Thursday, July 30, 2009

[FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy] Outlaw City - The RPGGame

Written by Anamei Productions™

Outlaw City Project History

Outlaw City the project came about because of the first official contest held by the RPG Maker XP community: After having set up a subscription service, had it's first time in the black (financially) and that very Tuesday they created the first contest.

To Create a 5+ hour game within 2 months from scratch. No other resource limitations were imposed.

We decided to come up with a new project idea, and were talking over things people hadn't often done in an Role Playing Game, and one thing that came right up with a Super Hero styled RPG game. Intrigued with the idea, we took some of our super hero designs from a game called City of Heroes and put together a story that used them.

Outlaw City has seen one sequel, Outlaw City: Dark Past, which details the early adventures of one of Outlaw City's main characters when she was younger and in her original home.

Future of Outlaw City

The future holds some fun possibilities for Outlaw City, of it's original story, only about 2/3 manged to make it into the game, much of the more personal aspects of the characters were ignored and avoided, especially the back history of Proto and Mystic, and Sahra's father and mother.

There were plans to revise Outlaw City to include the rest of this story, but we decided that just revising an old game with new content was a waste, and are planning instead an Outlaw City 2, where the huge underlying theme of Malice from Dark Past and Outlaw City will be uncovered, as will the truth behind Sahra and her unusual family ties.

History of Outlaw City

Outlaw City is an RPG set in the post-modern day "Generation City."

During a world-wide energy crisis, a newly formed corporation, Generation Corp, offered to solve the world's energy problems on the condition that they be given money and an island to form a central power-generating hub that had completely sovereignty.

Sounding outrageous, the world governments scoffed and asked for proof that such a thing was possible. Generation Corp invited each country to bring scientific representatives to see their newest endeavor, an Infinity Generator, in a highly successful demonstration. After having proven that they could create massive amounts of energy quickly, cheaply, and cleanly, the governments agreed, funding was supplied, and the island city of Generation was born.

The Price of Sovereignty

Run by Generation Corp, the city soon became a very popular hub for the wealthy and for trade. Generation City, free from world laws, also became an ideal place for black market operations and illegal opportunities. Soon even worse began to gather, including terrorists, anarchists, and other violient delinquints.

However Generation Corp was well aware of the dangers that being sovereign carried; they had formed a highly advanced and well equipped personal army of peace-keepers. Thanks to their own laws, dealing with such people in a very brutal and final manner brought the city back to a more stable state.

World Preparation

The other countries, not wanting Generation Corp to take advantage of it's situation, spent hordes of time and money developing alternate sources of energy. Not long after these alternate sources became viable an unexpected disaster befell the Infinity Generators. An impenetrable energy field formed around the generators, cutting down the amount of energy gained to barely enough to run the city itself.

No one could discern from where or why the large field had formed, attempts to penetrate or manipulate it all failed. With Generation City's main source of wealth suddenly gone, people feared for the state of the city even as the governments activated their alternate sources of energy, abandoning Generation City.

This was not the only thing Generation City could use to keep itself alive however, the immunity from world laws soon became the selling point of Generation City, and the darker aspects of the city grew. A hub for illegal activities, Generation City soon found that the energy emitted from the shield had another negative side effect....

Odd Changes

More and more occurances of civilians mutating were reported. These mutations were not usually disfiguring, but instead were changes like greatly increased physical attributes and rarely even abiilities not unlike those of teenage comic-book heroes. When word spread, Generation City attracted even more of the dead life from the world, people who wanted to start over and young people who wanted to make a name for themselves.

Generation City became Outlaw City, and the foundation of power itself shifted to become an equal match between Generation Corp, the city government "The Knights," a group of underground specialists who called themselves the "Arcanum," and a shadowy group that few knew much about.

Current Day

On top of it all, many self-proclaimed heroes, vigilanties, began to crop up and use their new-found powers to deal with their own personal issues in usually violent manners.

It's one-such person, a young writer named Sahra Vintage, that our story centers around.

