Saturday, September 30, 2006

Too Much of Something Is Bad

Too Much of Something Is Bad

Arsip dari diskusi di milis GKI Gading Indah


Jun 16, 2000

Mungkin saya bisa menyumbang sedikit pendapat.

Ada beberapa hal duniawi yang sebenarnya, bila kita mengkonsumsinya secara
wajar, tak perlu dianggap sebagai dosa.

Oleh karena itu, perlu dipertimbangkan persepsi kita tentang hal-hal tersebut.
Ada sebagian orang yang begitu berhadapan dengan rokok, wwf, pokemon atau apalah
itu langsung memberikan persepsi buruk.
Pendapat tersebut bisa kita hargai, dan
kita tak bisa menyalahkan orang tersebut karena latar belakang, sifat dan
Jadi, hendaknya kita mencoba, untuk sekali, melihat segala sesuatu
dari sudut pandang yang berbeda.

Dari ketiga topik tersebut bisa saya uraikan
1. Mengkonsumsi rokok bukanlah dosa, tapi bila rokok dikonsumsi secara
berlebihan, atau bila kesehatan kita rusak karena rokok, atau motivasi yang
salah (sebagai pelarian dari stress, dsb), pada saat itulah dosa timbul.
amatlah penting kalau orang merokok, dia juga menyadari dan mempertimbangkan
efeknya yang merusak kesehatan (merusak kesehatan sendiri adalah dosa), jadi dia
bisa mengatur konsumsinya secara wajar, dan bila perlu, berhenti merokok.

Kesimpulan : Merokok bukan dosa, tapi merusak kesehatan diri sendirilah yang

2. Sekarang ini penggemar WWF makin membludak di seluruh dunia. Memang, di satu
sisi orang memandang WWF sebagai 'kekerasan', tapi di sisi lain orang
memandangnya sebagai 'olahraga'.
Jadi, hendaklah WWF dilihat sebagai ajang adu
prestasi yang menampilkan atletisitas yang tinggi, gerakan2 akrobatik, sedikit
taktik dan permainan mental.
Sampai di sini WWF bukan dosa. Tapi bila dikonsumsi
berlebihan sampai mempengaruhi sifat dan hidup kita, apalagi bila aspek
kekerasannya saja yang diserap, apalagi diserap oleh orang yang kurang didikan
atau kurang iman, mungkin ada perbuatan dosa yang
akan timbul.

3. Pokemon - tak ada efek langsung sama sekali yang bisa menimbulkan dosa
kecuali bila dikonsumsi berlebihan, apalagi sampai maniak.
Jagalah jangan sampai
pokemon mempengaruhi hidup anak2 dan menyulitkan orang tua.

kesimpulannya : Jangan menutup diri pada hal-hal duniawi, tapi jangan
sampai hal-hal duniawi itu mempengaruhi hidup kita, apalagi sampai lebih dari
Tugas kitalah untuk mengontrol hal tersebut.

That's all, folks. -Andry

Komentar dari yoh-lyd:

andry wrote :
>Ada beberapa hal duniawi yang sebenarnya, bila kita mengkonsumsinya
secara wajar .......
yoh :
perlu penjelasan hal duniawai itu apa?
makan, minum, tidur, kerja .... ?

Mengkonsumsi rokok bukanlah dosa, tapi bila rokok dikonsumsi secara
berlebihan .......
yoh :
berlebihan itu berapa batang/sehari sih?
saya menghisap 1 batang rokok sudah 'kliyengan', sementara teman saya
ada yang merokok 3 bungkus/sehari 'anteng' saja tuh ?
apa untuk tiap orang standardnya berbeda ?
apakah Firman Tuhan juga berbeda standard u/ tiap orang ? saya 1 batang
sudah berlebihan jadi dosa, sedang teman saya 2 bungkus belum berdosa
karena dia mampu merokok 3 bungkus ?
Kesimpulan : Merokok bukan dosa, tapi merusak kesehatan diri sendirilah
yang dosa.

yoh :
apakah bisa disimpulkan 'nyolong' juga bukan dosa, tetapi merugikan
orang lainnya yang berdosa ?
. Jadi, hendaklah WWF dilihat ...............
yoh :

WWF = world wide fund for nature ?
inis ih saya sangat setuju.
wrestling ? olah raga ? arena tipu-tipuan !
saya tidak fasih bahasa inggris, tetapi saya tahu banyak omongan kotor &
tindakan kotor docontohkan/dinyatakan dalam show tsb !.
banyak lambang-lambang setan yang dinyatakan dalam pertunjukan tsb.
otak kita sedang diracuni !
Sampai di sini WWF bukan dosa. Tapi bila dikonsumsi berlebihan ..........
yoh :
kembali pertanyaan : berlebihan itu sebanyak apa ?
show tsb ditayangkan 1 minggu/sekali, lalu bila saya setiap minggu
nonton apakah sudah berlebihan.
padahal cuman 1x/1 minggu ?
atau kalau saya nonton 1x/1tahun baru itu tidak berlebihan ?

Pokemon - tak ada efek langsung sama sekali yang bisa
menimbulkan dosa,
yoh :
saya teringat satu contoh nyata 'brain storming' komunis di Cina beberapa
waktu yll, sehingga anak dengan orang tua/suami dengan istri, dsb bisa
saling tidak menghargai hubungan darah/saudara, dsb.
tontonan juga salah satu bentuk 'brain storming'
banyak permainan saat ini diciptakan oleh orang-orang new age untuk
secara tidak sadar 'mencuci otak' seseorang agar tidak lagi perlu bergantung
kepada Allah.
pokemon' = pocket monster
monster means anything unusual size or appearance ; a huge creature causing
fear or a very wicked/sinful person !
dalam alinea kedua posting saya : artikel pokemon, jelas dikatakan :
jika hidup kita telah diambil alih oleh 'monster pokemon', milik siapakah
diri kita ?
padahal Kristus telah merebut kita yang percaya dari iblis dengan darah
yang mahal, yaitu darah Kristus !
>Jadi kesimpulannya
Tugas kitalah untuk mengontrol hal tersebut.
yoh :
setuju, tetapi caranya ?

Komentar dari Budi Harsono:

Buat bung Yohanes,

Setuju banget dng pendapat anda. Kalo tolok ukur kita "rasio" maka "asal
tidak bahaya tidak apa apa", kalau tolok ukur kita Firman, apa yg tidak
diperbolehkan dalam Firman tidak boleh dilakukan, mesikipun "sedikit" dan
"tidak berbahaya".
Sekarang... terserah anda. Mau ikut rasio atau Firman...!

Jun 20, 2000

Old blog : Too Much of Something is Bad – With Filter

Hehe, bener, Pak Budi. Cara mengontrol hal-hal duniawi maupun rohani adalah
dengan Firman Allah.
Kita harus bisa melihat �jiwa� dari segala sesuatu itu.
Ukuran �too much� itu terserah anda, dengan filternya adalah Firman Allah. Saya
udah melihat banyak tanggapan tentang ini, dan saya setuju dengan semuanya.
tidak bisa memperdebatkan persepsi seseorang tentang suatu hal, karena mereka
semua datang dan dibangun dari latar belakang yang berbeda, dengan menggunakan
ukuran �filter� yang berbeda2 pula.
Kadang terlalu ketat, terlalu longgar, atau
mungkin dengan sedikit toleransi.
Tak usah membuat ukuran standar untuk menilai
sesuatu itu berdosa atau tidak.
Itu terpulang dari diri dan hidup kita
Kalau kita merasa itu berdosa, hindari saja. Kalau toh terjerumus
juga, cepatlah bertobat selagi mungkin.

