Tuesday, September 30, 2008

[GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc.] Getamped Fan Site in Facebook!

Andry Chang
10:22am Sep 18th
Getamped Fan Site in Facebook!
Company Overview:
GetAmped is an online fighting game made by CyberStep, Korea. It's also known as Splash Fighters in North America.

Its versatile fighting skills, addictive gameplay and the unlimited customization enables the players to edit the "skins" of their characters and be practically anyone they want, including movie stars, anime heroes, celebrities, things even their own figure!

Visit the official GetAmped site in http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http://www.getamped.org
To introduce and spread GetAmped / Splash Fighters game to America and Europe, and the rest of the world.
To make the whole world play GetAmped Online Fighting Game, promoting http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http://www.kickassinc.tk as the skin source.
GetAmped / Splash Fighters FREE Skin Site
KICK ASS Inc. http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http://www.kickassinc.tk

Visit the websites to download GetAmped / Splash Fighters game software / patch in your respective countries.

Andry has shared a Page with you. To view the Page or to reply to the message, follow this link:


Are your friends bothering you? You can opt out of emails from friends on Facebook.


Posted By Andry Chang to GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc. at 9/20/2008 08:50:00 AM

[GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc.] Get Amped Skin Website!

(you need to register an account to access this thread)

This is a video to ... tell you
about a website that has MANY
GetAmped Skins!!XD FIRST VIDEO
Enjoy the video and most of all,

copy and paste this on address bar.

Video Source:

Links, Getamped skins, getamped forum, skin


Posted By Andry Chang to GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc. at 10/01/2008 09:22:00 AM

[vadis.tk - the portal] Adventure Quest - Nightmare Queen withoutPet/Guests

Using Sagietje`s Ranger tactics as they seem more effective than anything else i`ve tryed on her..

*Online Java Games *






Posted By Andry Chang to vadis.tk - the portal at 10/01/2008 09:29:00 AM

FireHeart - Legenda Paladin: Sang Pemburu




Sep 30th

- Legenda Paladin: Sang Pemburu


please support fireheart by telling
your friends and family about this book. the entertainment and
inspiration is really worth your money.

Andry has shared a
Marketplace listing with you. To view the Marketplace listing or to
reply to the message, follow this link:


NovelBlog http://www.fireheart.tk

forth, Paladins! Fulfill your

[FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy] FireHeart - LegendaPaladin: Sang P...

Andry Chang
8:40am Sep 30th
FireHeart - Legenda Paladin: Sang Pemburu
please support fireheart by telling your friends and family about this book. the entertainment and inspiration is really worth your money.

Andry has shared a Marketplace listing with you. To view the Marketplace listing or to reply to the message, follow this link:

FireHeart NovelBlog http://www.fireheart.tk
Come forth, Paladins! Fulfill your destiny!


Posted By Andry Chang to FireHeart - Exploring Worlds of Fantasy at 10/01/2008 09:20:00 AM




聪牵和爸爸,妈妈, 姐姐,爷爷,奶奶住在一起在一个小住屋。虽然家里充满现代的家具,比如Plasma TV,3G手表千功能手机,笔记本电脑等等,但是聪牵家算是穷家。有钱人和穷人家的分别就看你的家有没有奥林比克游泳池的大小咯!

聪牵是一个二十多岁的青年猴子。他很机灵,温暖,好可爱的猴子。他的灰毛很干净, 因为他很注意卫生。

天天穿的衣服很朴素, 但也很流行。聪牵戴着 黑色帽子,在帽子上有拉拉季城市的象征;一只金色猴头

大学毕业后,他每天的工作是卖手机卡,充磁卡,电话卡。 却不是因为聪牵苯,而是因为他喜欢自由,喜欢面对很多人, 喜欢帮助人,喜欢新科技, 但是他最喜欢的是赚很多钱。所以他的外号叫“崇钱“。


Posted By restart peter to 驾驶脑子 DRIVINGBRAIN at 9/30/2008 11:15:00 PM

[FireHeart di Fantasy Worlds Indonesia] FireHeart di Forum-ForumIndonesia!

Thread FireHeart di Forum:

Forum Kafegaul (http://forum.kafegaul.com)
Buku & Majalah: http://forum.kafegaul.com/forumdisplay.php?f=11
Lihat thread di sini

Forum KasKus http://kaskus.us
(The Lounge):
Lihat thread di sini


[BONUS] Sebagian sinopsis Back Cover:

Robert terkapar di lantai, kelelahan, dan terluka di banyak titik di sekujur tubuhnya. Dar'gum berdiri di atasnya dan mengacungkan kapak il Khatl J'nadh pada leher Robert.