1. Over-customized RTAB system!
. . . A. Customized Skill Effects, ranging from Transformations to special buffs to % HP reduction and more.
. . . B. Specialized MP replacement: Stamina, which recovers each turn.
. . . C. HP and Stamina regen levels replaces old item healing and "heal" botting.
. . . D. Raised effectiveness of debuffs and "holds."
. . . E. Removal of "Item" command.
. . . F. Damage caused raises a character's "stress," which is used perform special "Super powers."
2. Customized Skill Learning and Enhancement System!
3. Full range of dynamic difficulty levels!
4. End-game Score ranking based on numbers of fights and difficulty levels!
5. Enemy level scaling and special attacks which are only released in higher difficulty levels!
6. 5+ Full Hours of Gameplay.
7. Variable ending based on your performance.
8. Short special feature after the ending.
9. New Game+ (stability questionable)

Buat info game - game lainnya buatan Anamei Productions™ silahkan masuk ke hxxp://


Posted By Andry Chang to FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy at 7/30/2009 06:10:00 PM

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

[vadismart - the cybermall] Mobil Dijual - Suzuki Karimun GX

Suzuki Karimun GX 2005

Tangan pertama
1000 cc City Car
Warna coklat metalik
Harga: Rp 85.000.000,- (nego)

Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, hubungi:
Bpk. Awari

Tel. (021) 4528555
HP: (0818) 09591946


Posted By vadis to vadismart - the cybermall at 7/29/2009 03:42:00 AM

Suzuki Karimun GX 2005

Status:   CLOSED
Category:   Cars & Trucks
Price:   Rp 85.000.000,- (nego)

Suzuki Karimun GX 2005

Tangan pertama, kondisi mulus, mesin bagus (laik uji).
1000 cc City Car
Warna coklat metalik

Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, hubungi:
-sudah terjual-

Monday, July 27, 2009

[vadismash - the music channel] Boom Boom Pow PARODY - Ching ChangChong

Rucka Rucka Ali parodies the Black Eyed Peas "Boom Boom Pow" get this song at:


Posted By Andry Chang to vadismash - the music channel at 7/27/2009 06:10:00 PM

[vadismash - the music channel] Justin Timberlake ft Ciara - LoveSex and Magic

Tags: music videos justin timberlake ciara love magic


Posted By Andry Chang to vadismash - the music channel at 7/27/2009 06:08:00 PM

[vadismash - the music channel] Black Eyed Peas - Boom Boom Pow -Live - Much... to get the freshest new and old ringtones sent right to your phone! - Black Eyed Peas - Boom Boom Pow - Live @ Much Music Video Awards 2009 HQ

Black Eyed Peas Boom Pow Live Much Music Video Awards 2009 HQ High quality Performance MMVa's MMVA Canada Toronto New Today


Posted By Andry Chang to vadismash - the music channel at 7/27/2009 06:12:00 PM

[vadismart - the cybermall] Sebuah Koin Penyok

sebuah perenungan yang baik...

Sebuah Koin Penyok

Alkisah, seorang lelaki keluar dari pekarangan rumahnya, berjalan tak tentu
arah dengan rasa putus asa. Sudah cukup lama ia menganggur.
Kondisi finansial keluarganya morat-marit. Sementara para tetangganya
sibuk memenuhi rumah dengan barang-barang mewah, ia masih bergelut
memikirkan cara memenuhi kebutuhan pokok keluarganya, sandang dan
pangan. Anak-anaknya sudah lama tak dibelikan pakaian, istrinya sering
marah-marah karena tak dapat membeli barang-barang rumah tangga yang
layak. Laki-laki itu sudah tak tahan dengan kondisi ini, dan ia tidak yakin
bahwa perjalanannya kali inipun akan membawa keberuntungan,
yakni mendapatkan pekerjaan.

Ketika laki-laki itu tengah menyusuri jalanan sepi, tiba-tiba kakinya
terantuk sesuatu.
Karena merasa penasaran ia membungkuk dan mengambilnya.
"Uh, hanya sebuah koin kuno yang sudah penyok-penyok, " gerutunya kecewa.
Meskipun begitu ia membawa koin itu ke sebuah bank.
"Sebaiknya koin in Bapak bawa saja ke kolektor uang kuno," kata teller itu
memberi saran.
Lelaki itupun mengikuti anjuran si teller, membawa koinnya ke kolektor.
Beruntung sekali, si kolektor menghargai koin itu senilai 30 dollar.
Begitu senangnya, lelaki tersebut mulai memikirkan apa yang akan dia
lakukan dengan rejeki nomplok ini.