Kalau menurut saya, 1 batang rokok itu sudah �too much� buat saya, karena paru2
saya emang lemah dan (seharusnya nggak saya sebut2) kakek saya meninggal karena
paru2nya rusak karena rokok.
Tapi itu karena beliau terlalu banyak merokok dan
tak bisa mengontrol dirinya sendiri.
Tapi, apakah dengan merokok terlalu banyak
itu lantas kakek saya dicap tak layak masuk surga?
Merokok terlalu banyak
mungkin berdosa (merusak kesehatan sendiri) tapi itu bukanlah dosa yang tak

Yah, satu hal yang gue sebel dari WWF adalah permainan boong-boongan tingkat
tingginya itu.
Tapi yg bikin gue betah nontonnya adalah gerakan2 akrobatik dan
display kekuatan besarnya.
Itu aja. Tentunya lambang2 setan takkan membuat kita
kerasukan atau terdorong berbuat jahat, bukan?
Kalau ya, pada saat itulah kita
Tapi kalau dicuekin, ya nggak ada efek yang merugikan orang, ya nggak
Ya, itu kan cuma persepsi saya. Terserah pandangan orang lain. Kalau
mereka menganggap �menonton� lambang2 setan itu dosa, dan WWF adalah sejenis
provokasi agar orang melakukan dosa, mereka tak dapat disalahkan.
Ingat �filter�
nya aja.

Menurut gue, Pokemon itu lucuuu & cute banget. Tapi kalo gue sampe maniak, lalu
gue lupa sama kerjaan, sama Tuhan, sama doi dan bikin duit gue banyak abis
guelah yang dosa, bukan Pokemonnya.
Mungkin ada kesan bahwa para produser
Pokemon �memancing� anak2 untuk berdosa karena �tersihir� oleh mereka.
semua itu terpulang dari pendidikan dan mental anak2 itu sendiri dari hasil
didikan orang tua.
Wah, penjelasannya bisa panjaang banget.

Sebenarnya masih banyak yg bisa dibahas soal begini2an, seperti misalnya
lagu2nya Michael Jackson dan Madonna, adegan kekerasan di TV/Film (M
contohnya). Tapi apapun itu, pendapat saya selalu
sama. Dosa berasal dari niat
dari hati kita sendiri dan impactnya pada orang lain.

A good thing is good
A bad thing is bad
Much of a good thing is very good
Much of a bad thing is very bad
Too much of a good thing is too bad (or too good if we don�t neglect the others
Too much of a bad thing is too bad

Jangan menghindari dosa, tapi kenalilah dosa itu dan lawanlah dosa.

Itu saja. –ndry


Kalo saya sih, saya milih 'putih' dengan 'a itty-bitty-tiny gray spot'.
Filternya sih pake firman dengan sedikit toleransi berdasarkan rasio. Itu saja.

--- "Trisno S. Sutanto" <trisnoss@...>
> wrote:
>"Unless we learn to live together as brothers and sisters, we shall die
>together as fools"
>-- Martin Luther King, Jr--
>Aduh, pak Budi,
>Haruskah pilihannya ATAU "rasio" ATAU "Firman"? Apakah waktu membaca
>"Firman", maka "rasio" tidur?
>ketika menggunakan "rasio", maka "Firman" di simpan di lemari?
>Pilihannya bukan hitam atau putih begitu, pak. Hidup ini lebih beraneka
>warna ketimbang sekadar hitam atau putih.

Dukunglah vadisworld lewat arisan ini

Bagi pencinta dan pengunjung situs vadisworld, ada beberapa cara untuk mendukung keberlangsungan situs ini. Kami tidak secara langsung meminta agar anda menyumbang ke nomor rekening tertentu, namun dengan bentuk-bentuk dukungan lainnya seperti misalnya mendukung para sponsor kami lewat Adsense di situs-situs kami:,, dan

(Bahasa Indonesia)

Hmm... baru nemu lagi aku baru ingat pernah ikut2 setor untuk ini. Iseng aah! - Andry

Dapatkan jutaan, bahkan milyaran hanya dengan
mengikuti arisan ini dalam
waktu singkat.
Hanya dengan Rp 10.000 saja.

Bacalah teks di bawah ini, hingga selesai.


Para Netter Yth,

Pernahkah terbayang di benak Anda akan
mendapatkan sejumlah besar
dalam waktu singkat, apalagi ditengah badai
krismon saat ini? Impian
Anda ini akan segera terwujud dengan
memanfaatkan fasilitas E-Mail.

Baiklah, tanpa berpanjang lebar, untuk
mewujudkan impian Anda
tersebut,saya akan menawarkan kepada Anda suatu
kesempatan emas
Arisan Kejujuran dan Sambung Rasa (disingkat
AKSARA) lewat E-Mail.
Perlu diketahui saya adalah salah seorang
peserta arisan dahsyat ini
mendapatkan hasil jauh di atas impian saya
semula (walaupun itu hanya
sekitar sepertiga dari jumlah maksimum yang bisa

Surat yang Anda lihat ini pastilah surat yang
telah di-forward oleh
partisipan-partisipan baru yang saya bentuk
setelah saya mendapatkan
kesuksesan.Pasti Anda akan bertanya, kenapa saya
mau merepotkan diri
mengedarkan e-mail ini setelah sukses?

sederhana, karena saya percaya bahwa rejeki atau
keberuntungan yang
tiba-tiba hanya bisa
bertahan lama kalau kita juga berusaha membagi
keberuntungan tersebut
orang lain.

Apakah Anda akan melakukan hal yang sama
setelah berhasil? Itu
pada diri Anda sendiri!
Arisan ini akan mempererat tali persaudaraan
se-Nusantara, hanya
uang Rp.10.000,-
Anda akan memperoleh milyaran rupiah dalam waktu
3-5 minggu. Jangan
dan heran bila Anda mendapat e-mail ini dari
orang yang tidak Anda
sebelumnya. Bahkan Anda sebaiknya patut senang
dan bahagia, karena
cara yang tiba-tiba,Anda mendapat E-Mail
keberuntungan ini.

Permainan ini sudah dimulai sejak tahun 1985 dan
disponsori atau
oleh seorang teman (dokter)yang baru kembali
dari pendidikannya di
Inggris. Di Inggris permainan ini sudah
memasyarakat, sukses dan
disukai, apalagi ditunjang dengan tersedianya
fasilitas E-Mail.

Saya pun pernah seperti Anda saat ini, tidak
yakin dan sama sekali
percaya kalau uang Rp.10.000,- bisa menjadi
milyaran rupiah. Apalagi
peserta dalam kegiatan ini adalah orang-orang
yang tidak saya kenal
belum pernah bertatap muka sebelumnya.

Saya hanya tahu nama, alamat E-Mail dan nomor
rekeningnya saja. Tetapi
setelah melihat dan mencoba persyaratannya,
lebih-lebih nama dan
e-mail serta nomor rekening pesertanya cukup
jelas, saya jadi tertarik
untuk mengikutinya. Pikir-pikir kalau
tertipu,anggap saja "Uang
dan ini tentu saja lebih baik dari pada pasang
lotre, judi atau
sejenisnya yang haram dan belum tentu dapat.

Dan juga kalau dipikir dengan uang Rp. 10.000,-
bisa menghasilkan
banyak kenapa tidak patut dicoba ?

Setelah semua persyaratan saya penuhi.... ah
luar biasa!!! Saya tidak
yakin dan tidak percaya pada kenyataan yang
saya hadapi.
Setelah saya
sekitar 4 minggu (sebulan lebih beberapa hari
tepatnya), rekening
mulai dipenuhi transfer-tranfer uang dari
seluruh penjuru tanah air.

ubahnya hujan yang turun dari

Setelah saya periksa saldo rekening saya,
ternyata semuanya berjumlah
Rp.4.810.300.000,- (empat milyard delapan ratus
sepuluh juta tiga
ribu rupiah).

