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Saturday, October 29, 2011
[vadismash - the music channel] Beyoncé - Party ft. J. Cole
Music video by Beyoncé performing Party (featuring J Cole). (C) 2011 Sony Music Entertainment
Posted By Blogger to vadismash - the music channel at 10/29/2011 08:10:00 PM
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
[Riverstream Rhapsody] Justice League Online Game Trailer [HD].
Posted By Blogger to Riverstream Rhapsody at 10/26/2011 06:02:00 AM
[Riverstream Rhapsody] The Three Musketeers 3D (2011) - OfficialTrailer [HD]
The 3 Musketeers return in 3D - and this time a great line-up of actors.
The hot-headed young D'Artagnan along with three former legendary but now down on their luck Musketeers must unite and defeat a beautiful double agent and her villainous employer from seizing the French throne and engulfing Europe in war.
Coming to theatres on October 14, 2011
Starring: Orlando Bloom, Luke Evans, Logan Lerman, Matthew Macfadyen, Milla Jovovich, Christoph Waltz, Mads Mikkelsen, Til Schweiger, Juno Temple, Ray Stevenson
Posted By Blogger to Riverstream Rhapsody at 10/26/2011 05:53:00 AM
Andry's China Trip 2011 Batch 01
documentaries from my trip to:
Hong Kong
China: Guangzhou, Wuhan, Shenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai
August 24 - September 13, 2011
[VadisGames - Fully Loaded!] Swords and Sandals 2
Swords and Sandals 2
Click here to play this game
Game description: Your ultimate goal is to defeat all the arena champions and reign as champion yourself struggling, try a different strategy.
Game controls: Strike Mouse to interact.
Posted By Blogger to VadisGames - Fully Loaded! at 10/26/2011 07:28:00 PM
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
[Riverstream Rhapsody] archive discussions from fireheart - facebook group
Tanya (anonymous):
Bung Vadis, kemarin saya diskusi tentang novel perdana gitu
nah, kata anak2 PULPEN, novel perdana ga boleh tebal2, karena penulis ga mau ngambil resiko nerbitin buku berbudget tinggi yang belum tentu laku..
nah, pertanyaan saya, ada ga sih batasan ga tertulis tentang jumlah halaman novel perdana? kalo novel fantasi kan penuh deskripsi, jadi agak sulit dipersingkat..
trus, waktu bung vadis nyerahin naskah fireheart, sempet dikritik ketebelan ga?
over a year ago · Delete Post
Andry Chang
(sori jadi disebarluaskan, karena saya rasa ini layak saya simpan dan bagi dgn yg lain)
memang sempat dikritik ketebelan, tapi masalah gak boleh tebal2 atau tidak itu jangan terlalu dipikirkan, yang penting deskripsinya dan ceritanya mengalir gak. Soal jadinya tebel atau tipis itu tergantung plot.
yg bikin ada batasan itu adalah pasar indonesia yg pada dasarnya cenderung memang antipati kalo ada orang indonesia yg bikin novel fantasi bersetting mirip eropa (kecuali segelintir fans fantasi yang sebagian tergabung dlm pulpen dsb) dan penerbit yg gak mau ambil resiko nerbitin buku tebel tapi dengan genre yg pasarnya ngebatasin tadi. jadi ya, dari segi komersil memang seharusnya jangan tebal2.
naskah gue ditolak gramedia, liliput dan gagasmedia juga mungkin dengan pertimbangan tsb, dan pasar juga rada enggan membeli karena harga buku jadi terlalu mahal. dilemanya juga: kalo deskripsi ditambah, buku jadi tambah tebal, dan kalo dibagi2 lagi jadi bbrp seri, plotnya jadi ancur.
dalam kasus gue juga, gue gak mau terlalu banyak pusing dgn batasan2 komersil tadi. walau bagaimanapun negatifnya kesan pasar, apalagi harus gue akui ilmu penulisan g juga blm begitu mantap, gue harus jalan terus. Mau ketebelan kek, kurang deskripsi kek, so what? Yg penting gue terus mengembangkan teknik penulisan gue lewat workshop2, seminar2, buku2 ttg penulisan dsb, kalau perlu buku 1 di-rewrite lagi dan re-publish dalam bentuk lain (utk rewrite jadi dilempar dalam bentuk game di soal penerbit, gue senang ada penerbit yang mau mendobrak batasan komersil tadi dan mempublish karya gue, dan gue harap dia mau menerbitkan karya2 gue yg berikutnya. yah, setidaknya 1 dari 10 di indo lah.
