Saturday, October 31, 2009

[GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc.] Morfs - Ace the Tennis Ball

From the Original "Morfs" Cartoon
created by Andry Chang.

Ace the Tennis Ball, the alien who can morph into all kinds of balls and sport apparels.
Fighting Skill: Fire Ball

Download the skin from here:


Posted By vadis to GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc. at 11/01/2009 11:37:00 AM

Thursday, October 29, 2009

[Rosta Masta!] Nyaman dan Aman di Jalan Raya Milik Kita Semua

Berkendara ataupun berjalan kaki di jalan-jalan Jakarta bisa jadi mimpi buruk. Nyaris semua penduduk Jakarta mengalaminya hari demi hari, dan kerap kali budaya mimpi buruk di jalan tersebut sampai terbawa dalam budaya kerja, budaya berumahtangga maupun bermasyarakat.

Tak perlu data empiris untuk mendefinisikan budaya berkendara di Indonesia, yang prinsip dasarnya antara lain sebagai berikut:

“Kalau nggak nekad, nggak dapat jalan”
“Mengalah itu bodoh, payah dan cupu, kalau lincah dan sering menyalip baru jagoan”
“Alon-alon asal kelakon”
(Supir angkot yang ugal-ugalan) “Biarpun harus ugal-ugalan, salip kiri-kanan, potong jalan, yang penting kejar setoran”
(Supir truk yang kurang profesional) “Mobil besar = raja jalanan”
“Polisi tidak harus mengikuti aturan lalu-lintas, hanya menegakkannya saja”
“VVIP datang, semua minggir! VVIP pantang kena macet karena ada VVIB (very-very important business)”
… dan masih banyak lagi.

Oke, saya tak mengatakan prinsip-prinsip budaya di atas itu positif atau negatif, anda sendirilah yang menilainya.

Satu hal yang pasti, dengan sarana angkutan umum yang kurang aman dan nyaman, jumlah kendaraan pribadi yang makin membludak apalagi makin banyak orang yang beralih dari berkendara dengan mobil dan angkutan umum menjadi motor, ditambah budaya-perilaku negatif di jalan membuat resiko kecelakaan di jalan meningkat pesat. Nyawa manusia yang adalah darah-daging yang lemah seakan makin murah, setiap saat bisa hilang, lebih gawat daripada mengarungi rimba belantara.

Solusinya? Dalam kekacauan ini, kita butuh pahlawan, mereka yang berjuang sekuat tenaga mengubah keadaan jadi lebih baik, membuat jalan raya menjadi tempat yang lebih nyaman dan aman bagi semua. Kita bisa jadi para pahlawan itu: Pahlawan jalanan, bukan sekedar raja jalanan.

Caranya? Bagaimana bisa? Bukankah orang-orang yang sok jadi pahlawan biasanya malah jadi martir?

Cara menjadi pahlawan di jalan raya sejati adalah dengan mengembangkan kepribadian diri sendiri yang berbudi luhur, menghargai semua pengguna jalan lain (walau bagaimanapun menyebalkannya) dan mengembangkan keterampilan berkendara di jalan yang cerdas, defensif (kebalikan dari agresif), aman dan hemat bahan bakar. Untuk mobil, metode yang disebut “Driving Skills for Life” ini dapat disimak dalam situs, atau langsung ke link ini (Sepuluh Tips Driving Skills for Life, tips perawatan mobil dan berkendara aman)

Melihat ini, anda mungkin bilang, “Ah, teori! Bagaimana bisa metode yang dikembangkan oleh Ford di Amerika itu diterapkan di Indonesia, terutama di Jakarta dengan ‘Jak-Jam’ (kemacetan yang tak kalah legendaris dari Bangkok Jam) dan penuh pengemudi barbar dan kejutan yang mengintai setiap saat?”

Jawabannya, kita tidak perlu ngotot untuk menerapkan semua prinsip Driving Skills for Life ini dengan sempurna sekaligus. Kita cukup melatih diri secara disiplin hingga menjadi kebiasaan berkendara kita tanpa harus mengingat-ingat lagi dan menyesuaikan sikap dan tindakan kita dengan situasi, terus berusaha mengurangi resiko kecelakaan secara berangsur dan bertahap.