Pada saat Anda membaca ini Anda pasti akan
menyangka bahwa semua ini
adalah tipu-menipu berkedok penggandaan uang.
Saya tidak akan
Anda,karena itu bacalah terus surat ini, maka
Anda akan mengerti bahwa
semua didasarkan pada logika rumus matematika
semata dan tidak ada
menipu yang melanggar hukum. Dan yang terlebih
hebat,jumlah tersebut
berlipat ganda bila jumlah E-Mail yang terkirim
(berarti partisipan
arisan ini juga berlipat) semakin banyak.!!
Hasil dari Arisan ini
akhirnya dapat saya pergunakan untuk kakak saya
yang akan masuk
perguruan tinggi, bahkan saya dapat membeli
rumah, beli mobil dan
saya gunakan untuk modal usaha baru. Saya berdoa
semoga tidak lama
hal ini terjadi pada diri
Anda.Karena itu, sebaiknya Anda yakin dan
percaya bahwa ini tidak
penipuan, apalagi merugikan Anda.
Jangan ragu
maupun takut-takut untuk
mencantumkan Nama,Alamat E-Mail dan Nomor
Rekening Bank Anda karena
rekening tabungan anda aman tidak akan
terganggu atau berkurang malah
akan segera bertambah dengan cepat.

Jangan salah menuliskan Nomor Rekening Bank
Anda,karena hal ini dapat
merugikan diri Anda sendiri.
Uang yang ditransfer dari seluruh pengirim akan
masuk ke rekening yang
salah.Permainan ini akan
mempererat dan menambah tali persahabatan
diantara kita sebangsa dan
setanah air. Jadi tidak ada unsur Politik,
tidak mengganggu keamanan,
TIDAK MELANGGAR HUKUM, ma ah justru kita telah
menghidupkan rasa
royong dan saling bantu membantu antar
sesama.Kunci dari permainan
adalah kejujuran.
Jangan pernah membohongi diri sendiri. Jangan
mengambil posisi peserta
yang telah lebih dahulu
dari Anda karena hukum karma akan terjadi juga
kepada anda.
yang lebih penting, jumlah
uang yang ditransfer adalah Rp.10.000, tidak
lebih dan tidak kurang.


Oleh karena itu permainan ini diberi nama
"Arisan Kejujuran & Sambung Rasa" (AKSARA).
Percayalah, tanpa kejujuran dari para peserta
maka permainan ini akan
gagal total dan tidak ada yang mendapat hasil
maksimal!! Hanya dengan kejujuran maka semua
akan mendapat ganjaran
Percayalah, kejujuran dan kesertaan Anda akan
membuahkan hasil


Bank BCA cabang Bursa Efek Jakarta No. Rek.

WAHYU NUGROHO ( Wahyu@... )
Bank Lippo Cab. Lippo Plaza Sudirman JKT No.
Rek. 54015009336

STEFANUS LUHUR ( step@... )
Bank BCA cabang Pantai Indah Kapuk No. Rek.

ANDRY TANUWIDJAYA(accenterprise@...)
Bank BCA Cabang Sawah Besar, No. Rek : 284-1000-660



Transfer uang sebesar Rp 10.000,- ke Rekening
Bank peserta No.1 (lihat
daftar peserta di atas), karena ini memang
haknya. Anda juga akan
mengalami dengan sendirinya bila nama Anda sudah
tercantum sebagai
nomor 1. Sekali lagi, disini dituntut kejujuran
dan keikhlasan Anda.

Ubahlah daftar
peserta sebagai berikut:

1. Hapus peserta posisi no.1 (setelah anda
uang Rp.10.000).
2. Ubah posisi peserta no. 2 menjadi no. 1.
3. Ubah posisi peserta no. 3 menjadi no. 2.
4. Ubah posisi peserta no. 4 menjadi no. 3.
5. Untuk peserta posisi no. 4 cantumkan Nama,
Alamat E-Mail dan
No.Rekening Bank Anda.

Teliti nama dan nomor-nomor rekening yang Anda
ketik ulang, jangan
kesalahan, karena dapat merugikan peserta lain
atau Anda sendiri.
menghindari kesalahan sebaiknya Anda gunakan
"Cut" dan "Paste" pada
windows anda. Kirimkan E-Mail ini kepada orang
(semakin banyak semakin baik), siapapun yang
Anda inginkan teman,
sahabat, saudara dan lain-lain, tentu saja
setelah Anda mencantumkan
Anda pada posisi nomor 4
Setelah mengirimkan e-mail tersebut, maka
selesailah tugas Anda.
secepatnya kepada orang lain setelah anda
menerima e-mail ini. Semakin
cepat, semakin baik, karena semakin cepat pula
Anda mendapatkan

Anda diminta untuk tidak serakah atau berbuat
Ikuti petunjuk
dengan seksama.
Bersabarlah menunggu 3 - 5
Gunakan akal sehat
akibat membanjirnya transfer direkening Anda.
Gunakan uang tersebut
untuk hal-hal yang baik dan berguna, terutama
pendidikan dan ibadah.


Kita ambil perumpamaan seorang mengirimkan 40
POSISI 4 Anda mengirimkan 40 e-mail ini kepada
peserta Anda.
POSISI 3 Pada posisi ini E-Mail Anda akan
tersebar ke 1.600 orang
POSISI 2 : Pada posisi ini E-Mail Anda akan
tersebar ke 64.000 orang
POSISI 1 : Pada posisi ini E-Mail Anda akan
tersebar ke 2.560.000
Ini berarti 2.560.000 x Rp 10.000 = Rp
25.600.000.000 (Dua Puluh Lima

Milyar Enam
Ratus Juta Rupiah).

FANTASTIS bukan!!!

Ya, angka di atas adalah bukan hasil tipu menipu
tetapi berdasarkan
perhitungan logis formula
Ingat, ini bukan bisnis penggandaan
uang melainkan arisan
gotong royong dengan jumlah yang nyaris tidak
seberapa (Rp.10.000,-)
tetapi memanfaatkan jumlah rakyat Indonesia yang
besar dan juga

adalah hasil maksimum,
bila semua peserta
benar-benar berpartisipasi dengan mengirimkan
e-mail ini dan
uangnya ke orang-orang yang ditentukan.
Harus diakui, jarang terjadi hal ideal seperti
diatas bukan?
kita melihat apa yang
terjadi bila kita ambil pendekatan pesimistik,
yaitu dimisalkan dari
setiap peserta hanya mengedarkan e-mail ini ke
20 orang saja dan

Kita ambil perumpamaan seorang mengirimkan 20
POSISI 4 : Anda mengirimkan 20 e-mail ini kepada
peserta Anda.
POSISI 3 : Pada posisi ini E-Mail Anda akan
tersebar ke 400
POSISI 2 : Pada posisi ini E-Mail Anda akan
tersebar ke 8000
POSISI 1 : Pada posisi ini E-Mail Anda akan
tersebar ke 160.000 orang

Ini berarti 160.000 orang akan mengirimkan
Rp.10.000 (sepuluh ribu
kepada Anda = 160.000 x Rp 10.000 = Rp
(Satu Milyard Enam Ratus Juta Rupiah)

dapat mengikuti Arisan ini
Hargailah kebaikan orang lain yang
telah berusaha
Anda. Sekali lagi, jangan lupa, apabila Anda
menyalin Nama, Alamat
dan No.
Rekening Bank peserta harus sama dan
Harap diteliti kembali sebelum dikirimkan ke
peserta lain.
Orang gagal adalah orang yang tidak pernah
mengambil tindakan dan
Hanya dengan keyakinan Anda, Anda dapat mencapai
apa yang Anda
Selamat atas keputusan dan keberuntungan Anda
ikut serta dalam Arisan

Anda hanya mengirim uang cukup pada No. 1 saja
(hanya sekali saja
...mudah bukan ?)
Setelah itu forward informasi ini kepada yang
lain sebanyak 40 nama
teman/kenalan Anda setelah Anda mencantu kan
nama Anda pada urutan ke
empat (selalu ada hanya 4 nama).