Ketika melewati sebuah toko perkakas, dilihatnya beberapa lembar kayu
sedang diobral. Dia bisa membuatkan beberapa rak untuk istrinya karena
istrinya pernah berkata mereka tak punya tempat untuk menyimpan
jambangan dan stoples. Sesudah membeli kayu seharga 30 dollar,
dia memanggul kayu tersebut dan beranjak pulang.
Di tengah perjalanan dia melewati bengkel seorang pembuat mebel.
Mata pemilik bengkel sudah terlatih melihat kayu yang dipanggul lelaki itu.
Kayunya indah, warnanya bagus, dan mutunya terkenal. Kebetulan pada
waktu itu ada pesanan mebel. Dia menawarkan uang sejumlah 100 dollar
kepada lelaki itu. Terlihat ragu-ragu di mata laki-laki itu, namun pengrajin
meyakinkannya dan dapat menawarkannya mebel yang sudah jadi agar
dipilih lelaki itu. Kebetulan di sana ada lemari yang pasti disukai

Dia menukar kayu tersebut dan meminjam sebuah gerobak untuk membawa
lemari itu. Dia pun segera membawanya pulang. Di tengah perjalanan dia
melewati perumahan baru. Seorang wanita yang sedang mendekorasi rumah
barunya melongok keluar jendela dan melihat lelaki itu mendorong gerobak
berisi lemari yang indah. Si wanita terpikat dan menawar dengan harga 200
dollar. Ketika lelaki itu nampak ragu-ragu, si wanita menaikkan tawarannya
menjadi 250 dollar. Lelaki itupun setuju. Kemudian mengembalikan gerobak
ke pengrajin dan beranjak pulang.

Di pintu desa dia berhenti sejenak dan ingin memastikan uang yang ia terima.
Ia merogoh sakunya dan menghitung lembaran bernilai 250 dollar. Pada saat
itu seorang perampok keluar dari semak-semak, mengacungkan belati,
merampas uang itu, lalu kabur.

Istri si lelaki kebetulan melihat dan berlari mendekati suaminya seraya
"Apa yang terjadi? Engkau baik saja kan ? Apa yang diambil oleh perampok
Lelaki itu mengangkat bahunya dan berkata, "Oh, bukan apa-apa..
Hanya sebuah koin penyok yang kutemukan tadi pagi".

Bila Kita sadar kita tak pernah memiliki apapun, kenapa harus tenggelam
dalam kepedihan yang berlebihan? Sebaliknya, sepatutnya kita bersyukur atas
segala karunia hidup yang telah Tuhan berikan pada kita, karena ketika
datang dan pergi kita tidak membawa apa-apa.


Posted By Andry Chang to vadismart - the cybermall at 7/27/2009 03:53:00 AM

Friday, July 24, 2009

[FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy] Where the Bad KidsGo-Welcome to Heck

Having trouble viewing this email? Click HERE:

new for july!

Hotter than Heck! Four fantastic seriers plus the final installment in the Navigator trilogy.


Calling all San Diego Comic-Con Attendees!

We're looking for die-hard fans of Michael Scott's The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel series to become evangelists at San Diego Comic-Con this week!

Stop by Random House Booth #1128 for details!



by Dale E. Bayse

When Milton and Marlo Fauster die in a marshmallow bear explosion, they get sent straight to Heck, an otherworldly reform school. Will Milton and Marlo find a way to escape? Or are they stuck here for all eternity, or until they turn 18, whichever comes first?


Buy this book

Not hot enough for you? Click for a preview of RAPACIA: THE SECOND CIRCLE OF HECK on sale July 28th wherever books are sold.


by Eoin McNamee

The final book in the Navigator trilogy.

Twice the Harsh have tried to destroy time, and twice Owen and the Resisters have stopped them. The Harsh are hungry for revenge and their massive fleet is ready to set sail and hunt down the Navigator. This time Owen travels through time and discovers that the mysterious Frost Child holds the key to the power of the Harsh.

Defend the Workhouse from Harsh's Army in the Harsh Battle game at


Check out THE NAVIGATOR and THE CITY OF TIME books I & II of the Navigator trilogy.


by Erica Verrillo

This bright and satisfying conclusion to the Phoenix Rising Trilogy includes riveting adventure, the testing of loyalties, and the return of two old enemies . . . not to mention surprising revelations for our heroine, Elissa—and her fans. It's not to be missed!