Contoh nyatanya adalah dari beberapa situasi yang saya lihat dan hadapi sendiri saat mengemudikan mobil, yang coba saya ingat-ingat beberapa hari setelah mengikuti sesi “Driving Skills for Life” yang diadakan oleh Ford dan Indonesian Defensive Driving Course (IDDC) di Pesta Blogger 2009, 24 Oktober yang lalu.

- Saat berbelok, mobil saya disalip dan dipotong oleh mobil yang ngebut. Mungkin dia terburu-buru. Saya pelankan mobil, atur momentum dan berbelok dengan lancar.

- Dalam kemacetan, saya berhenti tak terlalu dekat dengan mobil di depan, motor-motor lantas berseliweran masuk dan berhenti dalam posisi memotong di depan mobil. Saya coba untuk sabar dan tak maju lagi agar motor tak bisa lewat seperti kebiasaan dulu.

- Di sisi kiri jalan ada kecelakaan, orang bersepeda yang menyeberang jalan jadi korban tabrak lari. Motor-motor berhenti mendadak mengerubungi TKP. Saya berusaha cepat tanggap dan tak terpengaruh rasa penasaran, hingga melewati kerumunan dengan aman. Ngeri juga seandainya saya yang jadi pelaku tabrak lari itu…

- Macet total, hingga menghabiskan waktu 1 jam di mobil. Untuk mengusir kebosanan dan kemungkinan mengantuk, saya terus mendengar siaran radio yang lagu-lagunya enak dan segar dan jarang ada talk show (selama ini cukup membantu meningkatkan konsentrasi). HP berdering. Saya coba untuk tidak mengangkatnya, tapi terus ditelepon lagi. Saya angkat, bilang “Maaf, saya sedang mengemudi, nanti saya hubungi balik” dan setelah dapat tanggapan, “Ya,” saya tutup telepon.

- Saat akan pindah jalur, banyak mobil yang melaju kencang dari kanan belakang dari blind spot yang tak terlihat di kaca spion kanan. Untung saya menengok sedikit, agak kaget juga tapi langsung konsentrasi lagi. Pindah jalur lancar.

- Ada mobil modifikasi lewat, wow, velgnya keren sekali! Uups, jangan lupa lihat ke jalan di depan, jangan hilang konsentrasi.

Nah, itu tadi baru sedikit contoh usaha saya menerapkan kebiasaan mengemudi yang sudah lama saya terapkan dan dicerahkan lebih lanjut lewat metode 10 Tips “Driving Skills for Life”, sekaligus mengubah beberapa kebiasaan untuk nekad, iseng di jalan seperti pada video di bawah ini:

Video: Tailing A Ferrari (diposting tanggal 13 Agustus 2008)

Sumber: oleh Andry Chang (BJ Vadis)

Terus terang, dari rekaman video di atas, itu adalah salah satu tindakan terbodoh dan ternekad yang pernah saya lakukan, karena tergoda dan teralihkan oleh Ferrari dan niat untuk iseng.

Terus terang, saya adalah pengemudi yang jauh dari sempurna, dan DSFL makin menyadarkan saya untuk tak mengulangi kesalahan semacam ini lagi (juga sederet kesalahan lain) dan lebih berkonsentrasi mengemudi sebagai “tugas utama yang tak dapat disambi dengan aktivitas lain” sekaligus mengurangi sifat egois dan mau menang sendiri, yang maunya hanya nyaman dan aman di jalan untuk diri sendiri, masa bodoh dengan orang lain.

Saya belajar tentang hidup dari pengalaman berkendara di jalan – arti sebenarnya jadi “dewasa / tua di jalan”. Saya mungkin tak harus jadi pahlawan, tapi saya jelas tak ingin egoisme membuat saya jadi pembunuh, penghancur yang mencelakakan orang lain. Saya jadi makin sadar, kalau saya tak berubah jadi lebih baik, cara berpikir saya tak lebih baik dari prinsip-prinsip budaya ala supir angkot ugal-ugalan yang saya sebut di awal posting ini.