Maka urutan 2 berubah menjadi 1,
urutan 3 berubah menjadi 2,
urutan 4 berubah menjadi 3,
dan nama Anda ada diurutan keempat (4).

Ingat 40 nama,lebih banyak lebih baik.


Friday, September 29, 2006

Pierce Brosnan

Seraphim Falls (2006) GideonThe Matador (2005) Julian NobleAfter the Sunset (2004) Max

BurdettLaws of Attraction (2004) Daniel RaffertyDie Another Day (2002) James BondEvelyn

(2002) Desmond DoyleThe Match (2001) John McgeeThe Tailor of Panama (2001) Andrew

OsnardDolphins (2000) Grey Owl (2000) Archibald Belaney/ Archie Grey OwlThe Thomas Crown

Affair (1999) Thomas CrownThe World Is Not Enough (1999) James Bond--007Daniel Defoe's

Robinson Crusoe (1998) Robinson CrusoeQuest for Camelot (1998) Voice of of King ArthurThe

Nephew (1998) Joe BradyDante's Peak (1997) Harry DaltonTomorrow Never Dies (1997) James

Bond--Agent 007Mars Attacks! (1996) Donald KesslerThe Disappearance of Kevin Johnson (1996)

HimselfThe Mirror Has Two Faces (1996) AlexDetonator II: Night Watch (1995) Don't Talk to

Strangers (1995) Goldeneye (1995) James Bond--Agent 007Love Affair (1994) Ken AllenDetonator

(1993) Entangled (1993) Mrs. Doubtfire (1993) StuThe Broken Chain (1993) Live Wire (1992)

The Lawnmower Man (1992) Dr Lawrence AngeloMister Johnson (1991) Harry RudbeckMurder 101

(1991) Raw Heat (1991) Victim of Love (1991) Around the World in 80 Days (1989) The Heist

(1989) Taffin (1988) Mark TaffinThe Deceivers (1988) William SavageThe Fourth Protocol

(1987) Major PetrofskyNomads (1986) PommierThe Carpathian Eagle (1981) The Manions of

America (1981) The Long Good Friday (1980) 1st IrishmanThe Mirror Crack'd (1980) Butterfly

on a Wheel Tom RyanMarriage Peter HardingBack to Top

Producer Credits
The Matador (2005) ProducerLaws of Attraction (2004) Executive ProducerEvelyn (2002)

ProducerThe Match (2001) Executive ProducerThe Thomas Crown Affair (1999) ProducerThe Nephew

(1998) ProducerButterfly on a Wheel Executive ProducerBack to Top

Music Credits
Evelyn (2002) Song Performer ("The Parting Glass")Evelyn (2002) Song Performer ("On The

Banks Of The Roses")

Pierce Brosnan

Off-hand charm and self-deprecating comic timing were two of the qualities this dashing

Irish-born leading man brought to his winning portrayal of the sophisticated, often inept,

con man/private investigator Remington Steele on the long-running TV series (NBC, 1982-87)

of the same name. Brosnan, a former commercial illustrator who has garnered frequent

comparisons to Cary Grant, became so popular in this role that he was selected by readers

polled by a national magazine as the favored actor to replace the departing Roger Moore in

the highly profitable James Bond series. However, contractual obligations to "Remington

Steele" made him unavailable and the baton was passed to Timothy Dalton.

Brosnan entered show business as a teen runaway, working with the circus as a fire eater. He

gained somewhat more conventional experience as a member of an experimental London theater

workshop before making his stage debut in a 1976 production of "Wait Until Dark". Brosnan's

theatrical breakthrough came from playwright Tennessee Williams who chose the handsome young

actor to create the role of McCabe in the British premiere of his "Red Devil Battery Sign".

Additional stage work followed before his film debut in a character turn in the well-

received Brit gangster film, "The Long Good Friday" (1980).

America first discovered the slender, dark-haired performer on TV in the miniseries "The

Manions of America" (ABC, 1981) as Rory O'Manion, an Irish immigrant who makes it big in

19th century America. This successful exposure lead to his being cast as Steele. Brosnan

turned up on a number of specials during the series' run and one failed feature, "Nomads"

(1985), in which he played a bedeviled French anthropologist. The transition to film actor

proved difficult, but TV offered regular work in telefilms and miniseries. Brosnan was well

cast as urbane eccentric Phineas Fogg in a miniseries adaptation of Jules Verne's novel

"Around the World in 80 Days" (NBC, 1989). He became a familiar face in made-for-cable

thrillers, notably playing special agent Mike Graham in "Alistair MacLean's Death Train"

(USA, 1993) and "Alistair MacLean's Night Watch" (USA, 1995).

Brosnan initially found little success in features. He starred in the poorly received Ismail

Merchant-produced adventure "The Deceivers" (1988) but received some positive notices for

his portrayal of a Russian agent opposite Michael Caine in "The Fourth Protocol" (1987). He

enjoyed a measure of popular success playing a scientist in the derivative special F/X fest,

"The Lawnmower Man" (1992). Brosnan also played the supporting role of Stu, the other man,

in the immensely successful if mild comedy "Mrs. Doubtfire" (1993).

It was until 1995 that Brosnan finally got his license to kill and landed the role that

would be associated with him for the rest of his life, James Bond, in the film "Goldeneye."

The 007 franchise was rebounding from some underperforming years during which action-heavy

film series like "Lethal Weapon," "Die Hard" and "Batman" were out-Bonding the grandaddy of

the genre, but Brosnan's long-awaited casting created a renewed buzz and his solid

performance as an elegant-but-hard-edge 007 (combining the best elements of Sean Connery and

Roger Moore's diverse appeals) revived the franchise. The actor returned for several more

outings: "Tomorrow Never Dies" (1997) in which he displayed abundant charisma opposite Bond

girl Michelle Yeoh; "The World is Not Enough" (2000) in which his command as an action hero

and sparks with Sophie Marceau balanced his chemistry-impaired relationship with Bond girl

Denise Richards; and the 20th Bond outing "Die Another Day," in which he and Bond girl Halle

Berry delivered the most attractive pairing since the early days of the franchise. Shortly

before the release of "Die Another Day," Brosnan announced his intention to star in a fifth

outing as the suave secret agent; however, in 2004 the actor revealed that he believed he

had subsequently been "fired" from the role, despite--or possibly due to--his efforts to

modernize and upgrade the franchise by recruiting edgier, A-list talent; for example,

Brosnan had hoped he could persuade the producers to hire Quentin Tarantino to adapt "Casino

Royale" into a feature film. In 2005 he told Entertainment Weekly that his role was ended

with one telephone call, and that he always felt Bond was an uneasy fit for him,

particularly the character's snarky one-liners. The franchize's producers countered that

Brosnan asked for $30 million and gross points to reprise 007, something never granted

before to any Bond actor.

His success as Bond also led to a renewed career in feature films as well, first in

typically debonair supporting roles in films such as "The Mirror Has Two Faces" (1996) and

"Mars Attacks" (1996), and then as a leading man in summer action fare like the volcano

thriller "Dante's Peak" (1997). He also demonstrated a fondness for smaller films with an

Anglo-Saxon bent such the Irish-themed "The Nephew" (1998) and the Scot-centric soccer

comedy "The Match" (1999) - Brosnan also executive produced both films. He also received

kudos for his performance as Archie Grey Owl, a 1930s Canadian fur trapper who adopts the

ways of the Iroquois tribe in Sir Richard Attenborough's little-seen "Grey Owl" (1999). His

most successful and delightful non-Bond outing came in 1999, when he played the title role

of the millionaire art thief in director John McTiernan's classy remake of "The Thomas Crown

Affair," a role in which he displayed considerable elegance, panache and palpable sex appeal

opposite his age-appropriate leading lady Rene Russo-as he neared the age of 50 he was a

bigger sex symbol than when he was in his 30s, and in 2001 People magazine named him the

Sexiest Man Alive.

