Thursday, June 28, 2007


Mitra Sehat Keluarga Anda
Apotik, Praktek Dokter (Umum, Gigi, Spesialis),
Laboratorium Klinik, Massage Therapi CIMANDE,
Fisiotherapi, Medical Check Up, In-house Clinic, Rontgen.

Kami menawarkan kerjasama dengan Perusahaan Bapak/Ibu untuk
di Perusahaan Bapak/Ibu. Kami memberi harga yang sangat
kompetitif dan dengan Kualitas pelayanan yang lebih bagus.

Rekanan kami a.l: PT. Aerowisata Catering Services, Borobudur
hotel, PT. Kepsonic, Asuransi Jiwasraya, Singapore Airline,
Frisian Flag, Baruna, Nayaka, dll.

PELAYANAN KESEHATAN yang kami miliki adalah sbb:

Tersedia pelayanan Dr. Spesialis Bedah Mulut dan
Dr. Spesialis Kelainan Rongga Mulut Di GRAND ANANDA


a. Terapi Inhalasi (Penguapan), mengobati: bronchitis, asma,
sinusitis, infeksi paru, dan alergi pernafasan.

b.Terapi Infra Merah, mengobati: penyempitan syaraf, nyeri sendi
(arthritis), sakit pinggang/kepala, kebas/kesemutan, radang
tendon (adnexitis), stroke, dan gangguan tumbuh kembang.

Test Kolesterol (LDL) hanya Rp 25.000, Hematologi Rutin
hanya Rp 35.000 Cek Trombosit hanya Rp 18.000,-

Kami siap melakukan program sunatan masal bekerja sama dengan

Pengobatan Massage Therapy meliputi:
1. Terapi terkilir: pergelangan kaki/tangan, leher, bahu, dll.
2. Terapi patah tulang: sendi/tulang pergelangan tangan, tulang bahu,
sendi/tulang lengan bawah, tulang lengan atas, iga/rusuk, pinggul,
lutut, dll
3. Terapi turun berok/hernia.
4. Terapi kebugaran badan.
5. Terapi stroke.

Demikian Penawaran ini kami sampaikan dan kami menunggu kabar baik
dari Bapak/Ibu

Mitra Sehat Keluarga Anda
Jl. Cililitan Besar No. 1 Kebon Pala, Makasar - Jakarta Timur
(disamping pool Blue Bird Taxi HALIM)
TELP/FAX: 8088 3559; 687 63909


Posted By vadis to vadisworld - my way, my world at 6/25/2007 07:48:00 AM

[vadisworld - my way, my world] VadisLinks Portal Update - June2007

Dining and Nightlife Guide in Jakarta & Indonesia
Indonesia Food Festival Indonesia

Blog Tools:
Free Dictionary:
Website of Everything:
Sudoku of the Day:

Blog Widgets, Counters and Stuff:
Fast Web Counter
CoHit Hit Counters
Bravenet Widgets
Shinystat Hit Counters

MP3 Downloads Free:
MP3 Fine
E-MP3 World
MP3 Central

Posted By vadis to vadisworld - my way, my world at 6/28/2007 06:04:00 AM

[vadisworld - my way, my world] Omarion - MP3 Downloads!

This is maybe a LEGAL paid mp3 download site!
Just explore this site first before downloading!

Omarion - Take It Off
Omarion - Ice Box
Omarion - Ice Box
Omarion - Do It
Omarion - Ice Box
Omarion - Do It
Omarion - Just Can't Let You Go
Omarion - Just Can\'t Let You Go
Omarion - What Are We Doing
Omarion - Midnight
Omarion - Made For Tv
Omarion - Entourage
Omarion - Midnight
Bow Wow Ft Omarion - Let Me Hold You Down
Omarion - Obsession
Omarion - Just That Sexy
Omarion - Electric
Omarion - Electric
Omarion - Been With A Star
Omarion - Have You Ever Been With A Star
Omarion - Impossible
Omarion - Made For Tv
Omarion - Entourage
Bow Wow Feat Omarion - Let Me Hold You
Omarion - Ice Box (prod. By Timbaland)
Omarion - Ice Box (radio Edit)
Bow Wow Feat. Omarion - Let Me Hold You
Omarion - Beg For It (prod. By Timbaland)
Bow Wow Feat Omarion - Let Me Hold You
Bow Wow Feat Omarion - Let Me Hold You

Bow Wow Feat. Omarion - Let Me Hold You
Bow Wow Feat. Omarion - Let Me Hold You
Bow Wow Feat. Omarion - Let Me Hold You
Young Rome Ft. Omarion - After Party
Omarion - Obsession (prod. By The Neptunes)
Young Rome Feat. Omarion - After Party

Posted By vadis to vadisworld - my way, my world at 6/28/2007 05:37:00 AM

FireHeart Special

Vadis Game Pictures

Lodoss War Project

Just 'saved' them from my Yahoo! Photos and share it all with you!
Hope it inspired you as it inspired me...

F4 Gallery

VadisLinks Portal Update - June 2007

Dining and Nightlife Guide in Jakarta & Indonesia
Indonesia Food Festival Indonesia

Blog Tools:
Free Dictionary:
Website of Everything:
Sudoku of the Day:

Blog Widgets, Counters and Stuff:
Fast Web Counter
CoHit Hit Counters
Bravenet Widgets
Shinystat Hit Counters

MP3 Downloads Free:
MP3 Fine
E-MP3 World
MP3 Central

Monday, June 25, 2007


Mitra Sehat Keluarga Anda
Apotik, Praktek Dokter (Umum, Gigi, Spesialis),
Laboratorium Klinik, Massage Therapi CIMANDE,
Fisiotherapi, Medical Check Up, In-house Clinic, Rontgen.

Kami menawarkan kerjasama dengan Perusahaan Bapak/Ibu untuk
di Perusahaan Bapak/Ibu. Kami memberi harga yang sangat
kompetitif dan dengan Kualitas pelayanan yang lebih bagus.

Rekanan kami a.l: PT. Aerowisata Catering Services, Borobudur
hotel, PT. Kepsonic, Asuransi Jiwasraya, Singapore Airline,
Frisian Flag, Baruna, Nayaka, dll.

PELAYANAN KESEHATAN yang kami miliki adalah sbb:

Tersedia pelayanan Dr. Spesialis Bedah Mulut dan
Dr. Spesialis Kelainan Rongga Mulut Di GRAND ANANDA


a. Terapi Inhalasi (Penguapan), mengobati: bronchitis, asma,
sinusitis, infeksi paru, dan alergi pernafasan.

b.Terapi Infra Merah, mengobati: penyempitan syaraf, nyeri sendi
(arthritis), sakit pinggang/kepala, kebas/kesemutan, radang
tendon (adnexitis), stroke, dan gangguan tumbuh kembang.

Test Kolesterol (LDL) hanya Rp 25.000, Hematologi Rutin
hanya Rp 35.000 Cek Trombosit hanya Rp 18.000,-

Kami siap melakukan program sunatan masal bekerja sama dengan

Pengobatan Massage Therapy meliputi:
1. Terapi terkilir: pergelangan kaki/tangan, leher, bahu, dll.
2. Terapi patah tulang: sendi/tulang pergelangan tangan, tulang bahu,
sendi/tulang lengan bawah, tulang lengan atas, iga/rusuk, pinggul,
lutut, dll
3. Terapi turun berok/hernia.
4. Terapi kebugaran badan.
5. Terapi stroke.