Buku 2 saat ini baru masuk bab 13 dari bab 7-14 di sana utk versi Bahasa Indonesia, and I won't ever stop, no matter what. I've put my heart, my dream and my passion in it, and I won't die in peace until I finished the job. Itu pendirian saya. Sisanya terserah anda.
over a year ago · Delete Post
Andry Chang
Tanya (anonymous):
bung vadis, memang kemarin itu saya buat novel 410 halaman, tapi saya lupa pake spasi 1.5, berarti tebelnya bukan main kalo jadi novel..
nah, saya udah pakein spasi, dan saya cutting2, sekrang tinggal 393 halaman...
yang pengen saya tanyain,
1 jumlah halaman segitu kira2 udah cukup dimaklumi untuk diterbitkan blum bung? (masalahnya udah pake spasi 1.5)
2 kalopun biaya produksi kemahalan, apa ga bisa diteken dari kualitas kertasnya aja ya?
over a year ago · Delete Post
Andry Chang
1. Dengan spasi 1.5, waktu itu naskah novel gue setebal 330 halaman dan jadinya 500 halaman, kira2 begitulah hitungannya. Yang penting kamu sudah OK dan Pe-de dengan plot dan isi cerita kamu itu.
2. Benar. Sebaiknya usulkan agar kertasnya pakai yg daur ulang, istilahnya "Paperback". Kalau pakai kertas bagus, contohnya novel saya pakai metode "soft cover", harganya kemahalan, gak terjangkau oleh anak-anak SMP dan SMA.
yg penting tuh desain cover depan dan sinopsis cerita di cover belakang. kalau nanti perlu saran ttg itu, draftnya kirim saja ke saya biar saya lihat.
-----------------------Remembering the officers from FireHeart Facebook Group:
Vadis, God of Eternia
Yulia Tanuwidjaja (Indonesia)
Enia, Sun Goddess of Eternia
Aulya Elyasa
Adair, Dark God of Eternia
Andry Chang (Indonesia)
The Fool: Cristophe Deveraux, the Knight from Arcadia [ remove ]
Khoe Hanny (Indonesia)
The High Priestess: Pope Xylen of Valanis
Titien Djauhari (Indonesia)
Temperance: Genilda Yemima, Water Sorceress from Bresconnor
Pindah Ke Page
The Chariot: Robert Chandler, the Ranger from Lore
Christine Gunawan (Indonesia)
The Empress: H.R.H. Eloise Galford, Princess of Lore
Rivi Hasan (Indonesia)
The Lovers: Agustina Vyrakova, Ice Sorceress from Val'shka
Celia Widjaja (Indonesia)
The Magician: Carolyn, Half-Elf Princess of Thyrine
Tere Adja Deh (Indonesia)
Temperance: Lavennia Iris, Elf Enchantress from Thyrine
Sebastian Olaf
The Hierophant: Eidos Crydias, the Inventor-Chronomancer from Parthenia
Vinsensia Launardo (Indonesia)
The Empress: Sheena Mekh'ta, Corsair Queen from Meshallah
Marijke Grijm (Vancouver Film)
Marjan Genilda, the Soothsayer from Bresconnor
Nicholas Ruby Effendi (Australia)
The Sun: Viscount Adler von Bachmann from Borgia
Cherrie Lestari (Australia)
H.R.H. Elena Martinez-Galford, Queen of Lore
Tristina Ferdianty
The Moon: Zal'fira the Necromancess from Bresconnor
Nindya Koesoemadi
The Star: Ney'varith Ushmiel, the Water Sorceress from Thyrine
Ronny Efendi
Strength: Bragl Dar'gum, the Warchief of Iron Mountain Clan
Shinmen Takezo (Indonesia)
Wheel of Fortune: Kyflynn, Night Elf Assassin
Mario Giovano
The World: Dejan Pavlovic, Hobbit Animorpher
Shirley Wenar (Australia)
Temperance: Elena Galford-Martinez, the Queen of Lore
