan digdaya dalam misi “mencegah kebangkitan kembali Penguasa Mutlak Kegelapan” yang kucurigai adalah suatu jebakan.

Namaku Robert Chandler. Juluki aku si Pembantai Orc, Pendekar Berambut Putih atau apapun. Satu hal yang pasti tentang diriku: Akulah si Pemburu Matahari.


Posted By Andry Chang to FireHeart di Fantasy Worlds Indonesia on 8/27/2008 08:56:00 AM

[FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy] The Animorpher- Part 6

Meanwhile, the tide of battle turns in favor for the orcs. They are still too strong for the halflings, three champions and an animorpher.
Carolyn, for instance, is overpowered by two orc grunts in close combat. Learning from experience, the orcs don’t give the sorceress any opportunity to cast a single spell. They only give her internal injuries, quite severe but not deadly thanks to her aura and protection.
Andreas, on the other hand is always assisting Carolyn, though he is defensive almost all the time. Hernan is also overwhelmed. Ze’bog and Chugal attack him ceaselessly, adding more injuries to the one he got from a sleipnir. The animorpher Dejan Pavlovic in wolf form fights most fiercely versus three dire wolf riders, killing one wolf and gets bitten by two others.
Suddenly, a voice echoes loudly throughout the battlefield and Windy Hills.
In the Windy Hills far away, sensing that its master has lost, Barudan hides inside its rocky shell like a turtle, refusing to fight anymore. Petra the Leviathan is wrestling the behemoth and releases its Serpent Hold at once.
‘Hmm? It’s over already? Just when this fight starts to get exciting. You stop fighting when there’s no reason to continue the fight. That’s a wise move, Barudan.’
Petra decides to keep a distance from Barudan, watching it with full alert until it goes away. ‘We’ll continue this fight another time, then.’
Back in the village, Father Andreas and Chiel the micha are tending to the injured champions, halflings and Dar’gum. The Warchief is still weak, but he’s recovering due to the effect of Viavitali spell. He speaks feebly to Andreas.
‘Thank you, priest, for saving my life although you know I massacred the halflings.’
Andreas reacts, ‘I do this not because Prince Alexis told me to. It’s been my duty and calling to save lives, friends and foe alike. Besides, I still remember you spared our friend Robert’s life in Enia’s Sanctum, so you deserve the same treatment. Anyway, you still owe us an explanation. What is your reason to attack and kill these halflings? Is it just to claim the greaves?’
‘There are two. The first is, the halflings refused to surrender it to us. The second... Gather your friends here and I’ll tell them too.’
Andreas immediately does so. Some Ekinmor villagers also come near Dar’gum. They come for one obvious reason: to avenge their slaughtered kin by killing this orc and chipping him into pieces. However, the wise village elder prevents them, saying.
‘Let’s hear for his reasons first. It’s extremely important. After that, it’s up to you.’
The other halflings obey, most unwillingly.
‘Go on, Dar’gum, tell them,’ says Alexis.
Dar’gum begins, ‘Our Khan*) received word that the Light Side is going for the Arsenal of Light and then they will conquer Gremion. The orcs were once allies of the Dark Side, so Gremion is the fist target. To prevent genocide, we must seek out a new land to live in and prevent the Light Side from getting the Arsenal. Only in Ekinmor we can do both at the same time. So, I’m acting under orders of the Khan.’

(* Orc Khan = Khan: Supreme leader, elected by the Chieftains for unification of tribes to become a nation).