Demikian Penawaran ini kami sampaikan dan kami menunggu kabar baik
dari Bapak/Ibu

Mitra Sehat Keluarga Anda
Jl. Cililitan Besar No. 1 Kebon Pala, Makasar - Jakarta Timur
(disamping pool Blue Bird Taxi HALIM)
TELP/FAX: 8088 3559; 687 63909


Thursday, June 21, 2007

[vadisworld - my way, my world] Ingin kaya? Belajarlah Memberi!

Nah, inilah yang "kurang" dari diri saya sendiri... hmmm, tapi ada definisi lainnya ttg memberi loh, dan definisi lain dari "kaya". - BJ Vadis
>  Ingin kaya? Belajarlah Memberi!
>  Vitachan - Shizuoka
>  Kemarin sore tiba2 saya diberi kejutan kecil. Orang tua asuh saya membawa
>  beras satu bungkus isi 10 kg dan memberikannya pada saya, tepat ketika
>  saya hendak membeli beras karena persediaan dirumah saya habis. Hehe..
>  rejeki nonplok, pikir saya.
>  Karena sangat senang, saya kirim sms pada kakak perempuan di Indonesia
>  dan menceritakan kejadian ini. "Kok PAS, ya?, pas butuh pas ada." Tulis
>  saya pada kakak saya. Kakak saya lalu bercerita, tadi pagi ibu saya
>  memanggil tukang becak tua yg lewat didepan rumah kami, dan memberinya
>  makan satu piring nasi. Kakak saya heran, dalam rangka apa ibu saya tiba2
>  memberi makan tukang becak itu. Kata ibu saya, "Biar anak mami yg jauh ga
>  kekurangan makan." Kakak saya bilang, mungkin maksud ibu itu adalah saya
>  yg tinggal jauh di negri orang. Kontan, sorenya saya dapet beras 10kg.
>  Waduh?balasannya kok ga sebanding yah, sepiring nasi dengan sekarung
>  beras. Hehe..lumayan.
>  Kejadian ini mengingatkan saya pada kejadian 20 tahun lalu. Suatu hari
>  dipermulaan musim kemarau ketika saya masih duduk di kelas 3 atau 4
>  Sekolah Dasar di Bandung, ada penggalian tanah disepanjang jalan depan
>  rumah orang tua saya untuk pemasangan kabel telpon. Semua tukang gali
>  jumlahnya kira2 20 orang. Pekerjaan memakan waktu kurang lebih 10 hari.
>  Pekerjaan ini menarik perhatian saya, terutama kabel2 ukuran besar yg
>  nantinya akan ditanam dalam galian itu.
>  Hari pertama penggalian dimulai, matahari bersinar sangat terik. Para
>  pekerja yg kelelahan berhenti sejenak dari pekerjaannya sambil beberapa
>  kali mengusap keringat diwajahnya. Mereka terlihat kehausan karena bekal
>  air yg mereka bawa telah habis. Ibu saya yang melihat ini tanpa banyak
>  bicara membawa teko air besar dan menawarkan minuman teh dingin pada
>  mereka. Spontan mereka menerima dan meminum teh buatan ibu saya dgn
>  gembiranya. Karena mereka jumlahnya byk , ibu saya sampai 3 kali mengisi
>  teko itu.
>  Ternyata hari2 berikutnya pun ibu saya tidak berhenti menyediakan teko
>  air didepan rumah untuk para tukang gali itu. Bahkan bisa sampai 5 kali
>  dalam sehari ibu bolak balik mengisi teko besar itu dengan air teh. Jika
>  ada makanan ringan seperti pisang rebus, atau kue2 kecil lainnya, ibu
>  saya jg menyuguhkannya. Saya pernah bertanya, "Kenapa ibu saja yg memberi
>  air minum pada mereka? Tetangga2 lainnya pun tidak". Ibu saya hanya
>  menjawab singkat, "Kasihan", katanya. Sampai ketika pekerjaan galian itu
>  selesai, salah seorang tukang gali berkata "Terimakasih Bu, mulai hari
>  ini tidak usah sediakan air lagi, kami akan pindah ke tempat lain,"
>  katanya sambil pamit pada ibu saya. Hari2 berlalu sampai tiba pada
>  pertengahan musim kemarau. Musim kemarau pada tahun itu katanya adalah
>  musim kemarau panjang dan sangat panas dibanding tahun2 sebelumnya.
>  Tidak seperti air di sumur2 tetangga di komplek rumah kami yang
>  mengering, air sumur kami justru melimpah ruah. Ini ajaib. Padahal
>  tetangga kiri kanan rumah ibu saya memasang JET PUMP yg besar, sedangkan
>  kami hanya memakai pompa SANYO berkekuatan kecil. Logikanya air tanah
>  dirumah kami akan tersedot oleh tetangga kami itu. Tapi kenyataannya
>  adalah ibu saya membagi2kan air pada tetangga sebelah menggunakan selang
>  panjang melewati tembok penghalang rumah.
>  Semua tetangga di kompleks kami membeli air dengan jirigen2 besar untuk
>  keperluan mandi dan mencuci setiap harinya. Hanya keluarga kami yang
>  tidak kekurangan air sedikitpun melewati musim kering yg panjang dan
>  panas pada saat itu. Ketika saya bertanya pada ibu, "Kenapa air sumur di
>  rumah kita tidak kering", ibu saya menggelengkan kepala, sambil berkata
>  lirih, "Apa mungkin ini imbalan dari Tuhan karena memberi minum tukang2
>  gali yg kehausan itu kemarin dulu?." Tidak ada seorang pun diantara kami
>  yg tahu.
>  Sama seperti seorang guru, semakin banyak mengajar, semakin pintarlah Ia.
>  Maka praktek memberi yg diajarkan ibu saya juga berlawanan dengan rumus
>  matematika yg diajarkan disekolah. Satu dikurang satu dimana2 ya sama