Buy this book

Also part of the Phoenix Rising Trilogy: Book #1 ELISSA'S QUEST and Book #2 ELISSA'S ODYSSEY.


by Pamela F. Service

When Heather McKenna is kidnapped by the sorceress Morgan LeFay, it is up to Heather's friend Welly and the wizard Merlin (yes, that Merlin) to rescue her.

Buy this book

This riveting sequel to Tomorrow's Magic continues Merlin and Arthur's quest to reunite the world.


Chilly Chilly Ice Bat
by David Horvath and Sun-Min Kim

Wage and Babo buy an old fashioned ice-box in which a little Ice-Bat lives. Everything he touches turns to ice and , Wage and Babo's apartment cools off in no time.

Buy this book



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Posted By Andry Chang to FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy at 7/24/2009 11:39:00 PM

[vadismart - the cybermall] Mesis SMS - SMS Broadcast

M E S I N - S M S

Bisnis Anda lesu ??..
Tenang, gak usah gonta-ganti Bisnis
Maksimalkan yang telah anda tekuni....

Bayangkan seandainya iklan anda dikirim ke 1000 orang
dan hanya 1% saja yang order produk anda, berarti
ada 10 orang yang beli. Dan bagaimana bila iklan dikirim
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Luar biasa bukan ??...tentu anda akan kebanjiran Order...

Dengan MESIN SMS Bisnis Anda akan laris kembali....

Apapun Bisnis anda baik bisnis konvensional maupun
Bisnis MLM bisa laris kl iklan pakaiMESIN SMS kami,
dgn skl klik iklan tersebar ke ribuan Nomor HP
hrg hanya 175rb.

Hub. Kontak layanan kami HP. 0817 501 3099


Berbagai Manfaat MESIN - SMS diantaranya :

- Dengan sekali klik Mampu mengirimkan SMS
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- Harga Per SMS lintas operator cuma Rp.50, sehingga
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Di Pasaran Banyak beredar Kalung Bio Fir, tapi
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para Pejabat Tinggi Negara. Hub. Iman Sulaiman,
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HARGA MESIN SMS Hanya 175rb.

Demikian penawaran kami, jika berminat untuk
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Hubungi Kontak layanan kami sbb :

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- Wilayah BOGOR HP. 0812 110 7771


Posted By Andry Chang to vadismart - the cybermall at 7/24/2009 04:39:00 AM

[vadismash - the music channel] Urbandub - First of Summer

Music Video off Urbandub's "Embrace" album. This is the first part in a series of two interconnected videos. Directed by Marie Jamora.

Pure Filipino Rock - so World Class!



Posted By Andry Chang to vadismash - the music channel at 7/24/2009 06:27:00 PM

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

[vadisworld - my way, my world] Ode to the Palm Islands

O’ my sweet homeland Indonesia
A land of beauty, o’ my greatest love
pure and rich, my home worth dying for
The flawless diamond I

O’ my sweet homeland I am longing for
Though I’m far away
you are always close
I miss the sand and sparkling golden grains
I shall
come home again

Palm trees on the beach, waving in the
Like a princess sing, to valiant prince
Palm isles I adore, always
in my soul
O’ my sweet homeland Indonesia

Translated by BJ Vadis from:
Rayuan Pulau Kelapa – Ismail Marzuki

- Sing along in English with this YouTube video! -

YouTube Source:


Posted By vadis to vadisworld - my way, my world at 7/22/2009 05:51:00 AM

[vadismart - the cybermall] Ode to the Palm Islands (Other)

Andry Chang ( has posted a new recipe.