Kesimpulannya, tempat paling aman dan paling berbahaya di dunia ini adalah dalam benak kita sendiri. Oleh karena itu, jagalah akal kita tetap sehat dan kembangkan kepribadian berbudi luhur, peduli dan penuh tanggung jawab saat turun ke jalan di belakang kemudi.

Jadilah pahlawan sejati, pahlawan yang selalu berusaha melindungi nyawa orang lain dengan cara mengemudi yang defensif, aman dan melestarikan lingkungan hidup dengan metode hemat energi. Jadilah pahlawan yang membuat dunia jadi tempat yang lebih baik, dan jalan raya menjadi tempat yang lebih nyaman dan aman milik kita semua.

- Andry Chang a.k.a. BJ Vadis
Untuk dan Ford Motor Company


Posted By Andry Chang to Rosta Masta! at 10/29/2009 08:09:00 PM

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

[Riverstream Rhapsody] Mashimaro - Complete Episodes

check out for more updates of this cute fat farty rabbity!


Posted By Andry Chang to Riverstream Rhapsody at 10/28/2009 07:23:00 AM

[Riverstream Rhapsody] Mashimaro Episode 1: Mashimaro Goes Fishing

Mashimaro goes fishing, but the fish do not like his bait and start screaming at him, shocked by the reaction; Mashimaro gets angry and farts in the pond.

Disclaimer: I do not own Mashimaro, All credit is given to the Mashimaro Company in South Korea.


Posted By Andry Chang to Riverstream Rhapsody at 10/28/2009 07:20:00 AM

[Riverstream Rhapsody] Mashi Maro - Episode 8
oh it's now - my bad


Posted By Andry Chang to Riverstream Rhapsody at 10/28/2009 07:31:00 AM

[Riverstream Rhapsody] Mashi Maro - Episode 7
Mashi Maro Saves the World (??) lol


Posted By Andry Chang to Riverstream Rhapsody at 10/28/2009 07:34:00 AM

[Riverstream Rhapsody] Mashimaro Episode 2

Second episode of the fat cute white bunny.
check out for more!


Posted By Andry Chang to Riverstream Rhapsody at 10/28/2009 07:21:00 AM

[Riverstream Rhapsody] Mashi Maro - Episode 9

now this is the new one!


Posted By Andry Chang to Riverstream Rhapsody at 10/28/2009 07:26:00 AM

[Riverstream Rhapsody] Best Episodes of Domo Kun

Who doesnt love Domo
This is a spurge of Domo videos in japanese with english subtitles.


Posted By Andry Chang to Riverstream Rhapsody at 10/28/2009 07:16:00 AM

[vadismash - the music channel] Teguh Sukaryo plays Brahms' HandelVariations...

from Teguh Sukaryo's debut CD.

photo and drawings by Heleen Landolt.
cover design by Yosi Gunawan.
it is copyrighted.
PS. the poor sound here does not do justice to the actual sound quality of the CD

Part 1


Part 2



Posted By Andry Chang to vadismash - the music channel at 10/28/2009 07:47:00 PM

[vadismash - the music channel] Teguh Sukaryo plays BeethovenWaldstein 3rd mov.

Get your copy of Teguh Sukaryo's latest album:
Mompou, Brahms & Mussorgsky in your local music stores, today!

Tags: Classic Music, Beethoven


Posted By Andry Chang to vadismash - the music channel at 10/28/2009 07:39:00 PM

Monday, October 26, 2009

[vadisworld - my way, my world] PestaBlogger 2009 - What-A-Blast!

Hmm... Just got a blast from my visit to Pesta Blogger 2009 (Blogger Party)
( in SMESCO Building, Jakarta, Indonesia - October 24, 2009
I came alone and met a few old pals, some fellow bloggers I recognized and new people; all
Well-educated, thoughtful people who like to express their thoughts as freely and as responsibly as possible.
Once again, once a year the lots shebangs of them gather here in one place - from cities and islands outside Jakarta, outside Java throughout the nation.