Alvin Lasanudin (Indonesia)
The Hermit: Rollo Bigstumble, Dwarf Priest of Grad
Sophie Tiberius Kirk
Klarisse Chandler the Weaver of Arkvale, Lore
'Liung Hartono'
The Hanged Man: Desmond Edmundsen, the Bjordan Berserker-Blacksmith
Pro Resensi (Indonesia)
Wheel of Fortune: Quazar Gykkos-Assis the Centaur, Aurora Captain
Magdalena Setiadi (Indonesia)
The Star: Genilda Pamela of Bresconnor
Hendry Satia Negoro
The Emperor: Marcus Deveraux, Emperor Sage IV of Arcadia
Astrid Hadi
The World: Carolyn Deneuve, Elf Queen from Thyrine
Williem Jonatan (Universitas Katolik Parahyangan)
Justice: Bernides Jiffy Jay, Morbit Priest of Valanis
sing along with me! 1./1512./2524./4323.1/4.432/3.321/2.5./
1./1512./2346./6545.1/6.654/5.543/2.5./ for fireheart game theme song - song under construction.
-----------------Perginya Sang Fajar
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Displaying all 5 posts.
Andry Chang
Cahaya fajar, siang benderang
tenggelam di malam kelam
Mentari merenung, adakah sinarnya
menghidupi makhluk segala?
Berharap, tak berkesah?
Akankah fajar baru menjelang?
Ataukah patah asa, akhir dunia?
Entahlah, mentari hari ini sirna
Telah berpancar sedaya upaya
Biarlah mentari esok berkiprah
dan hari ini tidur damai
di pelukan mesra purnama
over a year ago · Delete Post
Andry Chang
Rencana penggunaan:
Puisi kematian Quazar Gykkos-Assis, kapten kapal udara Aurora
FireHeart - Legenda Paladin
Buku Tiga: Sang Satria Suci
over a year ago · Delete Post
Andry Chang
Christi Pramudianti Wihardjono pada 22 Juni 12:25
Jika sang mentari terus bersinar,apakah ada asa yang menjelang ? Jika mentari telah sirna apakah asa dapat ber kata ? Bahwa esok mentari akan bersinar lagi ??
Andry Chang pada 22 Juni 12:28
selama masih ada mentari esok di dunia ini, masih ada asa. mentari hari ini cukuplah untuk hari ini.
Andry Chang pada 22 Juni 12:29
jangan berhenti berharap pada mentari esok, yang akan datang sebagai mentari hari ini...
over a year ago · Delete Post
Andry Chang
Kylie Chow pada 22 Juni 12:38
mantap y ko....puitis banget.... :D
blekah aku berharap mentari esok bs membawa perbedaan dlm hidupku???hehe...
Andry Chang pada 22 Juni 12:44
hey, anything can happen. god create the sun to light up a new day. a new day brings up a new hope. selama kita masih bernafas
over a year ago · Delete Post
Andry Chang
Sylvia Varaz pada 22 Juni 13:18
betul sekali Dry...selama matahari msh bersinar...
disana msh ada harapan untuk menggapai hari esok...
dan yg terpenting percaya dan serahakan semua
padaTUHAN sang PENCIPTA...
Posted By Blogger to Riverstream Rhapsody at 10/25/2011 05:59:00 AM
[Riverstream Rhapsody] catatan online pribadi andry
1. Apa kesan pertama anda saat bergabung di group Musik Klasik Indonesia (MKI) ?
over a year ago · Delete Post
Anggotanya aktif-aktif, berpengetahuan, banyak info bagus jadi saya yang orang awam untuk musik klasik ini bisa lebih menikmati musik klasik secara live, menambah wawasan, mempertajam taste dan memantapkan musik klasik sebagai sumber inspirasi.