RecipeOde to the Palm IslandsJul 22, '09 9:18 AM
for everyone
Category:   Other
Style:   Other

Ode to the Palm Islands

O’ my sweet homeland Indonesia
A land of beauty, o’ my greatest love
So pure and rich, my home worth dying for
The flawless diamond I adore

O’ my sweet homeland I am longing for
Though I’m far away you are always close
I miss the sand and sparkling golden grains
I shall come home again

Palm trees on the beach, waving in the breeze
Like a princess sing, to valiant prince
Palm isles I adore, always in my soul
O’ my sweet homeland Indonesia

Translated from:
Rayuan Pulau Kelapa â€" Ismail Marzuki

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Posted By Andry Chang to vadismart - the cybermall at 7/22/2009 06:18:00 AM

Ode to the Palm Islands

Ode to the Palm Islands

O’ my sweet homeland Indonesia
A land of beauty, o’ my greatest love
So pure and rich, my home worth dying for
The flawless diamond I adore

O’ my sweet homeland I am longing for
Though I’m far away you are always close
I miss the sand and sparkling golden grains
I shall come home again

Palm trees on the beach, waving in the breeze
Like a princess sing, to valiant prince
Palm isles I adore, always in my soul
O’ my sweet homeland Indonesia

Translated from:
Rayuan Pulau Kelapa – Ismail Marzuki

Ode to the Palm Islands

O’ my sweet homeland Indonesia
A land of beauty, o’ my greatest love
So pure and rich, my home worth dying for
The flawless diamond I adore

O’ my sweet homeland I am longing for
Though I’m far away you are always close
I miss the sand and sparkling golden grains
I shall come home again

Palm trees on the beach, waving in the breeze
Like a princess sing, to valiant prince
Palm isles I adore, always in my soul
O’ my sweet homeland Indonesia

Translated by BJ Vadis from:
Rayuan Pulau Kelapa – Ismail Marzuki

- Sing along in English with this YouTube video! -

YouTube Source:

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

[FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy] Gladiator - Best Quotesand Battle ...

I gotta record this battle scene! I gotta! - BJ Vadis

'Requiem for a Dream' Composed by Clint Mansell
Directed by Ridley Scott. With Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, Connie Nielsen

Strength and honor.
Roma victor!
You will not be Emperor.
My powers will pass to Maximus
I did not pay good money for you for your company. I paid it so that I could profit from your death and as your mother was there at your beginning, so I shall be there at your end.

My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius. Commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor Marcus Aurelius. father to a murdered son. husband to a murdered wife, and I will have my vengeance in this life or the next.



Posted By Andry Chang to FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy at 7/21/2009 09:02:00 PM

Saturday, July 18, 2009

[Riverstream Rhapsody] Rpg Maker VX - Script Tutorial 3 How toChange the Font

September 25, 2008

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A simple command placed on the script that allows you to change the font for your game project. NOTE: You'll need to find some fonts Online... if you want them to be cool LOL
A simple command placed on the script that allows you to change the font for your game project.

NOTE: You'll need to find some fonts Online... if you want them to be cool LOL


Posted By Andry Chang to Riverstream Rhapsody at 7/18/2009 07:18:00 PM

Friday, July 17, 2009

[FireHeart Saga] FireHeart Artwork 2 by vanseven

Fireheart Artwork 2 by ~vanseven on deviantART

Art by VanSe7en -

the one in the front is robert (hi, rob!), on the back left is carolyn (wow, your hair turned purple! nice stick!) and the back right is christopher (i like this kinda chris!)


Posted By Andry Chang to FireHeart Saga at 7/17/2009 08:40:00 AM

[FireHeart Saga] FireHeart Artwork 1 by vanseven

Fireheart Artwork 1 by ~vanseven on deviantART

FireHeart Artwork by VanSe7en -

Up: Cristophe Deveraux the Swordsman
Down: Carolyn Deveraux-Deneuve the Sorceress


Posted By Andry Chang to FireHeart Saga at 7/17/2009 08:43:00 AM

Thursday, July 16, 2009

[FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy] Rpg Maker VX Project -MagiQuest

June 07, 2009

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Welcome to MagiQuest - the trilogy in in which Wanderer's odyssey is the first game. It is my third RMVX project, I hope you like it! ============= The video includes the first town and dungeon. So...
Welcome to MagiQuest - the trilogy in in which Wanderer's odyssey is the first game. It is my third RMVX project, I hope you like it!
The video includes the first town and dungeon.
Sorry about the bad quality, but what can you expect.
If you like the look of it, please subscribe for more videos. Also, the mapping took ages, so give me some feedback.