"A'bong, adikku, inilah musuhmu, takluk di bawah kakiku. Aku telah mengalahkannya untukmu dan kini, aku mempersembahkan darahnya untukmu agar kau dapat beristirahat dengan tenang."

Sambil berkata begitu, Dar'gum mengayunkan kapaknya. Carolyn berteriak histeris, "TIDAAAK!!"

Carolyn terperangah ngeri. Kapak Orc itu tertancap di tanah, dengan lebih banyak noda darah pada bilahnya...


Posted By Andry Chang to FireHeart di Fantasy Worlds Indonesia on 9/30/2008 06:59:00 AM

[vadismart - the cybermall] FIREHEART Legenda Paladin - SangPemburu

Written by: Andry Chang
Price: Rp 62.500,00
Book Origin: Indonesia, 2008
Available at Toko Gunung Agung bookstore.

Visit this website for story's preview.


Posted By restart peter to vadismart - the cybermall at 9/30/2008 03:22:00 AM

Monday, September 29, 2008

[GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc.] M&M's Chocolates - Michael Mintz

Red M&M - Michael Mintz by vadis
This is my m&m avatar from the model in:

Create your custom M&M Character in:

Download (click skin name to start):


Free file hosting from File Den


Posted By vadis to GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc. at 9/29/2008 09:51:00 PM

[GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc.] Street Fighters Skin Catalog 1

Disclaimer: These skins are from various skin makers all over the world other than BJ Vadis. Please treat this as a non-commercial sharing.
(The old links are broken, please use these new ones)

Chun Li by cya


Free file hosting from File Den

Dhalsim by Reddion


Free file hosting from File Den

Sagat by Reddion


Free file hosting from File Den

Vega by Reddion


Free file hosting from File Den

Zangief by Reddion


Free file hosting from File Den


Posted By vadis to GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc. at 9/29/2008 07:15:00 PM

Sunday, September 28, 2008

[FireHeart di Fantasy Worlds Indonesia] Si Pandir dan si Penyihir

FireHeart - Fool and Magician by ~vadis on deviantART

Ilustrasi Bab 4. Si Pandir dan Si Penyihir
Dari Novel FireHeart - Legenda Paladin
Buku Satu: Sang Pemburu
Novel & ilustrasi oleh: Andry Chang


Posted By Andry Chang to FireHeart di Fantasy Worlds Indonesia on 9/27/2008 11:23:00 PM

[FireHeart di Fantasy Worlds Indonesia] Vordac - Penguasa MutlakKegelapan

Vordac the Dark OverLord by ~vadis on deviantART

Vordac, Penguasa Mutlak Kegelapan
Profil lengkap dapat dilihat di bagian Prolog Novel FireHeart - Legenda Paladin
Buku Satu: Sang Pemburu


Posted By Andry Chang to FireHeart di Fantasy Worlds Indonesia on 9/27/2008 11:11:00 PM

Saturday, September 27, 2008

[vadis.tk - the portal] FireHeart - Legenda Paladin: Sang Pemburu(Andry Chang)

Andry Chang (bjvadis@yahoo.co.id) has posted a new review.

ReviewReviewReviewReviewReviewFireHeart - Legenda Paladin: Sang PemburuSep 27, '08 8:57 PM
for everyone
Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy
Author:Andry Chang
Novel pertama dari Trilogi FireHeart - Legenda Paladin
telah terbit!

FireHeart - Legenda Paladin
(Buku Satu) Sang Pemburu
Oleh: Andry Chang

Penerbit: Sheila, sebuah imprint dari CV. ANDI OFFSET (Penerbit ANDI)
Bahasa Indonesia (hanya untuk pemasaran di Indonesia)
Desain Cover: Weny
Ilustrasi Dalam Novel: Andry Chang

Dimensi/Ukuran: 13,1 x 18,8 cm
Tebal: 492 halaman + 10 prolog = 502 halaman
(Belum termasuk kata pengantar dan halaman2 ilustrasi / pembuka bab)

Genre: Fantasi (Medieval Epic Fantasy)
Website Penerbit: www.andipublisher.com

Tersedia di toko-toko buku kesayangan dan terkemuka di kota anda!
Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, bacalah artikel2 tentang FireHeart di website ini atau website FireHeart di www.fireheart.tk

Majulah, Wahai Paladin! Penuhi Takdirmu!