2. Apa hal_hal yang anda sukai dari group MKI?
Sangat informatif, dan kuis-kuisnya juga fun (apalagi kalau menang, heheh), jadi saya juga tahu harus start dari mana kalau mau mulai dengar2 musik klasik.
3. Apa yang diperlukan MKI agar group ini bisa semakin berkembang?
Coba ajak para dedengkot musik klasik Indonesia lain untuk bergabung, misalnya Addie MS & Maylaffayza
4. Adakah info - info seputar musik klasik yang ingin anda ketahui? (yang belum di posting di MKI)
(....) Ya
(v) Tidak, sudah cukup info untuk album2 baru, pemain musiknya dsb yang lain tinggal cari di wikipedia.
Jika Ya, apa saja info yang ingin anda ketahui?
5. Menurut anda, Bagaimana pekembangan musik klasik di Indonesia? Menurut Anda, Apakah MKI sudah memberikan kontribusi dalam perkembangan musik klasik di Indonesia?
Selain yang ditunjukkan oleh Addie MS & Maylaffayza, musik klasik di Indonesia masih diasosiasikan pada kalangan atas, dari konser2 bertiket mahal di hotel2 berbintang dsb. Bagi kalangan awam, musik klasik tdk lebih dari musik yang bikin ngantuk.
Masih adakah dari generasi muda Indonesia sekarang ini yang membuat karya (composer) musik klasik? Itu saya penasaran.
Ya, MKI sudah memberikan kontribusi yang cukup lumayan tapi memang harus take it slow, one man at a time. Jadi prosesnya seperti pohon yang tumbuh terus bercabang, tidak bisa langsung gembar-gembor buang biaya percuma. Classic is for anyone, but not everybody likes it.
6. Apakah anda ingin menjadi koordinator MKI?
(....) Ya
(v) Belum/TidakHari kelahiran Andry Chang adalah hari Jumat. Berikut ini adalah analisa pekerjaan yang cocok untuk Andry Chang :
about 12 months ago · Delete Post
Kamu adalah orang yang berbakat di dalam pekerjaan sebagai Pengarang, Atlit, Pengusaha Percetakan dan Penerbit, serta dapat pula sebagai Mubaliq. Tetapi yang paling cocok dan mengantarkan ke arah sukses yang gemilang adalah pada profesi Penerbitan. Kariernya pun akan me...ningkat dengan gemilang, khususnya dalam bidang Media Cetak tersebut.
Pekerjaan yang Cocok:
웃 : Pengarang
웃 : Atlit
웃 : Pengusaha Percetakan dan Penerbit
웃 : Mubaliq
Posted By Blogger to Riverstream Rhapsody at 10/25/2011 06:03:00 AM
[Riverstream Rhapsody] VadisQuotes - Retrieved from Vadis E-Zine Pageon Facebook
Yeah, I thought I might try to save some of the shoutouts and quotes I've posted in Facebook and my blogs, just for keeps. Hope the Facebook Admins don't erase this page as they did to my previous page, FireHeart.
over a year ago · Delete Post
Here goes the first:
"With little power, comes unbearable responsibilities."
"Sowing negligence and reaping disaster.""Ahh, nothing like bad coffee to start a good day."
over a year ago · Delete Post
"The Return of Mr. Koff and Ms. Sniff"
Hey, you guys can post your own shouts here too!my deepest condolences of the passing of the king of pop, michael jackson. wacko jacko has been my source of inspiration. you have done so much and light up the world with your songs. rest in peace... come to inspire, to delight, and gone too soon..
over a year ago · Delete PostHenny Karissoh some of the hardest things in life come when u have 2 make decision using ur brain instead of ur heart..
over a year ago · Delete Postpost-presidential electoral: "hey, i made antennae sprout from a candidate's head!" "beware - the invasion of the blue-pinkies! somebody call m.i.b.!!" (damn i'm too creative for my own good)
over a year ago · Delete Postbj: My life is an adventure to find home, to where I'll go back when I've had enough adventures.
over a year ago · Delete Post
zin: Nope. Life is a medium for the holy spirit to work impacting the lives of others by you glorifying the living Christ.