Other strong roles followed, included a well-received turn in the John Le Carre spy thriller

"The Tailor of Panama" (2001) from director John Boorman and a robust performance in Bruce

Bereford's "Evelyn" (2002), the true story of a working-class, pub-going, newly single

Dublin dad who fights to regain custody of his children after his daughter and two sons are

placed in Church-run orphanages by the Irish courts in the 1950s. Brosnan also produced the

latter film under his Irish DreamTime production company. Next was a turn in the romantic

comedy "Laws of Attraction" (2004) alongside Julianne Moore; the pair played opposing

divorce lawyers who, despite their adversarial courtroom relationship, wake up to discover

they've gotten married after a romantic, if alcohol-soaked, evening. Returning more to his

classic form, Brosnan played a successful jewel theif struggling with retirement in the

Bahamas and tempted by one more big score in "After the Sunset" (2004), a sort of "Thomas

Crown Lite" venture in which benefitted from Brosnan's chemistry with co-stars Salma Hayek

and Woody Harrelson.

Also Credited As: Pierce Brendan BrosnanBorn: on 05/16/1952 in Navan, County Meath,

IrelandJob Titles: Actor, Producer, Assistant stage manager, Fire eater, Illustrator,

Step-father: William Carmichael.
The Drama Centre, London, England, acting
1964 Saw his first Technicolor film, "Goldfinger" (date approximate)
1976 London stage debut, "Wait Until Dark"
1977 Chosen by Tennessee Williams to create the role of McCabe in the British premiere of

"Red Devil Battery Sign"
1980 Film debut, "The Long Good Friday"
1981 American TV debut, starred as Rory O'Manion on the ABC historical miniseries "The

Manions of America"
1981 Moved from England to America
1982 Starred in the title role of NBC TV series, "Remington Steele"
1984 Suffered an attack of Bell's Palsy in the dressing room just before going on "The

Tonight Show" hosted by Joan Rivers
1985 Made US film debut in "Nomads"
1986 Briefly reunited with his father, who had abandoned him and his mother before Brosnan's

first birthday, in Ireland during the filming of one of the last "Remington Steele" episodes
1994 Named as the successor to Timothy Dalton as James Bond -- 007
1995 Starred as Bond in "Goldeneye"
1997 Received star number 2,099 on Hollywood Walk of Fame (December 3)
1998 Produced and acted in "The Nephew"
1999 Reprised Bond in "The World is Not Enough"
1999 Starred in the remake of "The Thomas Crown Affair"
1999 Starred in the title role of "Grey Eagle"
2001 Dubbed "the sexiest man alive" by People
2001 Had co-starring role as a government operative exiled to South American in "The Tailor

of Panama"
2002 Once again portrayed James Bond in "Die Another Day"; signed for a fifth outing as 007
2002 Starred in the true tale of an Irishman who overturned an old law in order to retain

custody of his children in "Evelyn"; also produced
2004 Announced he will no longer portray James Bond 007
2004 Co-starred with Salma Hayek and Woody Harrelson in "After the Sunset"
2004 Starred as Daniel Rafferty, a divorce lawyer in the romantic comedy "Laws of

2005 Starred opposite Hope Davis and Greg Kinnear as a world-traveling assassin in "The

Matador"; earned a Golden Globe nomination for Best Actor
Appeared on the London stage in Franco Zeffirelli's production of "Filumena" (for a year and

a half)
Joined an experimental theater workshop in London
Left County Meath, Ireland for London at age 11
Lost out on the Bond role due to his contractual obligation to "Remington Steele"
Raised by grandparents and relatives from age four to 11
Ran away with the circus as a fire eater in his teens
Selected by the public in national magazine polls to succeed Roger Moore as James Bond in

the popular movie series
TV debut, "Murphy's Stroke"
Will join Liam Neeson in the period thriller "Seraphim Falls" (lensed 2005)
Will reprise his role as Thomas Crown in "The Topkapi Affair" the sequel to the 1999 re-make

of "The Thomas Crown Affair" (lensed 2005)
Will star in the 1940s period drama "Marriage" (lensed 2006)
Worked as a commercial illustrator
Worked as assistant stage manager at the York Theatre Royal in York, England

John Cleese

A tall, long-legged, and jut-jawed English comic actor/writer/producer who specialized in playing thin-skinned Establishment figures as a member of the celebrated, ground-breaking comedy troupe Monty Python's Flying Circus, John Cleese began his comedy career with The Footlights, the famed performing society at Cambridge, where he first worked with future Pythoners Eric Idle and Graham Chapman. Other members included Cleese's future collaborator (and renowned humorist and interviewer) David Frost, future director of the Royal Shakespeare Company Trevor Nunn, and future NATIONAL LAMPOON editor Tony Hendra. Though he had been studying for a career in law, Cleese began writing comedy for BBC Radio in 1963. He then met both Connie Booth (whom he would later marry) and Terry Gilliam (the future American Python member) while on tour with "The Footlights Revue" in the USA.

On returning to England, Cleese landed a job writing for TV's "The Frost Report". He and Chapman collaborated on several screenplays and teleplays (the pilot episode of the TV series, "Doctor in the House"; additional material for "The Magic Christian" 1970; "The Rise and Rise of Michael Rimmer" 1970) roughly contemporaneous with the formation of Monty Python's Flying Circus for BBC TV. Possibly the best-known of the Pythons, Cleese also enjoyed considerable success with a more conventional but nonetheless uproarious sitcom "Fawlty Towers" (BBC-2, 1975; BBC-2, 1979), co-written by Booth. Here he portrayed Basil Fawlty, the perpetually frustrated owner of a resort inn, as sort of a middle-class Ralph Kramden on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Cleese was also the co-founder of Video Arts Ltd., a company specializing in witty training films in which he often starred and which has become the largest training film company in the world outside the USA. Cleese also acted in and co-wrote all the Monty Python features and has appeared in films by Python alumni Terry Jones and Gilliam.

Cleese acted in a number of non-Python-related British comedies in the 80s (e.g., "Privates on Parade" 1982; "Yellowbeard" 1983; "Clockwise" 1986). He has also become a familiar face in American TV commercials and in small memorable turns in Hollywood features (i.e., "The Great Muppet Caper" 1981; Lawrence Kasdan's "Silverado" 1985; "The Big Picture" 1989; and voice work for the animated "An American Tail: Fieval Goes West" 1991). Cleese's greatest film success was "A Fish Called Wanda" (1988), a blockbuster comedy directed by Ealing Studio veteran Charles Crichton and starring Cleese (as an uptight British barrister), Jamie Lee Curtis (a sexy con artist), Kevin Kline (her macho boyfriend) and former Python Michael Palin (as a hilariously tortured animal lover). Having written the screenplay, he also served as executive producer, and the little gem that cost slightly more than $7 million to make took in more than $200 million. He later appeared to less success with Idle and Rick Moranis in "Splitting Heirs" (1993), a strained comedy in the Monty Python tradition which failed to deliver the requisite laughs.

The success of "A Fish Called Wanda" cried out for a sequel, and Cleese, his apoplectic zoo director recalling Basil Fawlty, reunited with his "Wanda" co-stars for "Fierce Creatures" (1997), a pleasant enough farce but hardly the "equal" of "Wanda". The year before had provided a little seen gem reuniting four of the original six Python members (Idle, Cleese, Jones, Palin), Terry Jones' live-action take on Kenneth Grahame's 1908 classic "The Wind in the Willows". The ensemble including Steve Coogan and Nicol Williamson ably tackled its animal story for children and adult satire of British class pretensions, but despite rave reviews, Columbia Pictures declined to promote it, having received its distribution rights (but not its video rights) as part of an arbitrated award in a lawsuit with Disney. Cleese, who can still be seen in the occasional commercial, had a banner year in 1999, playing an obnoxious hotel clerk with a penchant for women's clothes in the remake of "The Out-of-Towners" and Simon & Schuster head Dick Snyder in the Jacqueline Susann biopic "Isn't She Great", not to mention taking his first turn on Her Majesty's Secret Service as R, the apprentice gadget-master to Q (Desmond Llewelyn) in a James Bond pic, "The World Is Not Enough", featuring cameos from more than a dozen glamorous Bond girls from pictures past.