Add a Comment

Copyright 2008 Multiply Inc, 6001 Park of Commerce, Boca Raton, FL 33487, USA
Stop e-mails, view our privacy policy, or report abuse: click here


Posted By Andry Chang to vadis.tk - the portal at 9/28/2008 07:58:00 AM

FireHeart - Legenda Paladin: Sang Pemburu

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy
Author:Andry Chang
Novel pertama dari Trilogi FireHeart - Legenda Paladin
telah terbit!

FireHeart - Legenda Paladin
(Buku Satu) Sang Pemburu
Oleh: Andry Chang

Penerbit: Sheila, sebuah imprint dari CV. ANDI OFFSET (Penerbit ANDI)
Bahasa Indonesia (hanya untuk pemasaran di Indonesia)
Desain Cover: Weny
Ilustrasi Dalam Novel: Andry Chang

Dimensi/Ukuran: 13,1 x 18,8 cm
Tebal: 492 halaman + 10 prolog = 502 halaman
(Belum termasuk kata pengantar dan halaman2 ilustrasi / pembuka bab)

Genre: Fantasi (Medieval Epic Fantasy)
Website Penerbit: www.andipublisher.com

Tersedia di toko-toko buku kesayangan dan terkemuka di kota anda!
Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, bacalah artikel2 tentang FireHeart di website ini atau website FireHeart di www.fireheart.tk

Majulah, Wahai Paladin! Penuhi Takdirmu!

Cuplikan di Cover Belakang:
Robert terkapar di lantai, kelelahan, dan terluka di banyak titik di sekujur tubuhnya. Dar'gum berdiri di atasnya dan mengacungkan kapak il Khatl J'nadh pada leher Robert.

"A'bong, adikku, inilah musuhmu, takluk di bawah kakiku. Aku telah mengalahkannya untukmu dan kini, aku mempersembahkan darahnya untukmu agar kau dapat beristirahat dengan tenang."

Sambil berkata begitu, Dar'gum mengayunkan kapaknya. Carolyn berteriak histeris, "TIDAAAK!!"

Carolyn terperangah ngeri. Kapak Orc itu tertancap di tanah, dengan lebih banyak noda darah pada bilahnya...


Believe it or not? - NOT!

Friday, September 26, 2008

[vadisworld - my way, my world] Worlds most impossible gh3 song!!


by bloodblitz
worlds most impossible guitar hero 3 (gh3) song! custom! way to hard to be done in your dreams!


Posted By Andry Chang to vadisworld - my way, my world at 9/26/2008 06:03:00 PM

[Rosta Masta!] Insane GH3 song (Hardest Song Ever)

Guitar Heroes III


Posted By vadis to Rosta Masta! at 9/27/2008 08:01:00 AM

[Rosta Masta!] Raining Blood - Guitar Heroes III


guitar heroes III
5 stars-Expert-232k-Slayer GH3
One of the hardest songs to get 5 stars on


Posted By vadis to Rosta Masta! at 9/27/2008 07:58:00 AM

[Rosta Masta!] One-Metallica-Expert-GHIII

Guitar Hero III


Posted By vadis to Rosta Masta! at 9/27/2008 07:56:00 AM

Worlds most impossible gh3 song!!


by bloodblitz
worlds most impossible guitar hero 3 (gh3) song! custom! way to hard to be done in your dreams!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

[Riverstream Rhapsody] God’s Work

    A friend of mine talked to me yesterday, telling me about the things happened to him last Sunday. When he was on the way home by car about 11 PM at night, he witnessed a terrible accident just in front of him. A motorcycle – with rider and passenger – crossed lanes in high speed from the right, while from the left a white minibus also came in high speed, passing my car.

    BAMM! Both vehicles crashed. The white minibus just sped away, avoiding more trouble than the damage on the car. The motorcycle was thrown, all with flying debris on the road and the two riders were thrown too. The rider seemed okay because of his helmet and physique, but the passenger, a woman of her late fifties got a nasty bump on her head and blood keep running from her wound. Seeing that, my friend stopped on the road, got out from his car and guide the old lady to his car.

    At first, he meant to do first aid on that head wound, but as the lady complained all the time, "Oh, the blood won't stop! Help me Allah (like Moslems do), don't let me die..." my friend decided to take her to the nearest hospital he knows. He drove straight to the Emergency Ward and took the lady in there – there's no time to waste, no time to think too much and just finish the job. The medics treated her at once.