>  dengan Nol. Tapi ibu saya ajaib, satu dikurang satu bisa jadi dua, bisa
>  juga tiga, atau bahkan sepuluh. Weleh, weleh?
>  Teman2 kokier di US tentu saja tahu Larry Stewart sang millionaire yg
>  selama 26 tahun berhasil menyembunyikan identitas diri berkeliling Kansas
>  City sambil membagi2kan lembaran uang $100, setiap malam natal. Dalam
>  wawancara dengan TV Jepang sebelum kematiannya akibat kanker tgl 14
>  januari 2007, beliau mengatakan dulu hidupnya selalu kesulitan uang ,
>  dikeluarkan beberapa kali dari pekerjaannya, bahkan pernah berniat
>  merampok bank, sampai akhirnya dia menemukan pengalaman yg mengubah
>  kehidupannya secara total ketika dia bertemu pegawai restoran baik hati
>  yg memberinya uang $20 ketika dia lupa membawa dompet pada saat makan di
>  restaurant itu. Padahal Larry berpura2, itu memang siasat buruknya karena
>  lapar , ingin makan tapi tidak memiliki uang sepeserpun.
>  Ketika dia berpura2 merogoh2 saku celananya dan berakting seolah2 lupa
>  tidak membawa uang, seorang pegawai restoran tersebut berjalan disebelah
>  mejanya dan membungkuk memungut sesuatu dilantai, lalu berdiri dan
>  memberikan uang $20 pada Larry sambil berkata,"Maaf Pak, uang bapak
>  terjatuh di lantai." Spontan Larry menerima uang itu, dan buru2 membayar
>  bill makan siangnya lalu bergegas pergi meninggalkan restoran itu.
>  Setelah keadaan agak tenang, Larry kemudian menyadari kebaikan pegawai
>  restoran tadi, karena dia yakin seratus persen, uangnya tidak pernah
>  terjatuh dilantai, bahkan dia memang tidak membawa uang sepeserpun
>  kedalam restoran itu. Merasa begitu tertolong, sejak itu Larry malah
>  menguras uang tabungannya dan berpura2 menjadi Santa sambil membagi2kan
>  uang $20 (bertambah terus setiap tahun sampai pada lembaran $100) pada
>  orang2 dijalanan yg ditemuinya.
>  Membagikan uang malah membuat Larry menjadi semakin kaya. Dia mulai
>  diterima bekerja dikantor kembali, bahkan kemudian berhasil membangun
>  perusahaan sendiri dan berkembang pesat. Ini keajaiban, katanya. Sesuatu
>  hal yg mustahil terjadi sebelum dia menjadi Secret Santa.
>  ( Ya?suatu pengalaman hidup yg
>  baik, yang patut dicontoh.
>  Lain ibu saya, lain Larry Stewart, lain juga teman saya ditempat kerja.
>  Maksud hati berbuat baik membagikan makanan buatannya saat makan siang,
>  yang terjadi malah petaka. Teman2 yg mencoba makanan buatannya semua
>  sakit perut bahkan ada yg beberapa kali ke kamar kecil. Karena perusahaan
>  kami bekerja dibidang pangan yg mengharuskan sekeliling kami higienis,
>  jelas saja ini tidak bisa ditolerir. Semua teman2 saya tadi yg sakit
>  perut diliburkan dan harus melakukan medical check up.
>  Ah?mungkin cuma keracunan makanan basi biasa sih. Tapi akibatnya fatal.
>  Keesokan harinya saat chorei (briefing), ada peraturan baru, sejak hari
>  itu, sebulan yg lalu, kami tidak diperbolehkan sharing makanan buatan
>  sendiri yg dibawa dari rumah pada teman2 dikantor saat makan siang. Wah?
>  gawat, ini sih kerugian buat saya yang suka comot2 makanan temen. Hiks.
>  Dari beberapa kejadian diatas, saya mencoba menyimpulkan, bahwa
>  "MEMBERI", adalah pekerjaan baik yg bisa berbuah pahala besar jika
>  dilakukan dengan ikhlas. Walaupun, kadang2 seperti kata almarhum ayah
>  saya, kebaikan yang akan berbalik pada kita itu hanya akan sekitar 99%.
>  Toh saya lebih memilih itu daripada berbuat kejahatan yg sudah pasti
>  imbalannya 100% kejahatan pula.
>  Berbeda dengan di Indonesia, masyarakat Jepang tidak memiliki kebiasaan
>  saling memberi jika bukan pada orang yg kita anggap sangat dekat.
>  Sembarangan memberi bisa diasumsikan menghina atau merendahkan. Apalagi
>  barang yg diberikan bukan barang baru meskipun masih bagus. Sisi buruknya
>  menurut saya adalah kurang terjalinnya kekerabatan antar manusia. Tapi
>  sisi baiknya, membuat orang2 Jepang kebanyakan sangat mandiri, tidak
>  tergantung pada belas kasihan orang lain.
>  OK, saya akhiri tulisan kali ini dengan kesimpulan akhir saya, bahwa
>  kebiasaan 'MEMBERI' adalah perbuatan mulia, asal sesuai waktu dan
>  kondisinya. Memberi juga tidak harus besar ukurannya, yg penting niat
>  memberi yang tulus. Memberi juga tidak harus selalu berupa barang
>  konkrit. Bisa berupa tulisan2 informatif yg mendidik seperti di KoKi,
>  atau sekedar greeting mail ucapan selamat ulang tahun pada kerabat kita,
>  atau bahkan juga sekedar memberikan dan menyisihkan waktu kita
>  mendengarkan keluh kesah sahabat2 kita. Selamat mencoba! Tuhan Yang Maha
>  Esa tau imbalan yg terbaik untuk kita.