Don't worry I will be releasing more on the story, the characters etc later. This is just a short trailer to generate some interest.
posted by nahor23


Posted By Andry Chang to FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy at 7/16/2009 11:48:00 PM

[FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy] rpg maker vx mining minigame (comp...

posted by danny3153


Posted By Andry Chang to FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy at 7/16/2009 11:50:00 PM

[FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy] RPG Maker VX - My WorldMap

This is the current world map of my rmvx project, MagiQuest. It's going to be a pretty long game, as the story is broken into chapters with different party members like DQ4. PLEASE give advice and constructive critizism. I know it looks like multi-coloured vomit, and im working on fixing that.

btw, although it uses rpg maker 2003 graphics, it is still rpg maker vx.

the song is 4-D religion by Scorngrain. (trust me, i had to use audioswap)

posted by nahor23


Posted By Andry Chang to FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy at 7/16/2009 11:47:00 PM

[Riverstream Rhapsody] A RMXP Shooting Game

Posted by: Torrunt
A Shooting Game i Made in a few minutes in RPG Maker XP.

A couple people have asked for the game or the scripts I used so I'll post the download for the game

The main script I'm using here is Mr.Mo's ABS, which you can find from a quick google search.


Posted By Andry Chang to Riverstream Rhapsody at 7/16/2009 09:36:00 AM

[FireHeart Saga] FireHeart Game Movie: Hall of the Mountain King


Finally, the three heroes: Cristophe, Carolyn and Robert got to see the Grand Trow (Dwarf King) of Grad Mountains, Haagi Thornhelm. Their meeting would've been fruitful, until someone infiltrated and caused chaos, someone... all-powerful.


Posted By Andry Chang to FireHeart Saga at 7/16/2009 09:20:00 AM

Boarding Houses in Japan

Hmm, I dunno if these blocks will not fall apart during an earthquake... If yes, that'll be inhumane. - bj vadis


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

[FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy] MilanoCat's Tenkentai RPGMaker VX ...

Original Site Source (in Japanese):

So, yes, I'm doing this Milano Cat guy a favor by translating the page into English and redirect the link to his original page. The second reason is, his RPG Maker VX Tenkentai Side View Battlers are sooo cool, you must download 'em all! Don't forget to credit MilanoCat for sharing it with us!

Tags: RPG Maker VX Resource, Resources, battler

Battler Set 1 : Angels, Elf Rangers, Succubus, Incubus
GIF Version

Battler Set 2 : Minotaurs, Nagas, Imps

Battler Set 3 : Goblins, Trolls, Carnivorous Plants

Battler Set 4 : Pirates, Sea Monsters, Kraken

Battler Set 5 : Mummies, Egyptian-Styled

Battler Set 6 : Fishmen, Mosquitomen etc.

Battler Set 7 : Gavials, Archangels

Battler Set 8 : Witches, Warlocks, Lich

Battler Set 9 : Mermaids, Giant Aardvark, Common Beasts

Battler Set 10 : Harpy, Bat, Fairy

Battler Set 11 : Fire monsters, Cockatrice

Battler Set 12 : Undead: Skeletons, Zombie, Ghoul, Banshee

Battler Set 13 : Common mutant beasts

Battler Set 14 : Orcs, Ogre

Battler Set 15 : Crusade kings, mounts

Battler Set 16 : Winter Monsters

Battler Set 17 : Knights, Soldiers

Battler Set 18 : Griffins, Primates

Battler Set 19 : Common People

Battler Set 20 : Behemoth, Moby Dick RPG Battlers

Battler Set 21 : Knights, Super Warriors

Battler Set 22 : Gnolls, Angels, Naga Queens

Battler Set 23 : Dragons

Battler Set 24 : Cerberus, Hellhound, Centaurs

Battler Set 25 : Dragons, Drakes, Mermaids


Posted By Andry Chang to FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy at 7/15/2009 10:21:00 PM

[Rosta Masta!] CM-Rims : Batch 05 2009

VIP Status Kazera 17 inch

Gio 22 inch 6 legs - Futuristic Space Shuttle

K-Speed 18 inch 6 root legs - Blue Luminescent Alloy

Rims to fine-tune your car! We recommend these cool, xtraordinary designs from renowned brands: Fledermaus, Konig etc to make your ride the King of the Street Show. Just call us or come to this address to get a set (or two).