I met some great guys and gals in PestaBlogger 2009 and these are their blogs / webs:

Pamantyo -
Myrna -
Brook W. Ross -

Enda Nasution -
Shinta -
Ir. Yahya Kurniawan -

Univind web development -
Ryan Koesuma - -
Ibnu Andhika -

Intero Real Estate Services, San Francisco -
provoknation -

Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide -
Andi -
Rieka Riananda - -
Septi - -
Nopy (nopy_pr-at-yahoo-com) - -
Dewanto (uncle_goop) -
Yohanes -

Didats -
Distro Kementrian Design Republik Indonesia - -
Puty -


And lots and lots more!

Last but not least, a very Firehearting talk with the two famous faces:
Maylaffayza the Violinist - -
Ramaditya -

Omg, I even forgot to take pics and take 'em properly!
Sorry, Pandji, 'twas just too many crowd...

Also, a unique performance by radio dj and rapper - Pandji (
Well, I thought if ever he's paired with Saykoji in a rap battle... who'll get the most applauses?

The thing that fills my brain the most was the breakout session I chose:
Driving Skills for Life by Ford Fund (Ford Motor Company)
Let's say it's a lesson for life, to be mature on the road.
To be more responsible and save lives at the same time.
Maybe I'll tell more about it in my following posts.

You want to be a hero? You don't have to be in a battle or anything like it.
Just be a defensive, responsible driver and you'll save lives and be a hero for your own, your family, friends and society.

All in all, it has been fruitful, it was a blast from ten to five, and I'm sure to come again
in PestaBlogger 2010. In the mean time, let's get in touch online, friends! Let's get blogging (and blogwalking!) - BJ Vadis


Posted By vadis to vadisworld - my way, my world at 10/26/2009 06:42:00 AM

PestaBlogger 2009 - What-A-Blast!

Hmm... Just got a blast from my visit to Pesta Blogger 2009 (Blogger Party)
( in SMESCO Building, Jakarta, Indonesia - October 24, 2009
I came alone and met a few old pals, some fellow bloggers I recognized and new people; all
Well-educated, thoughtful people who like to express their thoughts as freely and as responsibly as possible.
Once again, once a year the lots shebangs of them gather here in one place - from cities and islands outside Jakarta, outside Java throughout the nation.

I met some great guys and gals in PestaBlogger 2009 and these are their blogs / webs:

Pamantyo -
Myrna -
Brook W. Ross -

Enda Nasution -
Shinta -
Ir. Yahya Kurniawan -

Univind web development -
Ryan Koesuma - -
Ibnu Andhika -

Intero Real Estate Services, San Francisco -
provoknation -

Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide -
Andi -
Rieka Riananda - -
Septi - -
Nopy (nopy_pr-at-yahoo-com) - -
Dewanto (uncle_goop) -
Yohanes -

Didats -
Distro Kementrian Design Republik Indonesia - -
Puty -


And lots and lots more!

Last but not least, a very Firehearting talk with the two famous faces:
Maylaffayza the Violinist - -
Ramaditya -

Omg, I even forgot to take pics and take 'em properly!
Sorry, Pandji, 'twas just too much crowd...

Also, a unique performance by radio dj and rapper - Pandji (
Well, I thought if ever he's paired with Saykoji in a rap battle... who'll get the most applauses?

The thing that fills my brain the most was the breakout session I chose:
Driving Skills for Life by Ford Fund (Ford Motor Company)
Let's say it's a lesson for life, to be mature on the road.
To be more responsible and save lives at the same time.
Maybe I'll tell more about it in my following posts.

You want to be a hero? You don't have to be in a battle or anything like it.
Just be a defensive, responsible driver and you'll save lives and be a hero for your own, your family, friends and society.

All in all, it has been fruitful, it was a blast from ten to five, and I'm sure to come again
in PestaBlogger 2010. In the mean time, let's get in touch online, friends! Let's get blogging (and blogwalking!) - BJ Vadis

Thursday, October 22, 2009

[vadisworld - my way, my world] Megan Fox - Digital Painting byStephanie Val...


PRINT : http://stephanievalentin.deviantart.c...