    As compelled by hospital policies, my friend just waited there for the anyone from the lady's family members to come, erasing blood marks all over the back couch of his car. And then, some males from the family – her sons, including the bike rider. They thanked my friend two times and asked whether he saw the licence plate number of the white minibus who ran their mother down, and my friend said he didn't saw it, as it's dark at night. My friend deliberately didn't tell them his name, phone number etc., just told them just to drive and ride more carefully next time and just strolled back to his car and drive home.

    As he finished his story, he told me that he really didn't want to get any credit of what he has done. He just did the job God has given him to do, given the chance. He also confessed that he used to be and still a carefree, apathetic, egoistic person who doesn't give a damn about others, but God has spurred him into action that night: don't think too much, just do it. He also said that actually, the old lady also did him a favor by removing the guilt that was in him for years, as he too have been a hit-and-runner (though it was not a terrible crash).

    "Oh, well, another God's work was done," said my friend, his expression unchanging. "And I just go on and live my life, feeling like being a slightly better person than before."

Riverstream Journal, September 26, 2008


Posted By Andry Chang to Riverstream Rhapsody at 9/25/2008 05:47:00 PM

Jiplak Abissss

Tolong lah ya... lebih kreatif dikit. Ini bukti kalau konsumen Indonesia
tidak sebodoh yang diperkirakan... (dari forward-an)

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com
Version: 8.0.169 / Virus Database: 270.7.2/1690 - Release Date: 9/25/2008 7:05 AM

[accell go.mobile] Nimbuzz Phone Software - Free calls, chat andmore!


What is Nimbuzz?

Nimbuzz is free calls, chat and more!

Nimbuzz allows you to take your buddies mobile so you no longer have to sit behind a PC. All your IM communities are aggregated into a single contact list with icons indicating real-time “presence” - which contacts are online or offline and from which communities. Using the Internet connection of your mobile phone Nimbuzz lets you call, chat and more, with all your IM buddies for free from one integrated contact list.

Nimbuzz offers an all-in-one solution on the mobile phone, PC and Web, for calling, conference calling, instant messaging, group chat and chat rooms, and photo and file sending across multiple IM communities, including Skype, Windows Live Messenger (MSN), Google Talk, Yahoo!, AIM, Jabber and ICQ, plus 23 social networks including Facebook and Myspace.

Welcome to Mobile Freedom!

Nimbuzz Mobile

Nimbuzz for the Mobile is a free all-in-one solution for Internet-enabled mobile phones that allows you to take your IM buddies with you -- wherever you go. Nimbuzz works on more than 500 handsets and with multiple messenger communities, including: Skype, MSN, Google Talk, Yahoo!, AIM and Jabber.

Nimbuzz Mobile features include:

  • Free mobile VoIP calling*
  • Free hybrid VoIP calling**
  • Free chat, group chat and chatrooms
  • Free file, photo and ringtone sharing
  • Free text messaging (within Nimbuzz)
  • Free voice messaging
  • Free online file gallery (unlimited storage)
  • Free phonebook backup and restore
  • Free "buzz" notifications (to get your buddies online!)
  • No subscriptions, no payments, no credits to purchase

* currently available for 92 Series 60 devices (including Nokia, Samsung, LG)

** international mobile calling at local dial-in cost - available in 50 countries

To download Nimbuzz Mobile, go to http://get.nimbuzz.com or visit http://www.nimbuzz.com from a PC or http://m.nimbuzz.com on your mobile phone.

Nimbuzz Widgets

Nimbuzz widgets may be posted and accessed on social network profile pages, in email signatures and from personal websites or blogs. The first such widget is the new six button Communicator, which lets friends from Facebook, MySpace, Bebo and 20 other social network sites reach you for free - directly on your mobile or PC from your profile page, email signature and website or blog.

Communicator functionality includes:

  • Free calls to Nimbuzz Mobile or PC
  • Free instant messaging
  • Free text messages
  • Free voice messages
  • Free file sending (photos, music, video and more)
  • Free "buzz" notifications (which alerts your "offline" friends that you would like to talk or chat with them)

Personal contact information is private and Nimbuzz users are able to control communiction preferences, including whether or not they wish to be reached and by whom. To download Nimbuzz widgets, visit http://widgets.nimbuzz.com or http://www.nimbuzz.com

Nimbuzz PC and Web

Nimbuzz is accessible via a PC client (dowload at http://www.nimbuzz.com/en/download/options and a limited Web client at http://web.nimbuzz.com/pc. Both products are being rigorously tested and improved. A Mac client is also currently under development.