Velg-velg dahsyat untuk membuat hasil modifikasi mobil anda lebih unik dan bergengsi. Model-model unik dan istimewa dari merk-merk ternama: Konig, Fledermaus, Work dll tersedia di sini. Hubungilah kami atau kunjungi kami di alamat ini:

Cahaya Makmur Tires & Rims
Jl. Sukarjo Wiryopranoto No. 37B Jakarta Barat, Indonesia
(Sentra Otomotif Sawah Besar)

Tel: (62-21) 6251582, 6260821 setiap hari kerja (work days) 10:00 - 17:00 (10am - 5pm)
Contact Person: A Hoa

Juga tersedia (also available):
Tires: Bridgestone, Yokohama, Falken
Tire replacement comprehensive services

Get the Radiance to your Radials, get CM-Rims!

Note: Stock availability may vary. Please call the store for updates.


Posted By vadis to Rosta Masta! at 7/15/2009 06:21:00 PM

[Rosta Masta!] CM-Rims : Batch 06 2009

Auto Couture 17 inch Style Eleganz

Stamford SSW 17 inch JetFan / Arashi Style

Lenso Road & Terrain RT-X - Black with red outline
17 inch, weight: 955 kg

Rims to fine-tune your car! We recommend these cool, xtraordinary designs from renowned brands: Fledermaus, Konig etc to make your ride the King of the Street Show. Just call us or come to this address to get a set (or two).

Velg-velg dahsyat untuk membuat hasil modifikasi mobil anda lebih unik dan bergengsi. Model-model unik dan istimewa dari merk-merk ternama: Konig, Fledermaus, Work dll tersedia di sini. Hubungilah kami atau kunjungi kami di alamat ini:

Cahaya Makmur Tires & Rims
Jl. Sukarjo Wiryopranoto No. 37B Jakarta Barat, Indonesia
(Sentra Otomotif Sawah Besar)

Tel: (62-21) 6251582, 6260821 setiap hari kerja (work days) 10:00 - 17:00 (10am - 5pm)
Contact Person: A Hoa

Juga tersedia (also available):
Tires: Bridgestone, Yokohama, Falken
Tire replacement comprehensive services

Get the Radiance to your Radials, get CM-Rims!

Note: Stock availability may vary. Please call the store for updates.


Posted By vadis to Rosta Masta! at 7/15/2009 06:51:00 PM

[Rosta Masta!] CM-Rims : Batch 04 2009

YL 20 inch Chrome

Egois 18 inch 10 legs Blueliner front

Stamford SSW 17 inch 10 legs Steel-Black

Rims to fine-tune your car! We recommend these cool, xtraordinary designs from renowned brands: Fledermaus, Konig etc to make your ride the King of the Street Show. Just call us or come to this address to get a set (or two).

Velg-velg dahsyat untuk membuat hasil modifikasi mobil anda lebih unik dan bergengsi. Model-model unik dan istimewa dari merk-merk ternama: Konig, Fledermaus, Work dll tersedia di sini. Hubungilah kami atau kunjungi kami di alamat ini:

Cahaya Makmur Tires & Rims
Jl. Sukarjo Wiryopranoto No. 37B Jakarta Barat, Indonesia
(Sentra Otomotif Sawah Besar)

Tel: (62-21) 6251582, 6260821 setiap hari kerja (work days) 10:00 - 17:00 (10am - 5pm)
Contact Person: A Hoa

Juga tersedia (also available):
Tires: Bridgestone, Yokohama, Falken
Tire replacement comprehensive services

Get the Radiance to your Radials, get CM-Rims!

Note: Stock availability may vary. Please call the store for updates.


Posted By vadis to Rosta Masta! at 7/15/2009 05:55:00 PM

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

[GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc.] GetAmped Indonesia Championships2009 - Fi...

Featuring team and individual finals, private recording for limited publishing only.
To see the full series, click
To see the finalists' details, click

GetAmped Indonesia Championships 2009 - Finals
July 23, 2009 - Ciputra Hotel 6th Floor, Jakarta - Indonesia

Tags: getamped championships online game fighting vadis kickassinc splash fighters





Posted By Andry Chang to GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc. at 7/14/2009 09:09:00 PM

[GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc.] GetAmped Indonesia Championships2009 - Fi...