In 2002, Cleese may have intially smarted from his ratings-impaired and critically drubbed sitcom "Wednesday at 9:30 (8:30 Central)" and an appearence in one of the year's biggest bombs, "The Adventures of Pluto Nash," but he ended the year on a triumphant high note with two hugely popular films. He portrayed Nearly Headless Nick in "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" (2002), a character that he first introduced in "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" (2001). He was then seen in the James Bond action feature "Die Another Day"(2002), his second Bond movie and the first in the role of Q (with the passing of Llewelyn). This time around Cleese brought even more of his trademark cheek and disdain to the part. The comedian's talents were woefully underused in his turn as Lucy Liu's staid father in "Charlie's Angels 2: Full Throttle" (2003), in a thin, juvenile "Three's Company"-style subplot in the otherwise fun romp. In 2003 Cleese joined the cast of NBC's hit sit-com "Will & Grace" in a delightful recurring role as Lyle "Finney" Finster, the paramour of Karen Walker (Megan Mullally) and the father of Karen's arch-nemesis (Minnie Driver). The actor also lent his haughty tones to the voice of King Harold, father of Princess Fiona (Cameron Diaz) in the CGI sequel "Shrek 2" (2004).

Cleese and the other surviving members of the Python troupe gave their blessing to Eric Idle's Broadway production of "Spamalot," a stage musical drawn from their 1975 film "Monty Python and the Holy Grail." The 2005 debut earned rave reviews and broke box office records, and although Cleese did not appear in person, he was the only Python in the cast as he provided the voice of God for the original production.

A longtime outspoken advocate and activist for animals, Cleese inspired researchers in 2005 to name a newly discovered species of Madagascar lemur after him: the avahi cleesei.

  • Also Credited As:
    John Marwood Cleese, John Otto Cleese

  • Born:
    on 10/27/1939 in Weston-Super-Mare, England

  • Job Titles:
    Actor, Screenwriter, Author, Producer, Director, Teacher


  • Clifton College, Bristol, England, 1953-58


  • 1958 Taught at St. Peter's Prep School
  • 1962 Appeared in "The Footlights Revue", directed by Trevor Nunn; played for five months in the West End
  • 1963 Joined BBC Radio writing sketches for the "Dick Emery Show"
  • 1964 Appeared in New Zealand and New York (on- and off-Broadway, as well as on "The Ed Sullivan Show", CBS) with "Footlights Revue"
  • 1966 Began working on BBC-TV's "The Frost Report"
  • 1968 First screen credit in collaboration with Graham Chapman ("additional material"), "The Magic Christian"
  • 1968 Screen acting debut in "The Bliss of Mrs. Blossom"
  • 1969 Debut of the BBC's "Monty Python's Flying Circus", aired in the United States on PBS
  • 1970 Feature film screenwriting debut (with Graham Chapman), "The Rise and Rise of Michael Rimmer"; also acted in film
  • 1971 First Monty Python film, "And Now for Something Completely Different"
  • 1971 Formed Video Arts Limited to make industrial training films
  • 1971 With Chapman, wrote the pilot episode of "Doctor in the House", a British sitcom syndicated in the US
  • 1972 Began making TV commercials
  • 1975 Back with the gang for "Monty Python and the Holy Grail"
  • 1979 Offended all religions equally in irreverent Python pic "The Life of Brian"
  • 1979 Stage directed sequences for "The Secret Policeman's Ball", a comedy performance documentary
  • 1981 Starred as Robin Hood in Terry Gilliam's "Time Bandits"
  • 1983 Reteamed with his pals for "Monty Python's The Meaning of Life"
  • 1985 Delivered memorable turn as Sheriff Langston in "Silverado"; first screen collaboration with Kevin Kline
  • 1986 Starred as a school headmaster obsessed with punctuality in "Clockwise"; his tour de force performance was the saving grace of a very thin script
  • 1987 First American TV guest spot, "Cheers"; won an Emmy
  • 1988 First feature film as producer, "A Fish Called Wanda", directed by Crichton; Cleese received an Academy Award nomination for his screenplay; co-star Kline won Best Supporting Actor Oscar
  • 1991 Voiced Cat R. Waul for the animated "An American Tail: Feivel Goes West"
  • 1994 Portrayed Professor Waldman in "Mary Shelley's Frankenstein"
  • 1995 Brought back the crew from "A Fish Called Wanda" in the less satisfying (but still funny) "Fierce Creatures"; Cleese essentially repeated his "Fawlty Towers" role as the apoplectic director of the Marwood Zoo
  • 1997 Voiced Ape, the mentor and father figure of Brendan Fraser's "George of the Jungle"
  • 1999 Essayed R in James Bond pic "The World Is Not Enough", directed by Michael Apted
  • 1999 Performance as obnoxious hotel clerk Mr. Mersault in the remake of "The Out-of-Towners" again recalled Basil Fawlty, this time in his element (although more upscale)
  • 1999 Portrayed fictionalized version of Simon & Schuster head Dick Snyder (called Henry Marcus) in "Isn't She Great", starring Bette Midler as pulp novelist
  • 2001 Appered in the large ensemble comedy "Rat Race," a throwback to the star-packed comedies of the 1960s
  • 2001 Played Nearly Headless Nick in "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone"
  • 2002 Appeared in the Eddie Murphy sci-fi comedy bomb "The Adventures of Pluto Nash"
  • 2002 Promoted to the role of Q in next Bond outing, "Die Another Day"
  • 2002 Returned as Nearly Headless Nick in "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets."
  • 2002 Starred as the owner of a TV network in the ABC comedy "Wednesday 9:30 (8:30 Central)"
  • 2003 Cast as the father of Alex (Lucy Liu) in "Charlie's Angels 2: Full Throttle"
  • 2004 Appeared in a few episodes of "Will and Grace," playing the father of Minnie Driver's character and the love interest of Karen; received an Emmy nomination for Best Guest Actor in a Comedy Series
  • 2004 Cast as The Balloon Man in the Disney live action feature "Around the World in 80 Days"
  • 2004 Voiced Fiona's Father, King Harold in the animated feature "Shrek 2"
  • 2005 Will take his one-man show, "Seven Ways to Skin an Ocelot," on tour begining in New Zealand (november)
  • Brought former Ealing Studio director Charles Crichton to Video Arts Ltd. to direct training films
  • Co-created, co-wrote (with then-wife Connie Booth) and starred in British TV series "Fawlty Towers"
  • Joined The Footlights, a performing group at Cambridge
  • Worked with Crichton on 17 short films



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The Divine Comedy - Hell (12 of 38)


THE place where to descend the precipice
We came, was rough as Alp, and on its verge
Such object lay, as every eye would shun.

As is that ruin, which Adice's stream
On this side Trento struck, should'ring the wave,
Or loos'd by earthquake or for lack of prop;
For from the mountain's summit, whence it mov'd
To the low level, so the headlong rock
Is shiver'd, that some passage it might give
To him who from above would pass; e'en such
Into the chasm was that descent: and there
At point of the disparted ridge lay stretch'd
The infamy of Crete, detested brood
Of the feign'd heifer: and at sight of us
It gnaw'd itself, as one with rage distract.

To him my guide exclaim'd: "Perchance thou deem'st
The King of Athens here, who, in the world
Above, thy death contriv'd. Monster! avaunt!
He comes not tutor'd by thy sister's art,
But to behold your torments is he come."