To download my music (mp3) :

The song is "22 : 22"

My artwork on deviant art :

Click here to subscribe to Stephanie Valentin :

Tutorial 2 : HOW TO DRAW EYE

Tutorial 5 : HOW TO DRAW EYE (part II)

Tutorial 3 : HOW TO DRAW MOUTH

Tutorial 4 : HOW TO DRAW EAR

Tutorial 6 : HOW TO DRAW EYELASHES (Slow motion)

Tutorial 9 : HOW TO DRAW HAIR

Tutorial 1 : HOW TO DRAW FACE

The original picture :

Time : 6 hours

Tools :

Adobe Photoshop


Tablette graphique - Graphic tablet - Wacom Tablet


Posted By vadis to vadisworld - my way, my world at 10/22/2009 02:22:00 AM

Megan Fox - Digital Painting by Stephanie Valentin


PRINT : http://stephanievalentin.deviantart.c...

To download my music (mp3) :
The song is "22 : 22"

My artwork on deviant art :

Click here to subscribe to Stephanie Valentin :

Tutorial 2 : HOW TO DRAW EYE
Tutorial 5 : HOW TO DRAW EYE (part II)
Tutorial 3 : HOW TO DRAW MOUTH
Tutorial 4 : HOW TO DRAW EAR
Tutorial 6 : HOW TO DRAW EYELASHES (Slow motion)
Tutorial 9 : HOW TO DRAW HAIR
Tutorial 1 : HOW TO DRAW FACE

The original picture :

Time : 6 hours

Tools :
Adobe Photoshop
Tablette graphique - Graphic tablet - Wacom Tablet

Monday, October 19, 2009

[FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy] The RoyalWedding

Three days later, about one third the population of Alceste, the Capital of Lore Kingdom gathers on the main road from the city wall to the palace gate. Men and women, old and young, children of all ages are standing since morning to witness this historical moment: A bonding between two great nations, Lore and Arcadia sealed with a royal marriage.
And more importantly, this marriage will mark the dawn of a new era of peace and coexistence, so the people in both nations will prosper. Never again will they be miserable by wars and trade boycotts.
However, that thought never crosses the Princess of Lore, Eloise Galford, the bride-to-be’s mind. Deep in despair, she only thinks about how her soulmate, Robert has broken her heart, letting her go for the sake of such idea. She can’t understand that the love of people can be more important than their love, can drive Robert into hitting her into two days’ unconsciousness.
She spent yesterday crying all night. She wants to hate Robert, but she can’t. She wants to commit suicide, but she changes her mind upon the fear of going to hell, a more terrible place than this world. She can’t do anything much anyway, with the Lady Knight Irene of Everglades watching her every move, every minute, all day and all night – even in the bathroom!
Now Eloise wears her wedding dress. The dress is magically elf-made, with materials from homeland Lore: the choicest white satin of perfect smoothness, studded with rare gems from the mines of Vaudevale Hills. King Jaime of Escudia also supplied some jewels with rubies, emeralds, sapphires and turquoises. All in all, the dress makes her more radiant than ever, adding to her great beauty surpassing her late mother Elena, the Emerald of Escudia.
Final touches are made on Eloise’s make-ups to conceal marks of crying under her eyes when suddenly a herald’s voice reverberates.
‘The Prince of Arcadia, Cristophe the White is approaching Alceste. All welcoming committee and wedding committee get ready! Estimated time of arrival: fifteen minutes!’