Get Nimbuzz on your mobile phone

How do I get Nimbuzz on my mobile phone?

Via PC:

  • go to www.nimbuzz.com/en/download/options
  • select the mobile client
  • choose to receive an SMS with the download link in it
  • click on the download link in the SMS or just simply point your mobile browser to http://get.nimbuzz.com
  • choose your phone brand and type and download in the language of your choice
  • when Nimbuzz has been installed you can either sign-up or login

Via mobile phone:

  • point your mobile browser to http://get.nimbuzz.com
  • choose your mobile phone brand and press Next
  • select your mobile phone model and press Next
  • choose your language and click on Download

Nimbuzz works for most Internet-enabled mobile phones, so in other words, if you can browse the Internet on your mobile, you can use Nimbuzz. Should you still encounter an issue, please visit our forum

Which phones are supported by Nimbuzz on the mobile?

To use Nimbuzz, you need an Internet-enabled mobile with Internet access from your operator or via Wifi. We currently support more than 22 brands and over 500 models and are constantly adding support for new models. To check if we support your phone please click here.

If your phone isn’t listed, send us an e-mail to support@nimbuzz.com with containing the brand and model of your mobile phone. We will notify you as soon as we support your model.

How do I enable my phone for internet usage and Nimbuzz?

Most operators sell their mobile phones - direct and via retail - pre-configured for the services you contracted. However, in some cases default configurations do not allow 3rd party applications such as Nimbuzz to connect to the internet. Also, when you subscribe to a mobile data plan after you've bought the phone, you may need to do some settings yourself. What are the settings for my data plan?

I receive the error message: “Testing socket connection... Failed” or “Testing HTTP connection... Failed”. What to do next?

After you installed Nimbuzz on your mobile phone you have to test the connection.

If you receive this error message: “Testing socket connection...Failed, Testing HTTP connection...Failed” please go and check your data plan settings here and apply changes if needed. Please contact support@nimbuzz.com should you still not be able to pass the connection test.

How much does Nimbuzz cost?

All Nimbuzz products are free to download and use. Nimbuzz will never charge or bill for anything. Nimbuzz uses a data connection, and operator data costs will apply. We recommend that you use an unlimited (flat rate) data plan, which you can get from your operator.

Operator charges might apply using the Call feature. Nimbuzz offers two calling options.

Local Dial-In Call:

This option makes a call to a local fixed line number in your country, and then connects you. Your operator will only charge you for a local fixed line call (or deduct minutes as part of your monthly package). Nimbuzz won’t charge for anything. To check if Local Dial-In calling is available in your country, please click here.

Internet Call:

This option is completely free because it routes the call over the Internet. You need a 3G/UMTS or Wifi network to use this option.

Which Call Type is available for the Nimbuzz version on my mobile phone?

Java: Local Dial-In calling only. Do I have a Java mobile phone?

S60: Internet and local Dial-In calling. Do I have a S60 mobile phone?

Windows Mobile: Internet calling only. Do I have a Windows Mobile phone?

How can I use SIP calling?

We offer SIP calling in our S60 versions with third party SIP accounts.

SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) is a protocol used to establish, modify and terminate VOIP telephone calls. Using SIP, you can make cheap calls to a landline and regular mobile phones. With Nimbuzz SIP support, you can make Internet calls via the Nimbuzz Phonebook feature by adding any SIP provider you already use. Costs depend on your SIP provider rates.

SIP calling is mostly used to make cheap international calls. A list of SIP providers can be found here.

You can go to Options > Settings > SIP Accounts to register an account.
After that you can place VoIP calls via the Phonebook.

Get Nimbuzz on your PC

How do I get Nimbuzz on my PC?

  • go to www.nimbuzz.com/en/download/options
  • select the PC client for download
  • click on download and install it
  • sign-up or Sign-in with your existing Nimbuzz username and password
  • add your social communities to import your buddies into one list

Which Operating System does Nimbuzz support?

Nimbuzz can be downloaded for Windows XP and Windows Vista only. MAC and Linux versions are coming soon.

Account settings

How can I retrieve my password?

If you have lost your password and you have registered your email address you can request a password reset by clicking here.