Like to a bull, that with impetuous spring
Darts, at the moment when the fatal blow
Hath struck him, but unable to proceed
Plunges on either side; so saw I plunge
The Minotaur; whereat the sage exclaim'd:
"Run to the passage! while he storms, 't is well
That thou descend." Thus down our road we took
Through those dilapidated crags, that oft
Mov'd underneath my feet, to weight like theirs
Unus'd. I pond'ring went, and thus he spake:

"Perhaps thy thoughts are of this ruin'd steep,
Guarded by the brute violence, which I
Have vanquish'd now. Know then, that when I erst
Hither descended to the nether hell,
This rock was not yet fallen. But past doubt
(If well I mark) not long ere He arrived,
Who carried off from Dis the mighty spoil
Of the highest circle, then through all its bounds
Such trembling seiz'd the deep concave and foul,
I thought the universe was thrill'd with love,
Whereby, there are who deem, the world hath oft
Been into chaos turn'd: and in that point,
Here, and elsewhere, that old rock toppled down.
But fix thine eyes beneath: the river of blood
Approaches, in the which all those are steep'd,
Who have by violence injur'd." O blind lust!
O foolish wrath! who so dost goad us on
In the brief life, and in the eternal then
Thus miserably o'erwhelm us. I beheld
An ample foss, that in a bow was bent,
As circling all the plain; for so my guide
Had told. Between it and the rampart's base
On trail ran Centaurs, with keen arrows arm'd,
As to the chase they on the earth were wont.

At seeing us descend they each one stood;
And issuing from the troop, three sped with bows
And missile weapons chosen first; of whom
One cried from far: "Say to what pain ye come
Condemn'd, who down this steep have journied? Speak
From whence ye stand, or else the bow I draw."

To whom my guide: "Our answer shall be made
To Chiron, there, when nearer him we come.
Ill was thy mind, thus ever quick and rash."

Then me he touch'd, and spake: "Nessus is this,
Who for the fair Deianira died,
And wrought himself revenge for his own fate.
He in the midst, that on his breast looks down,
Is the great Chiron who Achilles nurs'd;
That other Pholus, prone to wrath." Around
The foss these go by thousands, aiming shafts
At whatsoever spirit dares emerge
From out the blood, more than his guilt allows.

We to those beasts, that rapid strode along,
Drew near, when Chiron took an arrow forth,
And with the notch push'd back his shaggy beard
To the cheek-bone, then his great mouth to view
Exposing, to his fellows thus exclaim'd:
"Are ye aware, that he who comes behind
Moves what he touches? The feet of the dead
Are not so wont." My trusty guide, who now
Stood near his breast, where the two natures join,
Thus made reply: "He is indeed alive,
And solitary so must needs by me
Be shown the gloomy vale, thereto induc'd
By strict necessity, not by delight.
She left her joyful harpings in the sky,
Who this new office to my care consign'd.
He is no robber, no dark spirit I.
But by that virtue, which empowers my step
To treat so wild a path, grant us, I pray,
One of thy band, whom we may trust secure,
Who to the ford may lead us, and convey
Across, him mounted on his back; for he
Is not a spirit that may walk the air."

Then on his right breast turning, Chiron thus
To Nessus spake: "Return, and be their guide.
And if ye chance to cross another troop,
Command them keep aloof." Onward we mov'd,
The faithful escort by our side, along
The border of the crimson-seething flood,
Whence from those steep'd within loud shrieks arose.

Some there I mark'd, as high as to their brow
Immers'd, of whom the mighty Centaur thus:
"These are the souls of tyrants, who were given
To blood and rapine. Here they wail aloud
Their merciless wrongs. Here Alexander dwells,
And Dionysius fell, who many a year
Of woe wrought for fair Sicily. That brow
Whereon the hair so jetty clust'ring hangs,
Is Azzolino; that with flaxen locks
Obizzo' of Este, in the world destroy'd
By his foul step-son." To the bard rever'd
I turned me round, and thus he spake; "Let him
Be to thee now first leader, me but next
To him in rank." Then farther on a space
The Centaur paus'd, near some, who at the throat
Were extant from the wave; and showing us
A spirit by itself apart retir'd,
Exclaim'd: "He in God's bosom smote the heart,
Which yet is honour'd on the bank of Thames."

A race I next espied, who held the head,
And even all the bust above the stream.
'Midst these I many a face remember'd well.
Thus shallow more and more the blood became,
So that at last it but imbru'd the feet;
And there our passage lay athwart the foss.

"As ever on this side the boiling wave
Thou seest diminishing," the Centaur said,
"So on the other, be thou well assur'd,
It lower still and lower sinks its bed,
Till in that part it reuniting join,
Where 't is the lot of tyranny to mourn.
There Heav'n's stern justice lays chastising hand
On Attila, who was the scourge of earth,
On Sextus, and on Pyrrhus, and extracts
Tears ever by the seething flood unlock'd
From the Rinieri, of Corneto this,
Pazzo the other nam'd, who fill'd the ways
With violence and war." This said, he turn'd,
And quitting us, alone repass'd the ford.


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Thursday, September 28, 2006

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The Divine Comedy - Hell (11 of 38)


UPON the utmost verge of a high bank,
By craggy rocks environ'd round, we came,
Where woes beneath more cruel yet were stow'd:
And here to shun the horrible excess
Of fetid exhalation, upward cast
From the profound abyss, behind the lid
Of a great monument we stood retir'd,

Whereon this scroll I mark'd: "I have in charge
Pope Anastasius, whom Photinus drew
From the right path.--Ere our descent behooves
We make delay, that somewhat first the sense,
To the dire breath accustom'd, afterward
Regard it not." My master thus; to whom
Answering I spake: "Some compensation find
That the time past not wholly lost." He then:
"Lo! how my thoughts e'en to thy wishes tend!
My son! within these rocks," he thus began,
"Are three close circles in gradation plac'd,
As these which now thou leav'st. Each one is full
Of spirits accurs'd; but that the sight alone
Hereafter may suffice thee, listen how
And for what cause in durance they abide.

"Of all malicious act abhorr'd in heaven,
The end is injury; and all such end
Either by force or fraud works other's woe
But fraud, because of man peculiar evil,
To God is more displeasing; and beneath
The fraudulent are therefore doom'd to' endure
Severer pang. The violent occupy
All the first circle; and because to force
Three persons are obnoxious, in three rounds
Hach within other sep'rate is it fram'd.
To God, his neighbour, and himself, by man
Force may be offer'd; to himself I say
And his possessions, as thou soon shalt hear
At full. Death, violent death, and painful wounds
Upon his neighbour he inflicts; and wastes
By devastation, pillage, and the flames,
His substance. Slayers, and each one that smites
In malice, plund'rers, and all robbers, hence
The torment undergo of the first round
In different herds. Man can do violence
To himself and his own blessings: and for this
He in the second round must aye deplore
With unavailing penitence his crime,
Whoe'er deprives himself of life and light,
In reckless lavishment his talent wastes,
And sorrows there where he should dwell in joy.
To God may force be offer'd, in the heart
Denying and blaspheming his high power,
And nature with her kindly law contemning.
And thence the inmost round marks with its seal
Sodom and Cahors, and all such as speak
Contemptuously' of the Godhead in their hearts.

"Fraud, that in every conscience leaves a sting,
May be by man employ'd on one, whose trust
He wins, or on another who withholds
Strict confidence. Seems as the latter way
Broke but the bond of love which Nature makes.
Whence in the second circle have their nest
Dissimulation, witchcraft, flatteries,
Theft, falsehood, simony, all who seduce
To lust, or set their honesty at pawn,
With such vile scum as these. The other way
Forgets both Nature's general love, and that
Which thereto added afterwards gives birth
To special faith. Whence in the lesser circle,
Point of the universe, dread seat of Dis,
The traitor is eternally consum'd."