bj: yeah that too. but eventually you'll have to find a way home, your true home with god in heaven. that's when God sez "you have worked enough, you have glorified my name, now come, rest by my side." it's not entirely my thought, someone else told me that and i think he got a point.
and this world... it's a battlefield, a jungle of adventures, and a field to sow, grow and reap.Tweet and Quote Archives - Vadis
about 10 months ago · Delete Post
starting from ground zero? at least it's better than someone who's in ground minus & thinks he's gotten anywhere.
i fear a mob of crazy monkeys more than #malaysiacheatlaser come, fellow countrymen! we must keep sportsmanship to the very end!
saya sumbang yel2: ee oa eo, laskar garuda maju tak gentar. ee oa eo, berjuang jayakan indonesia (dinyanyikan).
u must overcome all pressure, no matter how hard it is. that's what it takes to be a pro.
Merry Christmas for all, and may Lord Almighty watch over you like a sentinel on the wall.
Q: I wonder how Argus Filch managed to keep on the job guarding Castle Hogwarts? It's like the most boring job of all.
A:rumors said filch was paid 3 galleons per hour guarding hogwarts alone. that's why his name was filch, acronym of filthy rich.
Q: Well then, where is all the money? He doesn't seem rich at all.
A1: in gringotts, of course. and argus filch secretly donated a bit of his fortune to the world squib foundation. all rumors.
A2: paying for a quick course in magic and mrs. norris' beauty treatment.
A1: yeah, that too, lol.
Posted By Blogger to Riverstream Rhapsody at 10/25/2011 05:57:00 AM
[FireHeart Saga] Dungeons and Chicks 012 - 014
Dungeons & Chicks - 012 - 014
by BaalMoloch
Posted By Blogger to FireHeart Saga at 10/25/2011 12:57:00 PM
by BaalMoloch
Posted By Blogger to FireHeart Saga at 10/25/2011 12:57:00 PM
Monday, October 24, 2011
[FireHeart Saga] Dungeons and Chicks 010 - 011
Dungeons & Chicks - 010 - 011
by BaalMoloch
Posted By Blogger to FireHeart Saga at 10/25/2011 12:54:00 PM
[FireHeart Saga] Dungeons and Chicks 007 - 009
Dungeons & Chicks - 007 - 009
BaalMoloch on 4. Sep, 2011 — Lang: English
Posted By Blogger to FireHeart Saga at 10/25/2011 12:51:00 PM
[FireHeart Saga] Dungeons and Chicks 004 - 006
Dungeons & Chicks - 004 - 006
BaalMoloch on 4. Sep, 2011 — Lang: English
Posted By Blogger to FireHeart Saga at 10/25/2011 12:49:00 PM
[FireHeart Saga] Dungeons and Chicks 001
Dungeons & Chicks - 001
BaalMoloch on 4. Sep, 2011 — Lang: English
Posted By Blogger to FireHeart Saga at 10/25/2011 12:44:00 PM
[Riverstream Rhapsody] Zoltar's New Adventures!
[Riverstream Rhapsody] No Trick or Treat!
Un-Happy Halloween! Comic Strip by NathanTO
Posted By Blogger to Riverstream Rhapsody at 10/24/2011 10:34:00 PM
[vadisworld - my way, my world] RoSta MaSta 8: The Hoax!
RoSta MaSta 8: The Hoax! by Vadis using
Now this hoaxing method might not be new since so many hoaxers use it as means of crime to swindle the victims. Well, the less creative ones only copy-pasted and sent hoaxes blindly, hoping maybe one out of many will yield money.
This is still a dilemma in Indonesia and some other countries where cellphones are common compared to Blackberries and iPhones. So, a sound reminder, everyone, beware.
Posted By Blogger to vadisworld - my way, my world at 10/24/2011 10:13:00 PM
RoSta MaSta 8: The Hoax!
RoSta MaSta 8: The Hoax! by Vadis using
Now this hoaxing method might not be new since so many hoaxers use it as means of crime to swindle the victims. Well, the less creative ones only copy-pasted and sent hoaxes blindly, hoping maybe one out of many will yield money.