On Nimbuzz mobile, you can request your account details by going to:
Settings > Account Settings > Registration > Forgot Password
If you have set your phone number you should receive a SMS with your details, including the password!

How can I change my password?

You can change your password online. Go to http://web.nimbuzz.com:
Sign In > scroll down > select Settings > Change Password

On PC client, you can change your password by choosing:
File > Accounts Settings > Change Password.

How can I retrieve my username?

If you have lost your username and you have registered your email address you can request the username by clicking here.

On Nimbuzz mobile, you can request your account details by going to:
Settings > Account Settings > Registration > Forgot Password
If you have set your phone number you should receive a SMS with your details, including the username!

How can I change my phone number?

  • Mobile Phone - Go to: Menu > Settings > Account Settings > Phone Number
  • PC - Go to: File > Account Settings > Mobile Phone > write new phone number > press Change

How can I change my e-mail address?

  • Mobile Phone - Go to: Menu > Settings > Account Settings > E-mail address
  • PC - Go to: File > Account Settings > E-mail address > write the new one > press save account settings

Features on your mobile

How can I add a contact?

  • select Menu > Contacts > Add Contact
  • you can currently only add Nimbuzz and GTalk buddies


Posted By Andry Chang to accell go.mobile at 9/25/2008 08:53:00 AM

Nimbuzz Phone Software - Free calls, chat and more!


What is Nimbuzz?

Nimbuzz is free calls, chat and more!

Nimbuzz allows you to take your buddies mobile so you no longer have to sit behind a PC. All your IM communities are aggregated into a single contact list with icons indicating real-time “presence” - which contacts are online or offline and from which communities. Using the Internet connection of your mobile phone Nimbuzz lets you call, chat and more, with all your IM buddies for free from one integrated contact list.

Nimbuzz offers an all-in-one solution on the mobile phone, PC and Web, for calling, conference calling, instant messaging, group chat and chat rooms, and photo and file sending across multiple IM communities, including Skype, Windows Live Messenger (MSN), Google Talk, Yahoo!, AIM, Jabber and ICQ, plus 23 social networks including Facebook and Myspace.

Welcome to Mobile Freedom!

Nimbuzz Mobile

Nimbuzz for the Mobile is a free all-in-one solution for Internet-enabled mobile phones that allows you to take your IM buddies with you -- wherever you go. Nimbuzz works on more than 500 handsets and with multiple messenger communities, including: Skype, MSN, Google Talk, Yahoo!, AIM and Jabber.

Nimbuzz Mobile features include:

  • Free mobile VoIP calling*
  • Free hybrid VoIP calling**
  • Free chat, group chat and chatrooms
  • Free file, photo and ringtone sharing
  • Free text messaging (within Nimbuzz)
  • Free voice messaging
  • Free online file gallery (unlimited storage)
  • Free phonebook backup and restore
  • Free "buzz" notifications (to get your buddies online!)
  • No subscriptions, no payments, no credits to purchase

* currently available for 92 Series 60 devices (including Nokia, Samsung, LG)

** international mobile calling at local dial-in cost - available in 50 countries

To download Nimbuzz Mobile, go to http://get.nimbuzz.com or visit http://www.nimbuzz.com from a PC or http://m.nimbuzz.com on your mobile phone.

Nimbuzz Widgets

Nimbuzz widgets may be posted and accessed on social network profile pages, in email signatures and from personal websites or blogs. The first such widget is the new six button Communicator, which lets friends from Facebook, MySpace, Bebo and 20 other social network sites reach you for free - directly on your mobile or PC from your profile page, email signature and website or blog.

Communicator functionality includes:

  • Free calls to Nimbuzz Mobile or PC
  • Free instant messaging
  • Free text messages
  • Free voice messages
  • Free file sending (photos, music, video and more)
  • Free "buzz" notifications (which alerts your "offline" friends that you would like to talk or chat with them)

Personal contact information is private and Nimbuzz users are able to control communiction preferences, including whether or not they wish to be reached and by whom. To download Nimbuzz widgets, visit http://widgets.nimbuzz.com or http://www.nimbuzz.com

Nimbuzz PC and Web

Nimbuzz is accessible via a PC client (dowload at http://www.nimbuzz.com/en/download/options and a limited Web client at http://web.nimbuzz.com/pc. Both products are being rigorously tested and improved. A Mac client is also currently under development.

Get Nimbuzz on your mobile phone

How do I get Nimbuzz on my mobile phone?