Carolyn asks, ‘Tell me, from whom did your Khan get the information?”
The orc replies, ‘I don’t know. The Khan wouldn’t tell me, but compelled me to obey. If I fail, our tribe will be banished.’
Andreas says, ‘Oh well, choices are grim under a Khan like that. So now, your tribe is automatically banished.’
‘Yes,’ says Dar’gum sadly. ‘All the death we’ve caused, our fallen comrades, are for nothing.’
Alexis now speaks, ‘Hear me, Dar’gum. I have a solution. The city of Celc has became ruins since the First Crusade, and ever since no one in Arcadia wants to live there anymore, thinking that the city is cursed.
You and your tribe may reside there and rebuild the city, under conditions that you and your tribe will never attack people anymore, and your tribe will help defend Arcadia if Thalag’dhegan minotaurs and any monster attack.’
‘Sounds like a fair offer,’ says Dar’gum. ‘A fine place to make orcs more civilized, just like I aspired. Free from the Khan’s tyranny. I accept your offer, Red Prince, if you too are true to your words.’
Alexis replies, ‘Don’t worry. My father always listens to my advice. I’m sure you will be accommodated. We’ll arrange the technicalities there.’
‘Very well, then. Now I’ll go and take my people to Celc. Thank you, wise Prince. We will also pay our debt to the halflings on grounds of commonwealth and prosperity.’
The village elder comments, ‘At first, we half-hoped that you and your tribe will perish and that’s still not enough to repay your blood debt. But think again, fellows that revenge is not always the answer.
No good will come from war, even if it’s to defend our own country. If the orcs can become more civilized and peaceful, the blood of our brethren will not be a waste.’
The Ekinmor Elder forgives Dar’gum in spite of the villagers’ protests. He also takes out a carved wooden box and hands it to Alexis, saying,
‘Because you’ve defeated our enemy, the orcs and their champion, you may borrow the Greaves of Diligence. Use them well, and don’t forget to return them to us here.’
Alexis opens the box and stares at the Greaves of Diligence in there, gleaming white light, so pure and sacred. His face looks serious and determined when he says,
‘Yes, I promise with all my heart.’


Posted By Andry Chang to FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy at 8/27/2008 09:51:00 PM

[Riverstream Rhapsody] Thrust SSC - Still The Fastest Land Vehicle(763.035mp...

First and foremost, credit for this video goes to T2J ( the2jakes )

I found this lurking on Google Video and thought I'd bring it here seeing as there seems to be a high level of interest for all things Thrust SSC related.......and a far higher user-base.



Posted By Andry Chang to Riverstream Rhapsody at 8/27/2008 07:36:00 AM

[Rosta Masta!] Thrust SSC - World's fastest Vehicle 750+MPH!!!

Tail view of 750+ mph run at Black Rock Desert in 1997 - very intense! First vehicle ever to go supersonic!


Posted By KICK ASS Inc. to Rosta Masta! at 8/27/2008 09:34:00 PM

[Riverstream Rhapsody] New Fastest Car in the World! - SSC UltimateAero (257...

The New Fastest Production Vehicle in the World. SSC Ultimate Aero, it does 257mph and can actually go faster. The most recent footage of the car since breaking the world record.


Posted By Andry Chang to Riverstream Rhapsody at 8/27/2008 07:32:00 AM

Sunday, August 24, 2008

[FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy] 3.2.11. The Rising Stars- Table of...

FIREHEART – Legend of the Paladins

Book Two: Masks of the Soul


Update: August 24, 2008

Chapter Eleven: THE RISING STARS Oh, To Be a Pirate

Part 01

Part 02 Air Raid

Part 01

Part 02

Part 03

Part 04 Cristophe’s Princely Return

Part 01

Part 02

Part 03

Part 04

Part 05 A Very Fishy Voyage

Part 01

Part 02 Whispers in the Wind

Part 01

Part 02 Rise of the Lion

Part 01

Part 02 Interlude – The White Castle Sovereign of the Seas

(Exclusive chapter for FireHeart Saga NovelBlog only)


Posted By Andry Chang to FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy at 8/24/2008 09:51:00 PM

[Rosta Masta!] Slipknot - Wait and Bleed

Wait And Bleed by Slipknot
(c) 1999 The All Blacks U.S.A., Inc.