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Posted By vadis to vadisworld - my way, my world at 6/21/2007 04:28:00 AM

Ingin kaya? Belajarlah Memberi!

Nah, inilah yang "kurang" dari diri saya sendiri... hmmm, tapi ada definisi lainnya ttg memberi loh, dan definisi lain dari "kaya". - BJ Vadis
>  Ingin kaya? Belajarlah Memberi!
>  Vitachan - Shizuoka
>  Kemarin sore tiba2 saya diberi kejutan kecil. Orang tua asuh saya membawa
>  beras satu bungkus isi 10 kg dan memberikannya pada saya, tepat ketika
>  saya hendak membeli beras karena persediaan dirumah saya habis. Hehe..
>  rejeki nonplok, pikir saya.
>  Karena sangat senang, saya kirim sms pada kakak perempuan di Indonesia
>  dan menceritakan kejadian ini. "Kok PAS, ya?, pas butuh pas ada." Tulis
>  saya pada kakak saya. Kakak saya lalu bercerita, tadi pagi ibu saya
>  memanggil tukang becak tua yg lewat didepan rumah kami, dan memberinya
>  makan satu piring nasi. Kakak saya heran, dalam rangka apa ibu saya tiba2
>  memberi makan tukang becak itu. Kata ibu saya, "Biar anak mami yg jauh ga
>  kekurangan makan." Kakak saya bilang, mungkin maksud ibu itu adalah saya
>  yg tinggal jauh di negri orang. Kontan, sorenya saya dapet beras 10kg.
>  Waduh?balasannya kok ga sebanding yah, sepiring nasi dengan sekarung
>  beras. Hehe..lumayan.
>  Kejadian ini mengingatkan saya pada kejadian 20 tahun lalu. Suatu hari
>  dipermulaan musim kemarau ketika saya masih duduk di kelas 3 atau 4
>  Sekolah Dasar di Bandung, ada penggalian tanah disepanjang jalan depan
>  rumah orang tua saya untuk pemasangan kabel telpon. Semua tukang gali
>  jumlahnya kira2 20 orang. Pekerjaan memakan waktu kurang lebih 10 hari.
>  Pekerjaan ini menarik perhatian saya, terutama kabel2 ukuran besar yg
>  nantinya akan ditanam dalam galian itu.
>  Hari pertama penggalian dimulai, matahari bersinar sangat terik. Para
>  pekerja yg kelelahan berhenti sejenak dari pekerjaannya sambil beberapa
>  kali mengusap keringat diwajahnya. Mereka terlihat kehausan karena bekal
>  air yg mereka bawa telah habis. Ibu saya yang melihat ini tanpa banyak
>  bicara membawa teko air besar dan menawarkan minuman teh dingin pada
>  mereka. Spontan mereka menerima dan meminum teh buatan ibu saya dgn
>  gembiranya. Karena mereka jumlahnya byk , ibu saya sampai 3 kali mengisi
>  teko itu.
>  Ternyata hari2 berikutnya pun ibu saya tidak berhenti menyediakan teko
>  air didepan rumah untuk para tukang gali itu. Bahkan bisa sampai 5 kali
>  dalam sehari ibu bolak balik mengisi teko besar itu dengan air teh. Jika
>  ada makanan ringan seperti pisang rebus, atau kue2 kecil lainnya, ibu
>  saya jg menyuguhkannya. Saya pernah bertanya, "Kenapa ibu saja yg memberi
>  air minum pada mereka? Tetangga2 lainnya pun tidak". Ibu saya hanya
>  menjawab singkat, "Kasihan", katanya. Sampai ketika pekerjaan galian itu
>  selesai, salah seorang tukang gali berkata "Terimakasih Bu, mulai hari
>  ini tidak usah sediakan air lagi, kami akan pindah ke tempat lain,"
>  katanya sambil pamit pada ibu saya. Hari2 berlalu sampai tiba pada
>  pertengahan musim kemarau. Musim kemarau pada tahun itu katanya adalah
>  musim kemarau panjang dan sangat panas dibanding tahun2 sebelumnya.
>  Tidak seperti air di sumur2 tetangga di komplek rumah kami yang
>  mengering, air sumur kami justru melimpah ruah. Ini ajaib. Padahal
>  tetangga kiri kanan rumah ibu saya memasang JET PUMP yg besar, sedangkan
>  kami hanya memakai pompa SANYO berkekuatan kecil. Logikanya air tanah
>  dirumah kami akan tersedot oleh tetangga kami itu. Tapi kenyataannya
>  adalah ibu saya membagi2kan air pada tetangga sebelah menggunakan selang
>  panjang melewati tembok penghalang rumah.
>  Semua tetangga di kompleks kami membeli air dengan jirigen2 besar untuk
>  keperluan mandi dan mencuci setiap harinya. Hanya keluarga kami yang
>  tidak kekurangan air sedikitpun melewati musim kering yg panjang dan
>  panas pada saat itu. Ketika saya bertanya pada ibu, "Kenapa air sumur di
>  rumah kita tidak kering", ibu saya menggelengkan kepala, sambil berkata
>  lirih, "Apa mungkin ini imbalan dari Tuhan karena memberi minum tukang2
>  gali yg kehausan itu kemarin dulu?." Tidak ada seorang pun diantara kami
>  yg tahu.
>  Sama seperti seorang guru, semakin banyak mengajar, semakin pintarlah Ia.
>  Maka praktek memberi yg diajarkan ibu saya juga berlawanan dengan rumus
>  matematika yg diajarkan disekolah. Satu dikurang satu dimana2 ya sama
>  dengan Nol. Tapi ibu saya ajaib, satu dikurang satu bisa jadi dua, bisa
>  juga tiga, atau bahkan sepuluh. Weleh, weleh?
>  Teman2 kokier di US tentu saja tahu Larry Stewart sang millionaire yg
>  selama 26 tahun berhasil menyembunyikan identitas diri berkeliling Kansas
>  City sambil membagi2kan lembaran uang $100, setiap malam natal. Dalam
>  wawancara dengan TV Jepang sebelum kematiannya akibat kanker tgl 14
>  januari 2007, beliau mengatakan dulu hidupnya selalu kesulitan uang ,
>  dikeluarkan beberapa kali dari pekerjaannya, bahkan pernah berniat
>  merampok bank, sampai akhirnya dia menemukan pengalaman yg mengubah
>  kehidupannya secara total ketika dia bertemu pegawai restoran baik hati
>  yg memberinya uang $20 ketika dia lupa membawa dompet pada saat makan di
>  restaurant itu. Padahal Larry berpura2, itu memang siasat buruknya karena
>  lapar , ingin makan tapi tidak memiliki uang sepeserpun.
>  Ketika dia berpura2 merogoh2 saku celananya dan berakting seolah2 lupa
>  tidak membawa uang, seorang pegawai restoran tersebut berjalan disebelah
>  mejanya dan membungkuk memungut sesuatu dilantai, lalu berdiri dan
>  memberikan uang $20 pada Larry sambil berkata,"Maaf Pak, uang bapak
>  terjatuh di lantai." Spontan Larry menerima uang itu, dan buru2 membayar
>  bill makan siangnya lalu bergegas pergi meninggalkan restoran itu.
>  Setelah keadaan agak tenang, Larry kemudian menyadari kebaikan pegawai
>  restoran tadi, karena dia yakin seratus persen, uangnya tidak pernah
>  terjatuh dilantai, bahkan dia memang tidak membawa uang sepeserpun
>  kedalam restoran itu. Merasa begitu tertolong, sejak itu Larry malah
>  menguras uang tabungannya dan berpura2 menjadi Santa sambil membagi2kan
>  uang $20 (bertambah terus setiap tahun sampai pada lembaran $100) pada
>  orang2 dijalanan yg ditemuinya.
>  Membagikan uang malah membuat Larry menjadi semakin kaya. Dia mulai
>  diterima bekerja dikantor kembali, bahkan kemudian berhasil membangun
>  perusahaan sendiri dan berkembang pesat. Ini keajaiban, katanya. Sesuatu
>  hal yg mustahil terjadi sebelum dia menjadi Secret Santa.
>  ( Ya?suatu pengalaman hidup yg
>  baik, yang patut dicontoh.
>  Lain ibu saya, lain Larry Stewart, lain juga teman saya ditempat kerja.
>  Maksud hati berbuat baik membagikan makanan buatannya saat makan siang,
>  yang terjadi malah petaka. Teman2 yg mencoba makanan buatannya semua
>  sakit perut bahkan ada yg beberapa kali ke kamar kecil. Karena perusahaan
>  kami bekerja dibidang pangan yg mengharuskan sekeliling kami higienis,
>  jelas saja ini tidak bisa ditolerir. Semua teman2 saya tadi yg sakit
>  perut diliburkan dan harus melakukan medical check up.
>  Ah?mungkin cuma keracunan makanan basi biasa sih. Tapi akibatnya fatal.
>  Keesokan harinya saat chorei (briefing), ada peraturan baru, sejak hari
>  itu, sebulan yg lalu, kami tidak diperbolehkan sharing makanan buatan
>  sendiri yg dibawa dari rumah pada teman2 dikantor saat makan siang. Wah?
>  gawat, ini sih kerugian buat saya yang suka comot2 makanan temen. Hiks.
>  Dari beberapa kejadian diatas, saya mencoba menyimpulkan, bahwa
>  "MEMBERI", adalah pekerjaan baik yg bisa berbuah pahala besar jika
>  dilakukan dengan ikhlas. Walaupun, kadang2 seperti kata almarhum ayah
>  saya, kebaikan yang akan berbalik pada kita itu hanya akan sekitar 99%.
>  Toh saya lebih memilih itu daripada berbuat kejahatan yg sudah pasti
>  imbalannya 100% kejahatan pula.
>  Berbeda dengan di Indonesia, masyarakat Jepang tidak memiliki kebiasaan
>  saling memberi jika bukan pada orang yg kita anggap sangat dekat.
>  Sembarangan memberi bisa diasumsikan menghina atau merendahkan. Apalagi
>  barang yg diberikan bukan barang baru meskipun masih bagus. Sisi buruknya
>  menurut saya adalah kurang terjalinnya kekerabatan antar manusia. Tapi
>  sisi baiknya, membuat orang2 Jepang kebanyakan sangat mandiri, tidak
>  tergantung pada belas kasihan orang lain.
>  OK, saya akhiri tulisan kali ini dengan kesimpulan akhir saya, bahwa
>  kebiasaan 'MEMBERI' adalah perbuatan mulia, asal sesuai waktu dan
>  kondisinya. Memberi juga tidak harus besar ukurannya, yg penting niat
>  memberi yang tulus. Memberi juga tidak harus selalu berupa barang
>  konkrit. Bisa berupa tulisan2 informatif yg mendidik seperti di KoKi,
>  atau sekedar greeting mail ucapan selamat ulang tahun pada kerabat kita,
>  atau bahkan juga sekedar memberikan dan menyisihkan waktu kita
>  mendengarkan keluh kesah sahabat2 kita. Selamat mencoba! Tuhan Yang Maha
>  Esa tau imbalan yg terbaik untuk kita.