I thus: "Instructor, clearly thy discourse
Proceeds, distinguishing the hideous chasm
And its inhabitants with skill exact.
But tell me this: they of the dull, fat pool,
Whom the rain beats, or whom the tempest drives,
Or who with tongues so fierce conflicting meet,
Wherefore within the city fire-illum'd
Are not these punish'd, if God's wrath be on them?
And if it be not, wherefore in such guise
Are they condemned?" He answer thus return'd:
"Wherefore in dotage wanders thus thy mind,
Not so accustom'd? or what other thoughts
Possess it? Dwell not in thy memory
The words, wherein thy ethic page describes
Three dispositions adverse to Heav'n's will,
Incont'nence, malice, and mad brutishness,
And how incontinence the least offends
God, and least guilt incurs? If well thou note
This judgment, and remember who they are,
Without these walls to vain repentance doom'd,
Thou shalt discern why they apart are plac'd
From these fell spirits, and less wreakful pours
Justice divine on them its vengeance down."

"O Sun! who healest all imperfect sight,
Thou so content'st me, when thou solv'st my doubt,
That ignorance not less than knowledge charms.
Yet somewhat turn thee back," I in these words
Continu'd, "where thou saidst, that usury
Offends celestial Goodness; and this knot
Perplex'd unravel." He thus made reply:
"Philosophy, to an attentive ear,
Clearly points out, not in one part alone,
How imitative nature takes her course
From the celestial mind and from its art:
And where her laws the Stagyrite unfolds,
Not many leaves scann'd o'er, observing well
Thou shalt discover, that your art on her
Obsequious follows, as the learner treads
In his instructor's step, so that your art
Deserves the name of second in descent
From God. These two, if thou recall to mind
Creation's holy book, from the beginning
Were the right source of life and excellence
To human kind. But in another path
The usurer walks; and Nature in herself
And in her follower thus he sets at nought,
Placing elsewhere his hope. But follow now
My steps on forward journey bent; for now
The Pisces play with undulating glance
Along the' horizon, and the Wain lies all
O'er the north-west; and onward there a space
Is our steep passage down the rocky height."


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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The Divine Comedy - Hell (10 of 38)


NOW by a secret pathway we proceed,
Between the walls, that hem the region round,
And the tormented souls: my master first,
I close behind his steps. "Virtue supreme!"
I thus began; "who through these ample orbs
In circuit lead'st me, even as thou will'st,
Speak thou, and satisfy my wish. May those,
Who lie within these sepulchres, be seen?
Already all the lids are rais'd, and none
O'er them keeps watch." He thus in answer spake
"They shall be closed all, what-time they here
From Josaphat return'd shall come, and bring
Their bodies, which above they now have left.
The cemetery on this part obtain
With Epicurus all his followers,
Who with the body make the spirit die.
Here therefore satisfaction shall be soon
Both to the question ask'd, and to the wish,
Which thou conceal'st in silence." I replied:
"I keep not, guide belov'd! from thee my heart
Secreted, but to shun vain length of words,
A lesson erewhile taught me by thyself."

"O Tuscan! thou who through the city of fire
Alive art passing, so discreet of speech!
Here please thee stay awhile. Thy utterance
Declares the place of thy nativity
To be that noble land, with which perchance
I too severely dealt." Sudden that sound
Forth issu'd from a vault, whereat in fear
I somewhat closer to my leader's side
Approaching, he thus spake: "What dost thou? Turn.
Lo, Farinata, there! who hath himself
Uplifted: from his girdle upwards all
Expos'd behold him." On his face was mine
Already fix'd; his breast and forehead there
Erecting, seem'd as in high scorn he held
E'en hell. Between the sepulchres to him
My guide thrust me with fearless hands and prompt,
This warning added: "See thy words be clear!"

He, soon as there I stood at the tomb's foot,
Ey'd me a space, then in disdainful mood
Address'd me: "Say, what ancestors were thine?"

I, willing to obey him, straight reveal'd
The whole, nor kept back aught: whence he, his brow
Somewhat uplifting, cried: "Fiercely were they
Adverse to me, my party, and the blood
From whence I sprang: twice therefore I abroad
Scatter'd them." "Though driv'n out, yet they each time
From all parts," answer'd I, "return'd; an art
Which yours have shown, they are not skill'd to learn."

Then, peering forth from the unclosed jaw,
Rose from his side a shade, high as the chin,
Leaning, methought, upon its knees uprais'd.
It look'd around, as eager to explore
If there were other with me; but perceiving
That fond imagination quench'd, with tears
Thus spake: "If thou through this blind prison go'st.
Led by thy lofty genius and profound,
Where is my son? and wherefore not with thee?"

I straight replied: "Not of myself I come,
By him, who there expects me, through this clime
Conducted, whom perchance Guido thy son
Had in contempt." Already had his words
And mode of punishment read me his name,
Whence I so fully answer'd. He at once
Exclaim'd, up starting, "How! said'st thou he HAD?
No longer lives he? Strikes not on his eye
The blessed daylight?" Then of some delay
I made ere my reply aware, down fell
Supine, not after forth appear'd he more.

Meanwhile the other, great of soul, near whom
I yet was station'd, chang'd not count'nance stern,
Nor mov'd the neck, nor bent his ribbed side.
"And if," continuing the first discourse,
"They in this art," he cried, "small skill have shown,
That doth torment me more e'en than this bed.
But not yet fifty times shall be relum'd
Her aspect, who reigns here Queen of this realm,
Ere thou shalt know the full weight of that art.
So to the pleasant world mayst thou return,
As thou shalt tell me, why in all their laws,
Against my kin this people is so fell?"

"The slaughter and great havoc," I replied,
"That colour'd Arbia's flood with crimson stain--
To these impute, that in our hallow'd dome
Such orisons ascend." Sighing he shook
The head, then thus resum'd: "In that affray
I stood not singly, nor without just cause
Assuredly should with the rest have stirr'd;
But singly there I stood, when by consent
Of all, Florence had to the ground been raz'd,
The one who openly forbad the deed."

"So may thy lineage find at last repose,"
I thus adjur'd him, "as thou solve this knot,
Which now involves my mind. If right I hear,
Ye seem to view beforehand, that which time
Leads with him, of the present uninform'd."

"We view, as one who hath an evil sight,"
He answer'd, "plainly, objects far remote:
So much of his large spendour yet imparts
The' Almighty Ruler; but when they approach
Or actually exist, our intellect
Then wholly fails, nor of your human state
Except what others bring us know we aught.
Hence therefore mayst thou understand, that all
Our knowledge in that instant shall expire,
When on futurity the portals close."

Then conscious of my fault, and by remorse
Smitten, I added thus: "Now shalt thou say
To him there fallen, that his offspring still
Is to the living join'd; and bid him know,
That if from answer silent I abstain'd,
'Twas that my thought was occupied intent
Upon that error, which thy help hath solv'd."

But now my master summoning me back
I heard, and with more eager haste besought
The spirit to inform me, who with him
Partook his lot. He answer thus return'd:

"More than a thousand with me here are laid
Within is Frederick, second of that name,
And the Lord Cardinal, and of the rest
I speak not." He, this said, from sight withdrew.
But I my steps towards the ancient bard
Reverting, ruminated on the words
Betokening me such ill. Onward he mov'd,
And thus in going question'd: "Whence the' amaze
That holds thy senses wrapt?" I satisfied
The' inquiry, and the sage enjoin'd me straight:
"Let thy safe memory store what thou hast heard
To thee importing harm; and note thou this,"
With his rais'd finger bidding me take heed,

"When thou shalt stand before her gracious beam,
Whose bright eye all surveys, she of thy life
The future tenour will to thee unfold."

Forthwith he to the left hand turn'd his feet:
We left the wall, and tow'rds the middle space
Went by a path, that to a valley strikes;
Which e'en thus high exhal'd its noisome steam.


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