Posted By Andry Chang to Rosta Masta! at 8/24/2008 01:36:00 PM

[Rosta Masta!] Slipknot - Psychosocial

Psychosocial by Slipknot
(c) 2008 The All Blacks B.V. Issued under license to Roadrunner Records from The All Blacks B.V. Roadrunner Records is a registered trademark of The All Blacks B.V.



Posted By Andry Chang to Rosta Masta! at 8/24/2008 01:32:00 PM

Saturday, August 23, 2008

[FireHeart di Fantasy Worlds Indonesia] Cinta Penuh Penghalang

Seeds of Forbidden Love by ~vadis on deviantART

Illustration for FireHeart - Legend of the Paladins
Book One: The Bounty Hunter
Chapter Three: The Forbidden Lovers

Indonesian version:
FireHeart - Legenda Paladin
Buku Satu: Sang Pemburu
Bab III: Cinta Terlarang

Illustration & Novel by Andry Chang


Posting oleh Andry Chang ke FireHeart di Fantasy Worlds Indonesia pada 8/23/2008 10:48:00 PM

[Rosta Masta!] Adventure Quest - Level 130 on Adventurer

Video of fighting 5 of the
hardest bosses in the game.

ArMegoggon, Dweezel the
Kel-Al Relish Jr, NerfKitten,
The Elder Void Wyrm..



The game is called Adventure
Quest, URL = either or

*Songs used*

1st Song= Bad Religion -
Sinister Rouge
2nd Song= Bad Religion -
3rd Song= Bad Religion -

*Money/ Exp*

A good way to get $$$ is from
Nightbanes Fortress using the
temp Darklaw to kill stuff
fast.... My personal fav...

*Weapons used*

Granite Edge, Raynars Ultimate
Blade and ReignBringer


Reign the Red and Gold armor
and Shadow Cloak which was
used on the first fight are
both found from the Alnaphar
Quest on World Map...


Gogg is a old Ztoken item
which was removed and replaced
with Pumpkin Golem which is
just as good..

*Change menu colors*

Click the diagonal bar that
connects from your attack menu
to your name to change the
menu colors

*Character pages*



*Online Java Games *



Posted By KICK ASS Inc. to Rosta Masta! at 8/24/2008 12:19:00 PM

[FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy] Cristophe vs Avalurch

Celebrating the 601st post in FireHeart Fantasy NovelBlog!

A practice fight of Cristophe vs Avalurch in Adventure Quest web-based rpg online game.
More about Cristophe in
More about Adventure Quest in


Posted By Andry Chang to FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy at 8/24/2008 12:14:00 PM

[GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc.] How to Add the Skins in theGame?

1. Access shop menu: Add original skin or add downloaded skin

2. Select the *.skin file you want to use and the slot to put it in

3. To use the purchased skin in the game, go to 'character'
menu and select the skin you want to use.

how to add and use the skins in the game?

download the skins you want (the *.skin files) from this site and save them into a special folder in your computer (i.e. 'Getamped Skins' or 'My Documents'). zipped files (*.zip or *.rar) must be extracted into *.skin files first before you can use them in the game.

how to use the skins? now that calls for another video. or you can follow this: browse in the in-game 'shop menu' and 'others' and use 'add skin' (maybe, sorts like that)
you may have to pay in geta or coin or whatever to use the skin.
after that, select the slot available for the skin and select the file *.skin you want to use from the special folder ('Getamped Skins'), for example and voila! it's ready and can be selected in the 'character' section in the game.

shop menu language, payment method and settings may vary in several countries, so please adapt to that.

indonesian players can access more detailed info in:


Posted By Andry Chang to GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc. at 8/24/2008 11:43:00 AM

[FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy] EVE Online: Frigs vs.Level IV boss...

Here we show that anything can be dangerous in large numbers. The level IV boss Rachen, a Raven with a tank from hell, was destroyed by a band of mere tech 1 frigates.