Park yourself in front of a world of choices in alternative vehicles.
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Monday, June 18, 2007

[vadisworld - my way, my world] The Sparkle of Your Eyes

The sparkle of your eyes
is brighter than diamonds
Oh so beautiful a sight
warmth to my frozen heart

Oh Lord help me
keep the sparkle alive
Though it's not mine to have
I'll lit the sparkle 'till I die

If tears hide the sparkle away
And anger fire sets the eyes ablaze
Let the warmest day
wipe the tears away
And the coolest night
soothe the flaming heart

by Andry Chang
"Oh, wish I can see that sparkle again..."

Posted By vadis to vadisworld - my way, my world at 6/18/2007 04:33:00 AM

Fantastic Four - Rise of the Silver Surfer

Genre: Action & Adventure
Source Link: Flixster

Plot: The enigmatic, intergalactic herald, The Silver Surfer, comes to Earth to prepare it for destruction. As the Silver Surfer races around the globe wreaking havoc, Reed, Sue, Johnny and Ben must unravel...( read more ) the mystery of the Silver Surfer and confront the surprising return of their mortal enemy, Dr. Doom, before all hope is lost.

Note from a Flixster Reviewer: (I had to agree with him, though! - BJ Vadis)
First thing I have to say is that people that don't read comic books won't really get full value of the movie. If you do know, then you would fully understand what happens at the end of the whole movie. I personally found this movie to be better than the first. The storyline was alright, and the special effects were done really well. The special effects, the Silver Surfer and Jessica Alba are probably the only things saving the movie from flopping. Speaking of the Silver Surfer, they portrayed him pretty well in the movie even though there are some things they changed from the comics. For those that want a quick synopsis of what the movie is about. The Silver Surfer comes to Earth to help scope out if the planet is worthy for his master, Galactus, to devour. While on Earth, the Silver Surfer's cosmic powers affect the planet which catches the awareness of the Fantastic Four. From there, they encounter the Silver Surfer, and with the help from Dr. Doom (which has been revived due to the Surfer) defeats the Surfer. From there, the team then has to defeat Dr. Doom and the arrival of Galactus. I won't spoil the ending for you guys, but if you do want to know without watching the movie, feel free to send me an e-mail. Overall the movie is alright, but could have been better. One of the thing that many fans would be complaining about would be the physical appearance of Galactus. In this movie he is portrayed as a giant cloud that basically covers the planet and devours it by sticking cloud tentacles into the planet and sucking it dry. Many might have dislike the fact that he wasn't a giant purple tights wearing freak chomping on the planet. What i felt they should have done was to have him as a gas cloud, but make the cloud shaped as Galactus portrayed in the comics. This would have been best for the movie, but what is done and done and we got to live with it. Once again, the movie is alright, and I guess watch it if you enjoy the Fantastic Four.

[vadisworld - my way, my world] New Movie Reviews from my Flixster!Jun 07

In Theaters

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer ( PG )
Andre Braugher, Chris Evans, Doug Jones, Gonzalo Menendez, Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba, Julian McMahon, Kerry Washington, Laurence Fishburne, Michael Chiklis
The enigmatic, intergalactic herald, The Silver Surfer, comes to Earth to prepare it for destruction. As the Silver Surfer races around the globe wreaking havoc, Reed, Sue, Johnny and Ben must unravel...
All Flixster: 80% 20%

DOA: Dead or Alive ( PG-13 )
Devon Aoki, Eric Roberts, Holly Valance, Jaime Pressly, Jamie Pressly, Matthew Marsden, Natassia Malthe, Sarah Carter
Four voluptuous girls, each with unique fighting styles, are invited to partake in the "Dead or Alive" world fighting tournament on an exotic island.
All Flixster: 30% 70%

Nancy Drew ( PG )
Barry Bostwick, Emma Roberts, Josh Flitter, Laura Elena Harring, Max Thieriot, Rachael Leigh Cook, Tate Donovan
Based on characters created by Carolyn Keene, "Nancy Drew" follows Nancy (Emma Roberts) as she accompanies her father, Carson Drew (Tate Donovan), to Los Angeles on one of his business trips and stumb...
All Flixster: 40% 60%

Also Opening This Week
Top Box Office
FidoEagle vs. Shark
Ocean's Thirteen
Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End
Knocked Up
Surf's Up
Shrek the Third (Shrek 3)


Ghost Rider ( PG-13 )
Donal Logue, Eva Mendes, Matthew Long, Nicolas Cage, Peter Fonda, Sam Elliott, Wes Bentley, Daniel Frederiksen, Laurence Breuls, Mathew Wilkinson, Raquel Alessi, David Roberts
Based on the Marvel character, stunt motorcyclist Johnny Blaze gives up his soul to become a hellblazing vigilante, to fight against power hungry Blackheart, the son of the devil himself.
All Flixster:

Breach ( PG-13 )
Aaron Abrams, Chris Cooper, Dennis Haysbert, Gary Cole, Jonathan Keltz, Kathleen Quinlan, Laura Linney, Ryan Phillippe
Inspired by the real-life story of Robert Hanssen, Breach follows the search for an elusive mole in the top echelons of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Eric O誰eill (Ryan Phillippe) is dragged fr...
All Flixster:

Daddy's Little Girls ( PG-13 )
Gabrielle Union, Gary Sturgis, Idris Elba, Jr, Lou Gossett, Lou Gossett Jr., Tasha Smith, Tracee Ellis Ross
A single father, Monty is a garage mechanic who lives in a poor neighborhood and struggles to make ends meet as he raises his three young daughters on his own. But, when the courts award custody of hi...
All Flixster:

Also Released This Week
Top Rentals
Epic Movie
Pan's Labyrinth

Posted By vadis to vadisworld - my way, my world at 6/18/2007 03:39:00 AM

The Sparkle of Your Eyes

The sparkle of your eyes
is brighter than diamonds
Oh so beautiful a sight
warmth to my frozen heart

Oh Lord help me
keep the sparkle alive
Though it's not mine to have
I'll lit the sparkle 'till I die

If tears hide the sparkle away
And anger fire sets the eyes ablaze
Let the warmest day
wipe the tears away
And the coolest night
soothe the flaming heart

by Andry Chang
"Oh, wish I can see that sparkle again..."