Via PC:

  • go to www.nimbuzz.com/en/download/options
  • select the mobile client
  • choose to receive an SMS with the download link in it
  • click on the download link in the SMS or just simply point your mobile browser to http://get.nimbuzz.com
  • choose your phone brand and type and download in the language of your choice
  • when Nimbuzz has been installed you can either sign-up or login

Via mobile phone:

  • point your mobile browser to http://get.nimbuzz.com
  • choose your mobile phone brand and press Next
  • select your mobile phone model and press Next
  • choose your language and click on Download

Nimbuzz works for most Internet-enabled mobile phones, so in other words, if you can browse the Internet on your mobile, you can use Nimbuzz. Should you still encounter an issue, please visit our forum

Which phones are supported by Nimbuzz on the mobile?

To use Nimbuzz, you need an Internet-enabled mobile with Internet access from your operator or via Wifi. We currently support more than 22 brands and over 500 models and are constantly adding support for new models. To check if we support your phone please click here.

If your phone isn’t listed, send us an e-mail to support@nimbuzz.com with containing the brand and model of your mobile phone. We will notify you as soon as we support your model.

How do I enable my phone for internet usage and Nimbuzz?

Most operators sell their mobile phones - direct and via retail - pre-configured for the services you contracted. However, in some cases default configurations do not allow 3rd party applications such as Nimbuzz to connect to the internet. Also, when you subscribe to a mobile data plan after you've bought the phone, you may need to do some settings yourself. What are the settings for my data plan?

I receive the error message: “Testing socket connection... Failed” or “Testing HTTP connection... Failed”. What to do next?

After you installed Nimbuzz on your mobile phone you have to test the connection.

If you receive this error message: “Testing socket connection...Failed, Testing HTTP connection...Failed” please go and check your data plan settings here and apply changes if needed. Please contact support@nimbuzz.com should you still not be able to pass the connection test.

How much does Nimbuzz cost?

All Nimbuzz products are free to download and use. Nimbuzz will never charge or bill for anything. Nimbuzz uses a data connection, and operator data costs will apply. We recommend that you use an unlimited (flat rate) data plan, which you can get from your operator.

Operator charges might apply using the Call feature. Nimbuzz offers two calling options.

Local Dial-In Call:

This option makes a call to a local fixed line number in your country, and then connects you. Your operator will only charge you for a local fixed line call (or deduct minutes as part of your monthly package). Nimbuzz won’t charge for anything. To check if Local Dial-In calling is available in your country, please click here.

Internet Call:

This option is completely free because it routes the call over the Internet. You need a 3G/UMTS or Wifi network to use this option.

Which Call Type is available for the Nimbuzz version on my mobile phone?

Java: Local Dial-In calling only. Do I have a Java mobile phone?

S60: Internet and local Dial-In calling. Do I have a S60 mobile phone?

Windows Mobile: Internet calling only. Do I have a Windows Mobile phone?

How can I use SIP calling?

We offer SIP calling in our S60 versions with third party SIP accounts.

SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) is a protocol used to establish, modify and terminate VOIP telephone calls. Using SIP, you can make cheap calls to a landline and regular mobile phones. With Nimbuzz SIP support, you can make Internet calls via the Nimbuzz Phonebook feature by adding any SIP provider you already use. Costs depend on your SIP provider rates.

SIP calling is mostly used to make cheap international calls. A list of SIP providers can be found here.

You can go to Options > Settings > SIP Accounts to register an account.
After that you can place VoIP calls via the Phonebook.

Get Nimbuzz on your PC

How do I get Nimbuzz on my PC?

  • go to www.nimbuzz.com/en/download/options
  • select the PC client for download
  • click on download and install it
  • sign-up or Sign-in with your existing Nimbuzz username and password
  • add your social communities to import your buddies into one list

Which Operating System does Nimbuzz support?

Nimbuzz can be downloaded for Windows XP and Windows Vista only. MAC and Linux versions are coming soon.

Account settings

How can I retrieve my password?

If you have lost your password and you have registered your email address you can request a password reset by clicking here.

On Nimbuzz mobile, you can request your account details by going to:
Settings > Account Settings > Registration > Forgot Password
If you have set your phone number you should receive a SMS with your details, including the password!

How can I change my password?

You can change your password online. Go to http://web.nimbuzz.com:
Sign In > scroll down > select Settings > Change Password

On PC client, you can change your password by choosing:
File > Accounts Settings > Change Password.