This is still a dilemma in Indonesia and some other countries where cellphones are common compared to Blackberries and iPhones. So, a sound reminder, everyone, beware.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Check this out: Movie Julius Caesar
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!
Friday, October 21, 2011
[vadismart - the cybermall] Tripoli Sunrise
Tripoli Sunrise by Rukowski
Posted By Blogger to vadismart - the cybermall at 10/21/2011 04:27:00 AM
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
[Riverstream Rhapsody] Guini Pig SINGING
My Guini Pig singing "too good to be true". I discovered his talent this I set up a mic and started filming the little fella. He regards himself as Robbie Williams 2...Enoy =)
Because of all the requests: The programm I used was "CrazyTalk". You can download the demo here:
It's down, it's fun, Yo!
Posted By Blogger to Riverstream Rhapsody at 10/19/2011 07:08:00 AM
[Rosta Masta!] 2012 Nissan GT-R
DSPORT Magazine: 2012 Nissan GT-R
If you own a Porsche 911 Turbo, Corvette ZR1, R32/R33/R34 Skyline GT-R or just about any of the six-figure European exotics, prepare to be pissed off. Japan's reigning mass-production supercar, just got better. How much better? Let's just say that even owners of '09, '10 and '11 GT-Rs are likely to be envious of the major improvements from the minor-change 2012 Nissan GT-R. Kazutoshi Mizuno, the Chief Vehicle Engineer and Chief Vehicle Specialist for the R35 GT-R, said it would take about three years to fulfill the promise of making the R35 GT-R a worldclass supercar after the first R35s rolled off the assembly line in late 2007. With the 2012 Nissan GT-R, Mizuno-san has lived up to his promise with the 2012 Nissan GT-R.
For the special-invitation long-lead on the 2012 Nissan GT-R, Nissan outdid itself by selecting the most incredible driving routes ever for a street evaluation. Starting from the coast and blazing through the canyons of Central California we experienced a smorgasbord of road types. There was everything from wide-open mile-long straights to the edge-of-the-cliff, "ohshit- we're-going-too-fast" off-camber drop outs. Despite the significant weight of the GT-R, it negotiated any challenge pointed in its way. The additional power and improved power curve delivered more reactive throttle response. In the earlier R35 GT-Rs, the lag of the drive-by-wire controls made the vehicle respond as if the control system had overdosed on cold medicine. With the 2012 GT-R, the driver-to-vehicle connection is now completely online. Improved steering response, improved gear-selection in the AUTO mode and increased brake response were all evident on the road to the racetrack. If you miss that lag in throttle response, a simple swap to the new "SAVE" mode delivers a noticeable reduction to improve fuel efficiency. Finally, the difference in the "COMFORT" mode setting between the 2011 and 2012 GT-R was noticeable with the 2012 doing a much better job of smoothing the bumps.
For more on this article, grab a copy of DSPORT Magazine on newsstands nationwide!
Posted By Blogger to Rosta Masta! at 10/19/2011 08:58:00 PM
[vadismash - the music channel] Cults - Go Outside
Music video by Cults performing Go Outside. (C) 2011 Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited
Posted By Blogger to vadismash - the music channel at 10/19/2011 08:55:00 PM
[vadismash - the music channel] Coldplay - Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall
The new single, taken from Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall EP (featuring two more new tracks). Download it from
Music video by Coldplay performing Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall. (P) 2011 The copyright in this audiovisual recording is owned by EMI Records Ltd
Posted By Blogger to vadismash - the music channel at 10/19/2011 08:52:00 PM
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
[Rosta Masta!] Nissan Juke Custom
The coolest freak on wheels!
The Nissan Juke is now for sale in Japan, and many tuning enthusiasts will want to get their hands on the unique half sports car, half SUV from Nissan. It’s been breaking all records according to sales reports, with 5,000 already ordered. Nissan only expected to sell 1,000 units at first, but I guess this fresh new look has attracted buyers from all over. The picture above is a photoshopped image from JDMsociety of what a Juke tuning would look like if sporting Volk TE27 rims, slammed to the ground, and yellow headlights. From the factory the Nissan Juke will carry a 1.6-liter turbo engine with 4WD producing 180 horsepower.