New Movie Reviews from my Flixster! Jun 07

In Theaters

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer ( PG )
Andre Braugher, Chris Evans, Doug Jones, Gonzalo Menendez, Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba, Julian McMahon, Kerry Washington, Laurence Fishburne, Michael Chiklis
The enigmatic, intergalactic herald, The Silver Surfer, comes to Earth to prepare it for destruction. As the Silver Surfer races around the globe wreaking havoc, Reed, Sue, Johnny and Ben must unravel...
All Flixster: 80% 20%

DOA: Dead or Alive ( PG-13 )
Devon Aoki, Eric Roberts, Holly Valance, Jaime Pressly, Jamie Pressly, Matthew Marsden, Natassia Malthe, Sarah Carter
Four voluptuous girls, each with unique fighting styles, are invited to partake in the "Dead or Alive" world fighting tournament on an exotic island.
All Flixster: 30% 70%

Nancy Drew ( PG )
Barry Bostwick, Emma Roberts, Josh Flitter, Laura Elena Harring, Max Thieriot, Rachael Leigh Cook, Tate Donovan
Based on characters created by Carolyn Keene, "Nancy Drew" follows Nancy (Emma Roberts) as she accompanies her father, Carson Drew (Tate Donovan), to Los Angeles on one of his business trips and stumb...
All Flixster: 40% 60%

Also Opening This Week
Top Box Office
FidoEagle vs. Shark
Ocean's Thirteen
Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End
Knocked Up
Surf's Up
Shrek the Third (Shrek 3)


Ghost Rider ( PG-13 )
Donal Logue, Eva Mendes, Matthew Long, Nicolas Cage, Peter Fonda, Sam Elliott, Wes Bentley, Daniel Frederiksen, Laurence Breuls, Mathew Wilkinson, Raquel Alessi, David Roberts
Based on the Marvel character, stunt motorcyclist Johnny Blaze gives up his soul to become a hellblazing vigilante, to fight against power hungry Blackheart, the son of the devil himself.
All Flixster:

Breach ( PG-13 )
Aaron Abrams, Chris Cooper, Dennis Haysbert, Gary Cole, Jonathan Keltz, Kathleen Quinlan, Laura Linney, Ryan Phillippe
Inspired by the real-life story of Robert Hanssen, Breach follows the search for an elusive mole in the top echelons of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Eric O誰eill (Ryan Phillippe) is dragged fr...
All Flixster:

Daddy's Little Girls ( PG-13 )
Gabrielle Union, Gary Sturgis, Idris Elba, Jr, Lou Gossett, Lou Gossett Jr., Tasha Smith, Tracee Ellis Ross
A single father, Monty is a garage mechanic who lives in a poor neighborhood and struggles to make ends meet as he raises his three young daughters on his own. But, when the courts award custody of hi...
All Flixster:

Also Released This Week
Top Rentals
Epic Movie
Pan's Labyrinth

Sunday, June 17, 2007

[vadisworld - my way, my world] ASIA PACIFIC YOUTH ALIVE CONFERENCE

Jangan lewatkan..

21-23 Juni 2007
Istora Senayan, Jakarta

Akan bergabung bersama dengan kita teman2 dari berbagai propinsi di
Indonesia & kurang lebih 15 negara dari Asia Pasifik akan datang dalam
konferensi ini.

Biaya seminar & worskhop: Rp. 100.000,-/orang (tanpa konsumsi)

Grand Opening - parade dari masing2 negara
Indonesian Night
International Night

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menguhubungi:
Angga/Krisman : 021-98294649
Jeffry : 0817816607

Susunan acara, pembicara & workshop dapat dilihat di website..


Posted By vadis to vadisworld - my way, my world at 6/17/2007 02:41:00 AM


Jangan lewatkan..

21-23 Juni 2007
Istora Senayan, Jakarta

Akan bergabung bersama dengan kita teman2 dari berbagai propinsi di
Indonesia & kurang lebih 15 negara dari Asia Pasifik akan datang dalam
konferensi ini.

Biaya seminar & worskhop: Rp. 100.000,-/orang (tanpa konsumsi)

Grand Opening - parade dari masing2 negara
Indonesian Night
International Night

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menguhubungi:
Angga/Krisman : 021-98294649
Jeffry : 0817816607

Susunan acara, pembicara & workshop dapat dilihat di website..


[vadisworld - my way, my world] Jet Li

Birth name
Traditional: 李連杰
Simplified: 李连杰

Hanyu Pinyin: Lǐ Liánjié

Wade-Giles: Li Lien-chieh

Cantonese: Ley5 Lin4 Git6

March 26 1963 :(age -1962)Beijing, China
1.69 m
Official site
Huang Qiuyan (1)Nina Li Chi (2)

Jet Li (born Li Lianjie)is a Chinese martial artist, actor and action star. He is one of the most recognized and famous actors and martial artists in Asia and one of the few actors from China that has gained wider fame outside of Asia.


Li's father died when he was just two, and his mother, who was very protective, sent him to the wushu academy at the age of eight. Li did not know he had a stepbrother by the name Brandon Soo, who had also been sent to the wushu training academy for martial arts training, and they grew up not knowing each other. Finally at the age of 21 Brandon and Jet begun tournament training and had competed against each other. Whilst Brandon had more experience, Jet won. Through this experience, they figured out a way of fighting using less mobility with more strength and power together; this became the art of tingjao.
As an athleteJet Li participated in the sport of wushu in the non-sparring event. He began his wushu career as a member of the Beijing Wushu team, an athletic group organized to perform martial arts forms during the All China Games. As a member of the team, he received wushu training and went on to win fifteen gold medals and one silver medal in Chinese wushu championships:
1974 — Youth National Athletic Competition: broadsword form gold medal, optional empty-hand form gold medal, all-round gold medal;
1975 — Third Chinese Wushu Championships: long fist form gold medal, spear form silver medal;
1977 — National Wushu Competition: long-fist form gold medal, broadsword form gold medal;
1978 — National Wushu Competition: long-fist form gold medal, optional empty-hand form gold medal, broadsword form gold medal, all-round gold medal;
1979 — Fourth Chinese Wushu Championships: long-fist form gold medal, optional empty-hand form gold medal, broadsword form gold medal, sparring form gold medal, all-round gold medal. All his optional empty-hand form medals were won with a form called fanzi yingzhuaquan (翻子鷹爪拳, Fanzi eagle claw). His success led to the PRC declaring Jet Li to be a "National Treasure".
As an actor

The fame gained by his sports winnings led to a career as a martial arts film star, beginning in mainland China and then continuing into Hong Kong. After his success in Hong Kong, and establishing a cult following in the U.S., Jet Li established a presence in American films, beginning with role as the lead villain in Lethal Weapon 4, which also marked the first time he has ever played a villain in a movie. His first leading role in a Hollywood movie was in Romeo Must Die. Some of his more famous Chinese films include:
The Shaolin Temple series (1, 2 and 3), which are considered to be the films which sparked the rebirth of the real Shaolin Temple in Dengfeng, China;
The Once Upon a Time in China series (Chinese title: Wong Fei Hung), about the legendary Chinese folk hero;
Fist of Legend (Chinese title: Jing Wu Ying Xiong), a remake of Bruce Lee's Fist of Fury (Jing Wu Men in Chinese, named after the martial arts school);
The Fong Sai-Yuk films, about another Chinese folk hero. As one might expect from a martial artist of his caliber, he performs most of his own stunts.

