"Gwah gwah" --> Playful Tots says hi to moms and dads, how are you? It has been a while since we've last blogged. As the holidays come, we are experiencing our busiest season yet! We'd like to thank once again to our fans for coming and shop at our store at Mangga Dua. We hope that your kids look good because if they don't look good, we don't look good hihi!
Time really flies Playful Tots fans and we are officially 6 month-old +, this baby is growing fast, and just like a 6 month old baby, we are learning to crawl and stand on our two feet...oops! fall again, but don't worry moms we will try to stand again ok and eventually the meantime do give us your support and love, and we will do our best, 'cause we love you too moms!
Holiday season is here, Playful Tots would like to wish everybody a belated Merry X'mas and Happy New Year! We hope that next year will be a great year for everybody. We at Playful Tots have several things lined up but we are not ready to reveal them yet. While it seems that we have been quiet in our online activities, we have actually been working very hard to improve our operations while expanding our customer base at the same time. We have plans to be more active online, so fans please give us time.
In case you didn't know already, we have new clothes that just came in, and because of the holidays and everything we haven't got time to take the pictures, because we send them right away to our shop for moms to do their holiday shopping. Enjoy your shopping moms! For fans that are out of Jakarta, don't worry we will update our new clothes soon. TTFN Playful Totters Ta-ta-for-now!
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Posted By Playful Tots to Playful Tots 2009 at 12/26/2009 02:56:00 PM
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the baby is so cute ^^'