Soon hereafter, Eloise joins her father King George and her younger brother Edward in the throne hall. Even in here, she can hear crowd cheering to the Prince’s procession. Eloise looks uneasy, nervous and curious at the same time. She can’t wait to see what sort of man the Prince is.
Minute after minute she waits and at last a crier comes in, announcing Cristophe’s arrival in the palace. Eloise can’t focus on anything else. She just wants to see the groom.
Then, footsteps come. A man wearing a splendid, white full armor comes in. He’s red-haired, with a face somewhat boyish yet stunningly handsome.
The way he walks, the way he looks left and right and then straight at her... The air he bears – so divine, full of authority and power. Eloise feels safe at once, protected under the wings of an angel. Yet, the man smiles at her warmly and sincerely like he feels the same way towards her too.
‘The groom, Cristophe Jean de Galantine Deveraux, Second Prince of the Empire of Arcadia. The White Paladin, master of the Arsenal of Light, the Heir of Vadis!’
The titles and honors don’t mean much for Eloise. She just feels a strange closeness to this Cristophe. She just met him for the first time, yet she feels that she had known him for ages.
The next thing she hears is her father’s speech.
‘... Let the ceremony begin!’
In that stunning moment, Eloise forgets about Robert and her past love, completely. She now feels her feet guiding her down the throne stairs, and joins the White Prince in front of the Archbishop of Dunkeane, conductor of this holy matrimony.
She keeps her eyes fixed on Cristophe who looks back at her lovingly, holding her hands. Then he says, ‘I do.’
That voice is so sweet, melodious, and so familiar as though she has heard it a thousand times before. But then, a shout snaps her back to herself.
‘... Eloise? ELOISE?’
Eloise looks at the Archbishop and whispers, ‘Sorry, Father. Can you please repeat the oath?’
The Archbishop frowns a bit, and then regains his composure and recites, ‘Eloise Galford, do you accept this man, Cristophe Deveraux as your lawfully wedded husband, spending your lives together as one, in happiness and sadness, in good and bad, in plentiful of want, forever in Vadis’ grace until death do you part?’
Without hesitation, Eloise answers, ‘I do.’
‘Then I, with the power bestowed upon me by the Holy Church of Vadis and the Kingdom of Lore hereby declare Cristophe Deveraux of Arcadia and Eloise Galford of Lore man and wife.’
The crowd cheers, ‘Long live Prince Cristophe and Princess Eloise! Long live the King! Praises for Vadis, the Right Way, may forever he blesses Lore and Arcadia!’ and so on.
Eloise looks at the crowd. She knows some of them, the ones who took care of her since childhood. Some she knows because they work for her father, and the rest she doesn’t know at all. The knights of the Order of the Lions and several Champions of Vadis are here as well. Rael’charon, Eloise’s best friend and helper is the first to congratulate her. But, one friend is missing. Robert is not here. Of course, he’s in charge of security and will escort her to Arcadia, but he didn’t come even to congratulate her and her husband whom he said was once his disciple and partner. Eloise thinks.
He must’ve thought that his presence would distract me, blinding me from the new path that is open for me now. He knows that his path is closed and forcing into it would only kill us both. He knows when to move on and when to withdraw.
I now realize how great his love is for me, and the true meaning of love: Two ways of life tied as one, and both strive for mutual happiness and goodness to one another – a contrast to hate. If happiness can’t be reached, to avoid tragedy, before marriage one may choose to sever the ties so one won’t bring harm to his partner. To love don’t always mean to live together as one. Now I understand.
Thank you, Robert. You saved my life and made me see the light. May you find the happiness you seek for.
Eloise’s eyes stumble on Carolyn the Sorceress who is also looking around. She looks uneasy, like me... Maybe you don’t need to search very far, Robert...
‘Eloise, are you all right?’ Cristophe’s voice rings beside her. He is just finished signing the marriage contract and the peace treaty.
‘Never better,’ answers Eloise with her enchanting smile.
The prince smiles back, takes her hand and walks with her to the exit. He talks.
‘Oh, sorry, we are not properly introduced. I am Cristophe, and my friends call me Chris.’
‘I’m Eloise. May I call you Chris? In private, of course. Oh, yes. I don’t lilke people calling me Loise, Elly or anything like that.’
‘That can be arranged. So, tell me about yourself, Eloise... What do you think about living in the palace...?’
The two newly-weds keep on talking and waving to the crowd as they walk out from the palace. They even laugh, and enjoying every moment of it. As the royal carriage takes them in the parade, Chris and Eloise catch up about half-year worth of talks.
On the city gate, Robert sees the bride and groom passing by. They are so engaged in conversation that they don’t notice him joining in the back of the procession. He just rides his trusty steed Paeldagrin silently. No one but himself and Vadis knows what he actually feels.
The Airship Aurora, Acavela the red griffin, also the heroes: Kyflynn, Desmond, Agustina, Adler, Hernan, Eidos, Carolyn, Iris, Andreas and Dejan are all waiting in an open space just outside Alceste. Four knights from the Order of the Lions: Sir Eldric, Sir Alaric, Sir Wallace and Sir Harman also join the group as representatives from Lore with some troops as well.
Just then, the newly-weds arrive on the spot. Robert explains the travel plan to the contingent.
‘... From here we will fly with Aurora to Myrcalia. The best heroes, knights and soldiers will protect Prince Cristophe and Princess Eloise along the way from air raids by the Dark Forces. Your Highness, please come aboard.’
As Chris goes past Robert, he secretly whispers, ‘Glad to see you again, Sir Robert... Teacher.’
‘Glad to see you too, Your Highness. Now you’ve surpassed me. Congratulations on your marriage. Remember, as the Heir of Vadis you will bear great responsibilities from now on.’
With Grimlock in my hands, I shall hunt down the Heir of Vordac for you. This will be the last mission for me as a hunter, for I am now the soldier of Lore.’
‘Thank you for your help, teacher,’ says Chris.
Eloise is staring at Robert that moment, then she turns away to follow her husband, murmuring ‘Good bye’ under her breath.
The next thing she sees is the majestic griffin, Acavela. She is so fascinated by him that she walks towards him instead of the airship.
‘Magnificent, isn’t he? This is Acavela, my trusty steed and partner. Go on, take a bow. If he bows back, that means you and him are freinds,’ says Chris.
Eloise approaches Acavela and takes a bow. The griffin bows back at her.
‘Fancy a ride?’ Chris asks.
‘A ride? Me? On a griffin? Err... I don’t know...’
‘C’mon, it’ll be fun. Much more excitement than staying in the palace, like you said. If you want to, we’ll fly all the way to Myrcalia on griffinback.’
‘Really? Than I’m with you, Your Highness.’
Chris helps Eloise mount the griffin when Sir Harman comes and shouts, ‘Your Highness! Please board the airship! It’s not safe out there!’
Sir Robert Chandler immediately stops Sir Harman, saying,
‘Just let them be, Sir Harman. I trust Prince Cristophe will take her safely. This will help them getting along better.’
‘If you say so, Sir Robert. You know him best,’ Sir Harman answers with a bow and a salute, then walks to the airship.
Robert just stares at the two lovebirds riding a half-lion-half-bird together, up, up and away to the cloudy blue sky.