Jet Li starred in the 1995 movie, Shu dan long wei, known in English as "Courage of a Mouse and Power of a Dragon". The movie, known in the US as either High Risk or Meltdown, portrays Jet Li as a cop who becomes disillusioned after his wife is murdered by crimelords. Along the way, he pairs up with a wacky sell-out actor, Frankie (played by Jacky Cheung), and proceeds to engage in a series of violent battles in a high-rise building. The setting is similar to that of Die Hard (which interestingly, is known in China as Fo Dan Wei Long, or "Courage of a tiger and power of a dragon"). In July 2001, Jet Li and Jackie Chan agreed to produce and star in an action movie which was to be released in 2002 or 2003, but no further news of their collaboration surfaced until 2006. In 2002, the film Hero was released in the Chinese market. This film was both a commercial and critical success. Li departed from his usual martial arts actions films with the 2005 drama, Unleashed (a.k.a. Danny the Dog) where he portrays an adult with the mentality of a child who has been raised like an animal. Although his martial arts skills are indeed utilized, it is a somber film with more depth than had been previously seen in Li's films, and co-starred dramatic actors, Bob Hoskins and Morgan Freeman. His latest martial arts film epic is Fearless. Although he will continue to make movies, Fearless is his last martial arts epic. In Fearless, he is known as Huo Yuanjia, the real-life founder of Chin Woo Athletic Association, who reportedly defeated foreign boxers and Japanese martial artists in publicized events at a time when China's power was seen as eroding. Together with the film Fist of Legend, Li has portrayed both Chen Zhen, the fictional student and avenger of Huo Yuanjia, as well as Huo Yuanjia himself. Fearless was released on September 22, 2006 in the United States where it reached second place in its first weekend.

I stepped into the martial arts movie market when I was only 16. I think I have proved my ability in this field and it won't make sense for me to continue for another five or 10 years. Huo Yuanjia is a conclusion to my life as a martial arts star.
Jet Li has stated in an interview with the Shenzhen Daily newspaper that this will be his last martial arts epic, which is also stated in the movie's television promotions. However, he plans to continue his film career in other genres. (To Clarify, he said that Fearless would be his final Kung-Fu film. A kung-Fu film is an epic film that deals more with religious and philosophical issues, like Fearless and Hero, but plans to contiune action and martial arts films.) Li's latest film, Rogue, began principal photography in the spring of 2006, re-teaming Jet Li with actor Jason Statham and action choreographer Corey Yuen. In May 2006, there was an official announcement that Jackie Chan and Jet Li would be making a movie together and are both working on a script at the moment. The film is rumored to be based on characters and storylines from the Chinese folk novel Journey to the West. The film is scheduled to start filming in early 2007, after Chan completes filming on Rush Hour 3.
Personal lifeIn 1987 Jet Li married Beijing Wushu Team member and Shaolin Temple series co-star Huang Qiuyan, with whom he had two children. They divorced in 1990. Since 1999, he has been married to Nina Li Chi (born Li Zhi), a Shanghai-born, Hong Kong-based actress. He has two children with her as well, Jane (born 2000) and Jada (born circa 2002). 1999 Step brother Brandon Soo was introduced into the movie scene. Jet Li was in the Maldives when the tsunami hit during the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake. Although it was widely reported at the time that he had died during the disaster,[citation needed] he only suffered a minor foot injury, caused by a piece of floating furniture, while he was guiding his daughter to safety.[1]

Other notes
The J&J Project
Blood Brothers
Huo Yuanjia
aka Legend of a Fighter
aka Danny the Dog
Cradle 2 the Grave
released 2004 in US
The One
Gabe Law/Gabriel Yulaw/Lawless
Kiss of the Dragon
Liu Jian
Romeo Must Die
Han Sing
Lethal Weapon 4
Wah Sing Ku
aka The Hitmanaka The Contract Killer
Once Upon a Time in China VI
Wong Fei-Hung
Black Mask
Michael/Simon/Tsui Chik/Black Mask
Dr. Wai and the Scripture Without Words(冒險王 Mo him wong)
Chow Si-Kit
aka Adventure Kingaka The Scripture with No Words
Kit Li
aka High Risk
My Father is a Hero
Kung Wei
aka The Enforceraka Letter to Daddy
The Bodyguard from Beijing(中南海保鑣 Zhong Nan Hai bao biao)
Allan Hui Ching-yeung/John Chang
aka The Defender
Fist of Legend
Chen Zhen
Legend of the Red Dragon
Hung Hei-Kwun
Fong Sai-Yuk
aka The Legend 2
Fong Sai-Yuk
aka The Legend
The Kung Fu Cult Master(倚天屠龍記之魔教教主 Yi tian tu long ji zhi mo jiao jiao zhu)
Chang Mo Kei
aka The Evil Cultaka Kung Fu Masteraka Lord of the Wu Tang
Last Hero in China(黃飛鴻之鐵雞斗蜈蚣 Wong Fei-hung chi tit gai dau neung gung)
Wong Fei-hung
aka Claws of Steelaka Deadly China Hero
Tai Chi Master
aka Twin Warriors
Once Upon a Time in China III
Wong Fei-hung
Once Upon a Time in China II
Wong Fei-Hung
Once Upon a Time in China
Wong Fei-Hung
Swordsman II
Ling Wu Chung
The Master
Dragon Fight(龍在天涯 Long zai tian ya)
Jimmy Lee
Born to Defense
(南北少林 Nan bei Shao Lin)
Zhi Ming
(少林小子 Shao Lin xiao zi)
San Lung
Shaolin Temple
Chieh Yuan

Once, as a child, when the Chinese National Wushu Team went to perform for President Richard Nixon in the United States, Jet Li was asked by Nixon to be his personal bodyguard, to which Li replied, "I don't want to protect any individual. When I grow up, I want to defend my one billion Chinese countrymen!" which earned him much respect in his homeland.
He turned down Chow Yun-Fat's role in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon because he promised his wife that he would not make any movies during her pregnancy.[citation needed]
Over his long career, he has broken a total of 17 bones.[citation needed]
Agreed to do Lethal Weapon 4 after the producer promised to give him leading role in his next movie..which was 'Romeo Must Die'


Posted By vadis to vadisworld - my way, my world at 6/16/2007 11:24:00 PM

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Jet Li

Birth name
Traditional: 李連杰
Simplified: 李连杰

Hanyu Pinyin: Lǐ Liánjié

Wade-Giles: Li Lien-chieh

Cantonese: Ley5 Lin4 Git6

March 26 1963 :(age -1962)Beijing, China
1.69 m
Official site
Huang Qiuyan (1)Nina Li Chi (2)

Jet Li (born Li Lianjie)is a Chinese martial artist, actor and action star. He is one of the most recognized and famous actors and martial artists in Asia and one of the few actors from China that has gained wider fame outside of Asia.


Li's father died when he was just two, and his mother, who was very protective, sent him to the wushu academy at the age of eight. Li did not know he had a stepbrother by the name Brandon Soo, who had also been sent to the wushu training academy for martial arts training, and they grew up not knowing each other. Finally at the age of 21 Brandon and Jet begun tournament training and had competed against each other. Whilst Brandon had more experience, Jet won. Through this experience, they figured out a way of fighting using less mobility with more strength and power together; this became the art of tingjao.
As an athleteJet Li participated in the sport of wushu in the non-sparring event. He began his wushu career as a member of the Beijing Wushu team, an athletic group organized to perform martial arts forms during the All China Games. As a member of the team, he received wushu training and went on to win fifteen gold medals and one silver medal in Chinese wushu championships:
1974 — Youth National Athletic Competition: broadsword form gold medal, optional empty-hand form gold medal, all-round gold medal;
1975 — Third Chinese Wushu Championships: long fist form gold medal, spear form silver medal;
1977 — National Wushu Competition: long-fist form gold medal, broadsword form gold medal;
1978 — National Wushu Competition: long-fist form gold medal, optional empty-hand form gold medal, broadsword form gold medal, all-round gold medal;
1979 — Fourth Chinese Wushu Championships: long-fist form gold medal, optional empty-hand form gold medal, broadsword form gold medal, sparring form gold medal, all-round gold medal. All his optional empty-hand form medals were won with a form called fanzi yingzhuaquan (翻子鷹爪拳, Fanzi eagle claw). His success led to the PRC declaring Jet Li to be a "National Treasure".
As an actor