Posted By Andry Chang to FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy at 8/24/2008 11:03:00 AM

[vadisworld - my way, my world] eve online frigate wars fight


Posted By Andry Chang to vadisworld - my way, my world at 8/23/2008 09:01:00 PM

[FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy] EveOnline Dog-Fight

A dog-fight with an npc.

Techno - All Systems go! East Clubbers vs. DJ Muh

Game - Eve Online

Race - Gallente

Area - random deadspace

Ship - Squad Fighter [Incursus]

Player - Anime SkiTz ( Me of course )

Hope you like it. ^^
Please Comment.



Posted By Andry Chang to FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy at 8/24/2008 11:00:00 AM

eve online frigate wars fight

Friday, August 22, 2008

[GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc.] The Joker - Dark Knight Version

The Joker in 2008 Batman - Dark Knight Motion Picture. Dedicated to Heath Ledger, cast of Joker and an outstanding artist.

"Why So Serious?"

Download from:

Free file hosting from File Den

Make your own Joker skin!


Posted By KICK ASS Inc. to GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc. at 8/23/2008 12:36:00 PM

[vadisworld - my way, my world] some of the best online games

these r just some of the best online games ive played. LINKS: search in youtube my first stick pivot ever the creator is backtalker sry for not a real link the second link is for my friends video he only has 13 views lol am going to help him get more views.=)
[TEST]This is only a test i thought of doing.



Posted By Andry Chang to vadisworld - my way, my world at 8/22/2008 09:16:00 PM

[vadisworld - my way, my world] Manga Fighter - Super Cool OnlineGame

Meet the "Manga Fighter". Anime-inspired super cute graphics and characters.


Posted By Andry Chang to vadisworld - my way, my world at 8/22/2008 09:14:00 PM

[GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc.] Robert's Dogfight Rampage!

vadis with Robert Chandler skin wielding 'Grimlock' - his name for the Dragon Saber is rampaging in GetAmped Dogfight.
More about GetAmped Skins in
More about Robert Chandler, Grimlock and FireHeart Saga in



Posted By Andry Chang to GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc. at 8/23/2008 11:01:00 AM

some of the best online games

these r just some of the best online games ive played. LINKS: search in youtube my first stick pivot ever the creator is backtalker sry for not a real link the second link is for my friends video he only has 13 views lol am going to help him get more views.=)
[TEST]This is only a test i thought of doing.


Manga Fighter - Super Cool Online Game

Meet the "Manga Fighter". Anime-inspired super cute graphics and characters.

[Riverstream Rhapsody] Romantic Forever

h1 a:hover {background-color:#888;color:#fff ! important;} div#emailbody table#itemcontentlist tr td div ul { list-style-type:square; padding-left:1em; } div#emailbody table#itemcontentlist tr td div blockquote { padding-left:6px; border-left: 6px solid #dadada; margin-left:1em; } div#emailbody table#itemcontentlist tr td div li { margin-bottom:1em; margin-left:1em; } table#itemcontentlist tr td a:link, table#itemcontentlist tr td a:visited, table#itemcontentlist tr td a:active { color:#000099; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none; } img {border:none;}

Romantic Forever

Mr Romance Tips! "Pinhole Glasses!" Having a CRYSTAL-LIKE EYE SIGN!

Posted: 22 Aug 2008 11:01 AM CDT

Dear Readers,

Do you having any eye problems? Not sure how to solve it? Let Mr Romance help you out!

Recently, I come across some very amazing eye care, or infect eye sign improving products - Pinhole Glasses! And such though of sharing it with you guys!

To those whom wearing spec like me should know the pain by having need to swap among spectacles for different situation, or infect environment.

Hence, i would strongly recommend you guys try out the Pinhole Glasses! Following is some short details about how does this cheap, but YET AMAZING thing work!

How Does Pinhole Works?

It is easy to understand why pinhole glasses have been used for years for correcting vision. But before that, a basic understanding of how our eyes work is essential.