Posted By Andry Chang to FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy at 10/19/2009 03:46:00 PM

[GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc.] Kratos - God of War

Kratos from the celebrated game "God of War"
Skin by Reddion (Disclaimer: Not made by Vadis)

Download from here:

Free file hosting from File Den


Posted By vadis to GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc. at 10/19/2009 05:00:00 PM

[GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc.] IMPORTANT NOTICE Per Oct 19,2009

Since Geocities is closing on October 24, 2009 and I can't get access to Angelfire, I might as well remove the links to the archives in the main page and keep it here (for the memories of it). However, if any skin in the old site is not in the new site (here)! please let me know. Thank you, and let's get amped! - BJ Vadis


Posted By vadis to GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc. at 10/19/2009 05:04:00 PM

[vadismash - the music channel] Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal


Posted By Andry Chang to vadismash - the music channel at 10/19/2009 03:24:00 PM

[vadisworld - my way, my world] Sign of the Apocalypse - BaconCheese Doughnu...

1,500-calorie bacon cheeseburger uses Krispy Kreme doughnut for bun.


Posted By Andry Chang to vadisworld - my way, my world at 10/19/2009 01:18:00 AM

[vadisworld - my way, my world] Donut Cheeseburger?!?!?!

the donut (doughnut) (krispy kreme) burger cheeseburger is unhealthy, but actually sounds pretty good...
what do you guys think?


Posted By Andry Chang to vadisworld - my way, my world at 10/19/2009 01:16:00 AM

Sign of the Apocalypse - Bacon Cheese Doughnut Burger

1,500-calorie bacon cheeseburger uses Krispy Kreme doughnut for bun.

Donut Cheeseburger?!?!?!

the donut (doughnut) (krispy kreme) burger cheeseburger is unhealthy, but actually sounds pretty good...
what do you guys think?

Saturday, October 17, 2009

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