The fame gained by his sports winnings led to a career as a martial arts film star, beginning in mainland China and then continuing into Hong Kong. After his success in Hong Kong, and establishing a cult following in the U.S., Jet Li established a presence in American films, beginning with role as the lead villain in Lethal Weapon 4, which also marked the first time he has ever played a villain in a movie. His first leading role in a Hollywood movie was in Romeo Must Die. Some of his more famous Chinese films include:
The Shaolin Temple series (1, 2 and 3), which are considered to be the films which sparked the rebirth of the real Shaolin Temple in Dengfeng, China;
The Once Upon a Time in China series (Chinese title: Wong Fei Hung), about the legendary Chinese folk hero;
Fist of Legend (Chinese title: Jing Wu Ying Xiong), a remake of Bruce Lee's Fist of Fury (Jing Wu Men in Chinese, named after the martial arts school);
The Fong Sai-Yuk films, about another Chinese folk hero. As one might expect from a martial artist of his caliber, he performs most of his own stunts.

Jet Li starred in the 1995 movie, Shu dan long wei, known in English as "Courage of a Mouse and Power of a Dragon". The movie, known in the US as either High Risk or Meltdown, portrays Jet Li as a cop who becomes disillusioned after his wife is murdered by crimelords. Along the way, he pairs up with a wacky sell-out actor, Frankie (played by Jacky Cheung), and proceeds to engage in a series of violent battles in a high-rise building. The setting is similar to that of Die Hard (which interestingly, is known in China as Fo Dan Wei Long, or "Courage of a tiger and power of a dragon"). In July 2001, Jet Li and Jackie Chan agreed to produce and star in an action movie which was to be released in 2002 or 2003, but no further news of their collaboration surfaced until 2006. In 2002, the film Hero was released in the Chinese market. This film was both a commercial and critical success. Li departed from his usual martial arts actions films with the 2005 drama, Unleashed (a.k.a. Danny the Dog) where he portrays an adult with the mentality of a child who has been raised like an animal. Although his martial arts skills are indeed utilized, it is a somber film with more depth than had been previously seen in Li's films, and co-starred dramatic actors, Bob Hoskins and Morgan Freeman. His latest martial arts film epic is Fearless. Although he will continue to make movies, Fearless is his last martial arts epic. In Fearless, he is known as Huo Yuanjia, the real-life founder of Chin Woo Athletic Association, who reportedly defeated foreign boxers and Japanese martial artists in publicized events at a time when China's power was seen as eroding. Together with the film Fist of Legend, Li has portrayed both Chen Zhen, the fictional student and avenger of Huo Yuanjia, as well as Huo Yuanjia himself. Fearless was released on September 22, 2006 in the United States where it reached second place in its first weekend.

I stepped into the martial arts movie market when I was only 16. I think I have proved my ability in this field and it won't make sense for me to continue for another five or 10 years. Huo Yuanjia is a conclusion to my life as a martial arts star.
Jet Li has stated in an interview with the Shenzhen Daily newspaper that this will be his last martial arts epic, which is also stated in the movie's television promotions. However, he plans to continue his film career in other genres. (To Clarify, he said that Fearless would be his final Kung-Fu film. A kung-Fu film is an epic film that deals more with religious and philosophical issues, like Fearless and Hero, but plans to contiune action and martial arts films.) Li's latest film, Rogue, began principal photography in the spring of 2006, re-teaming Jet Li with actor Jason Statham and action choreographer Corey Yuen. In May 2006, there was an official announcement that Jackie Chan and Jet Li would be making a movie together and are both working on a script at the moment. The film is rumored to be based on characters and storylines from the Chinese folk novel Journey to the West. The film is scheduled to start filming in early 2007, after Chan completes filming on Rush Hour 3.
Personal lifeIn 1987 Jet Li married Beijing Wushu Team member and Shaolin Temple series co-star Huang Qiuyan, with whom he had two children. They divorced in 1990. Since 1999, he has been married to Nina Li Chi (born Li Zhi), a Shanghai-born, Hong Kong-based actress. He has two children with her as well, Jane (born 2000) and Jada (born circa 2002). 1999 Step brother Brandon Soo was introduced into the movie scene. Jet Li was in the Maldives when the tsunami hit during the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake. Although it was widely reported at the time that he had died during the disaster,[citation needed] he only suffered a minor foot injury, caused by a piece of floating furniture, while he was guiding his daughter to safety.[1]

Other notes
The J&J Project
Blood Brothers
Huo Yuanjia
aka Legend of a Fighter
aka Danny the Dog
Cradle 2 the Grave
released 2004 in US
The One
Gabe Law/Gabriel Yulaw/Lawless
Kiss of the Dragon
Liu Jian
Romeo Must Die
Han Sing
Lethal Weapon 4
Wah Sing Ku
aka The Hitmanaka The Contract Killer
Once Upon a Time in China VI
Wong Fei-Hung
Black Mask
Michael/Simon/Tsui Chik/Black Mask
Dr. Wai and the Scripture Without Words(冒險王 Mo him wong)
Chow Si-Kit
aka Adventure Kingaka The Scripture with No Words
Kit Li
aka High Risk
My Father is a Hero
Kung Wei
aka The Enforceraka Letter to Daddy
The Bodyguard from Beijing(中南海保鑣 Zhong Nan Hai bao biao)
Allan Hui Ching-yeung/John Chang
aka The Defender
Fist of Legend
Chen Zhen
Legend of the Red Dragon
Hung Hei-Kwun
Fong Sai-Yuk
aka The Legend 2
Fong Sai-Yuk
aka The Legend
The Kung Fu Cult Master(倚天屠龍記之魔教教主 Yi tian tu long ji zhi mo jiao jiao zhu)
Chang Mo Kei
aka The Evil Cultaka Kung Fu Masteraka Lord of the Wu Tang
Last Hero in China(黃飛鴻之鐵雞斗蜈蚣 Wong Fei-hung chi tit gai dau neung gung)
Wong Fei-hung
aka Claws of Steelaka Deadly China Hero
Tai Chi Master
aka Twin Warriors
Once Upon a Time in China III
Wong Fei-hung
Once Upon a Time in China II
Wong Fei-Hung
Once Upon a Time in China
Wong Fei-Hung
Swordsman II
Ling Wu Chung
The Master
Dragon Fight(龍在天涯 Long zai tian ya)
Jimmy Lee
Born to Defense
(南北少林 Nan bei Shao Lin)
Zhi Ming
(少林小子 Shao Lin xiao zi)
San Lung
Shaolin Temple
Chieh Yuan

Once, as a child, when the Chinese National Wushu Team went to perform for President Richard Nixon in the United States, Jet Li was asked by Nixon to be his personal bodyguard, to which Li replied, "I don't want to protect any individual. When I grow up, I want to defend my one billion Chinese countrymen!" which earned him much respect in his homeland.
He turned down Chow Yun-Fat's role in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon because he promised his wife that he would not make any movies during her pregnancy.[citation needed]
Over his long career, he has broken a total of 17 bones.[citation needed]
Agreed to do Lethal Weapon 4 after the producer promised to give him leading role in his next movie..which was 'Romeo Must Die'


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