Featuring team and individual finals, private recording for limited publishing only.
To see the full series, click
To see the finalists' details, click

GetAmped Indonesia Championships 2009 - Finals
July 23, 2009 - Ciputra Hotel 6th Floor, Jakarta - Indonesia

Tags: getamped championships online game fighting vadis kickassinc splash fighters




Posted By Andry Chang to GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc. at 7/14/2009 09:12:00 PM

[GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc.] GetAmped Indonesia Championships2009 - Fi...

Featuring team and individual finals, private recording for limited publishing only.
To see the full series, click
To see the finalists' details, click

GetAmped Indonesia Championships 2009 - Finals
July 23, 2009 - Ciputra Hotel 6th Floor, Jakarta - Indonesia

Tags: getamped championships online game fighting vadis kickassinc splash fighters





Posted By Andry Chang to GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc. at 7/14/2009 09:11:00 PM

[GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc.] GetAmped Indonesia Championships2009 - Fi...

Featuring team and individual finals, private recording for limited publishing only.
To see the full series, click
To see the finalists' details, click

GetAmped Indonesia Championships 2009 - Finals
July 23, 2009 - Ciputra Hotel 6th Floor, Jakarta - Indonesia

Tags: getamped championships online game fighting vadis kickassinc splash fighters



6/11 (sorry 'twas cracked)


Posted By Andry Chang to GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc. at 7/14/2009 09:10:00 PM

Ikuti Survey Berhadiah Blackberry Bold dan Javelin

Hi Friend,

Ada kesempatan menarik nih, untuk dapetin Blackberry Bold dan Javelin gratis, cuma dengan mengikuti survey di bawah ini :

Klik link di bawah ini untuk mengikuti survey RedMango Indonesia:

Andry Tanuwijaya

[vadismart - the cybermall] Red Mango Frozen Yoghurt - SurveiGRATIS Berhadia...

Ikuti Survey Red Mango

dan menangkan Blackberry Bold dan Javelin

Blackberry Bold untuk peserta survey yang beruntung, dan

Blackberry Javelin untuk peserta yang paling banyak mereferensikan survey ini kepada teman Anda.

Kumpulkan poin sebanyak-banyaknya untuk mendapatkan Blackberry Javelin.

Informasikan survey ini ke teman Anda. Anda akan memperoleh poin jika teman Anda juga mengikuti survey.

Red Mango Frozen Yogurt buka pertama di Indonesia tgl 18 Juli di Mal Taman Anggrek Lt. 4 ( di samping Popeyes )

Atau Anda dapat mengcopy dan/atau menyimpan link berikut ini, kemudian forward ke teman-teman Anda melalui e-mail Anda sebanyak-banyaknya:

Jika Anda mempunyai Blackberry, silahkan download aplikasi Red Mango, Special Opening Gift from Us.

Dari Blackberry Anda, silahkan klik Browser, lalu Go To:

lalu Download Aplikasi. Lihat aplikasi tesebut di dalam home atau folder download.

Aplikasi ini bisa digunakan sebagai discount card 10% di outlet Red Mango Indonesia dengan menunjukkan ke kasir kami.

Aplikasi ini juga berguna untuk hal lainnya seperti info diet, info kurs, info bioskop, info acara TV dan info blackberry.

Anda juga dapat share aplikasi ini ke teman Anda yang memiliki Blackberry.

Cara untuk share : Copy link dan Paste ke dalam Messenger Contact.

(Hurry up , kesempatan untuk share hanya sampai 1 Agustus 2009!)


Posted By Andry Chang to vadismart - the cybermall at 7/14/2009 03:47:00 AM

Monday, July 13, 2009

[vadisworld - my way, my world] TRANSFORMERS 3



Wadah Motor car accessories 
JL Sukarjo Wiryopranoto no 17 a
jakarta barat
telp 021-6009832, 021-6397172


Ternyata Transformers 3 nantinya akan dibuat di Indonesia jek, gile bangga
dong kita pastinya hehehe

~ yeah im a Big Blues ~


Posted By Andry Chang to vadisworld - my way, my world at 7/13/2009 06:04:00 AM





Wadah Motor car
JL Sukarjo Wiryopranoto no 17 a
telp 021-6009832, 021-6397172


Ternyata Transformers 3
nantinya akan dibuat di Indonesia jek, gile bangga
dong kita pastinya

yeah im a Big Blues

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