Posted By Blogger to Rosta Masta! at 10/13/2011 11:58:00 AM
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
[GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc.] vadis getamped skins batch01getamped 2
Getamped II Skins Made by Vadis
Re-cataloged 2011
Curly Ballerina
FireHeart - Cristophe Audi Version
Michael Jackson
Audi Version
Realistic Version
Posted By Blogger to GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc. at 10/11/2011 08:42:00 PM
Re-cataloged 2011
Curly Ballerina
FireHeart - Cristophe Audi Version
Michael Jackson
Audi Version
Realistic Version
Posted By Blogger to GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc. at 10/11/2011 08:42:00 PM
[GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc.] vadis getamped skins batch02 ga12a
Davy Jones - Pirates of the Carribbean
Bob Marley
Po - Kung Fu Panda
Sportacus - Lazy Town
Winnie the Pooh
Posted By Blogger to GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc. at 10/11/2011 08:38:00 PM
[Riverstream Rhapsody] LazyTown - LazyTown's New Superhero (Part 1)
Posted By Blogger to Riverstream Rhapsody at 10/11/2011 05:55:00 AM
[Riverstream Rhapsody] Gigglebiz Episode 3
Posted By Blogger to Riverstream Rhapsody at 10/11/2011 05:48:00 AM
Posted By Blogger to Riverstream Rhapsody at 10/11/2011 05:48:00 AM
Sunday, October 09, 2011
Tuesday, October 04, 2011
[vadisworld - my way, my world] D4ED Oriental Original Taste!
D4ED in the Orients! A Culinary Adventure
D4ED in the Orients!
Featuring the dishes we D4ED in Hong Kong, Macau and China.
Cities we visited: Guangzhou, Wuhan, Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen.
Period: Aug 24 - Sept 13, 2011
Special note:
In each city we sampled authentic Oriental Cuisine from the famed to house specialities. Especially in Wuhan, each city has its culinary taste speciality.
As I always say: If only there's a way to digitalize taste, I'll tell the world how delicious these dishes were. Just go, see and D4 them all!
[vadismash - the music channel] Lady Gaga - The Edge Of Glory
Buy Now:
Music video by Lady Gaga performing The Edge Of Glory. © 2011 Streamline/Kon Live/Interscope
Posted By Blogger to vadismash - the music channel at 10/04/2011 07:00:00 PM
D4ED Oriental Original Taste!
D4ED in the Orients! A Culinary Adventure
[vadismash - the music channel] Lady Gaga - Scheiße
Follow Lady Gaga, buy the album on iTunes, and more
Posted By Blogger to vadismash - the music channel at 10/04/2011 06:56:00 PM
[vadismash - the music channel] Lady Gaga - The Edge of Glory(Chipmunk Version)
Posted By Blogger to vadismash - the music channel at 10/04/2011 06:51:00 PM
Bullet Train Speed Demo
bullet train speed demo.3GP
this is only to demonstrate the effect of traveling by bullet train.
average speed = 250-300 km/hour
top speed = 350 km/hour
traveling from Guangzhou to Wuhan, China
[vadismash - the music channel] LMFAO Shuffling 101 @101 JAK FM
LMFAO teach 101 Jak fm Music Director how to Shufflin', well we think that she should stick as Music Director rather than a dancer :-p
This exclusive video was taken before LMFAO concert in Java Soulnation 2011 in Jakarta,Indonesia. If you like this video dont forget to post your comments and click LIKE button. More info
Posted By Blogger to vadismash - the music channel at 10/04/2011 06:39:00 PM
Sunday, October 02, 2011
bullet train speed demo.3GP
this is only to demonstrate the effect of traveling by bullet train.
average speed = 250-300 km/hour
top speed = 350 km/hour
traveling from Guangzhou to Wuhan, China
Saturday, October 01, 2011
Top Pictures This Week: Anna Faris, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, KatrinaBowden, and More...
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