Light enters our eyes through the curve shaped outer surface called Cornea. This shape allows light rays from different angles to converge and enter the pupil inside the eye as a single beam.

Our eyes adjust the pupil, next, to control the amount of light that goes through. This is helpful in a low light environment when the pupil enlarges to take in as much light as possible.

The regulated beam of light exits the pupil, goes through the lens and falls on the retina, which is where the images that we see are formed.

But before they pass through the lens, the ciliary muscles attached to the lens contract or relax and so, adapt the shape of the lens. This is critical in producing the right image on the retina. To view nearby objects, the muscles contract and change the shape of the lens. When viewing far-off images, the muscles relax and allow the lens to take its natural shape.

The image so produced falls on the retina, the actual light sensitive part of your eyes. Optic nerves attached behind the retina transmits information about the image to our brain. The brain analyses the image and we "see".

How do eye problems occur and how pinhole glasses help?

All parts of our eyes have to work perfectly for us to see. Sometimes, the ciliary muscles become too weak. They are not able to adapt the shape of the lens as much as required. At other times, either the cornea or the eyeball may be deformed. These eye problems prevent the light rays passing through the lens from forming an image on the retina. The image is formed either in front or behind it.

In such a case, angled light rays cause an unfocused image to form on the retina. These images distort the clear image being formed by direct rays entering your eyes.

Pinhole Glasses work by feeding the pupil with direct rays as far as possible. Light rays coming at extreme angles require a large amount of refraction by your lens to form the correct image. Wearing pinhole glasses prevent these rays from entering your eyes. This checks them from distorting the image and consequently you see a better image. This image is of better definition, clarity and brightness.

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Posted By Andry Chang to Riverstream Rhapsody at 8/22/2008 09:34:00 AM

[FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy] ElfHunter - Tales ofAlterra

"Elfhunter," the premier novel in a new and wonderful series by C.S. Marks, is the first of the tales of Alterra, the World That Is. It concerns the adventures of an unlikely pair of heroines, Gaelen and Nelwyn, who are Wood-elves of the Greatwood Forest. They are drawn into a quest to defend all the Elves of Alterra as they seek to destroy the 'Elfhunter', a monstrous entity intent on exterminating the Elves until none remain.

In the second of the Tales of Alterra, the World that Is, the Elfhunter has been laid low, but he is not yet vanquished. Now there is a new challenge to be faced; Orogond has sworn on the grave of his father that he will find his wayward brother, Hallagond, and return him to the way of the Light. But Hallagond has been driven forth by shame, and believes that he is unworthy of redemption. The Company is now set upon a path that will take them into unfamiliar, distant lands filled with strange and intriguing people. Not only will they encounter wonders unknown to any in the northern lands, but they must now face a new, incredibly savage enemy. And all the while, Gaelen of the Greatwood is summoning Gorgon Elfhunter to follow after her, for she would lead him into lands where Elves do not venture. Should he find her, even the strength and will of the Fire-heart might not be enough.

Gaelen of the Greatwood has taken a desperate chance in placing Gorgon's ring on her own finger. Now there begins a tale of deceit and promise, of courage, betrayal, dark plans and poisonous alliances. Gaelen and Nelwyn have ventured farther from their homeland than any two Wood-elves in reckoning, but their journey now takes them deeper into desolation, forcing a confrontation that may well end in the downfall of the World that Is. At the heart of it all is the Stone of Léir, and the mighty but forlorn spirit trapped within.

For more about Elfhunter, the second of the tales of Alterra - Fire-Heart, and the third, Ravenshade, visit

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Posted By Andry Chang to FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy at 8/22/2008 11:01:00 PM

[FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy] Famous Anime Soundtracks!

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Posted By Andry Chang to FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy at 8/22/2008 10:56:00 PM

Thursday, August 21, 2008

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Posted By Andry Chang to FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy at 8/22/2008 04:34:00 AM

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