How can I retrieve my username?

If you have lost your username and you have registered your email address you can request the username by clicking here.

On Nimbuzz mobile, you can request your account details by going to:
Settings > Account Settings > Registration > Forgot Password
If you have set your phone number you should receive a SMS with your details, including the username!

How can I change my phone number?

  • Mobile Phone - Go to: Menu > Settings > Account Settings > Phone Number
  • PC - Go to: File > Account Settings > Mobile Phone > write new phone number > press Change

How can I change my e-mail address?

  • Mobile Phone - Go to: Menu > Settings > Account Settings > E-mail address
  • PC - Go to: File > Account Settings > E-mail address > write the new one > press save account settings

Features on your mobile

How can I add a contact?

  • select Menu > Contacts > Add Contact
  • you can currently only add Nimbuzz and GTalk buddies

[vadisworld - my way, my world] Vadis' M&M Characters - Batch Two

Princess Eloise Galford of Lore - from FireHeart - Legend of the Paladins by BJ Vadis

Robert Chandler the Monster Hunter from FireHeart - Legend of the Paladins
by BJ Vadis

Kimi Raikkonen (The Iceman is All Ferrari-ed)

Two other examples of M&M-ized characters

Create your custom M&M Character in:

Including the characters from FireHeart Saga (www.fireheart.tk)
I M&M-ized: Princess Eloise Galford & Robert Chandler


Posted By Andry Chang to vadisworld - my way, my world at 9/25/2008 04:42:00 AM

[Vadis Heralds] VadisQuote of the Day - Sep 25, 2008

"Don't ever judge a woman, but if you must, judge her by the cost of her cosmetics." - a vadisquote

"Freedom comes with a price." - a vadisquote


Posted By Andry Chang to Vadis Heralds at 9/25/2008 05:54:00 PM

[Vadis Heralds] Jangan Pakai Lensa Kontak waktu BBQ!

Jangan gunakan lensa kontak saat anda atau saudara anda hadir di pesta BBQ atau sejenisnya yang berhubungan dengan api... Sebuah kisah nyata mengenai efek lensa kontak.... Ini terjadi pada seorang pemuda berusia 21 tahun, dia pakai lensa kontak selama pesta barbecue. Ketika dia sedang memanggang daging, dia memandangi terus bara api itu. Setelah beberapa detik kemudian, dia mulai berteriak minta tolong dan meloncat-loncat. Orang-orang disekitar tidak tahu kenapa.... Saat tiba di rumah sakit, dokter bilang kalau pemuda itu buta permanen akibat lensa kontak yang dipakai. Lensa kontak terbuat dari plastik dan hawa panas dari bara api telah melelehkan lensa kontak tsb. Kalo anda perduli, informasikan ke teman-2 TOLONG DI FORWARD.. (ANDA MUNGKIN MENYELAMATKAN JIWA SEORANG)


Posted By Andry Chang to Vadis Heralds at 9/25/2008 05:46:00 PM

Vadis' M&M Characters - Batch Two

Azrael the White Wizard from FireHeart Saga Series
(or you can say he's Albus Dumbledore in Harry Potter or Gandalf in Lord of the Rings)

Princess Eloise Galford of Lore - from FireHeart - Legend of the Paladins by BJ Vadis

Robert Chandler the Monster Hunter from FireHeart - Legend of the Paladins
by BJ Vadis

Kimi Raikkonen (The Iceman is All Ferrari-ed)

Two other examples of M&M-ized characters

Create your custom M&M Character in:

Including the characters from FireHeart Saga (www.fireheart.tk)
I M&M-ized: Princess Eloise Galford & Robert Chandler

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

[GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc.] vadis faces catalogue 3

yo, dude from phillipines who sent this face thing in the guestbook and all of you skinmakers out there, can u pls send me the faces separately (full size) to my email vadisworld-at-yahoo-dot-com or simply gimme a link to your site? skins also. gotta spread 'em to the americans who play splashfighters. thx in advance - bj vadis

Jin Kazama - Tekken III

FireHeart - Adler with red hair (www.fireheart.tk)

Adilaga - Cakra by vadis

Sportacus - Lazy Town - Nickelodeon


Posted By Andry Chang to GetAmped Fansite - KICK ASS Inc. at 9/24/2008 10:09:00 PM

[vadismart - the cybermall] Pinhole Glasses!


Improve your vision without using prescription eyeglasses!

Are you tired of constantly changing your prescription eyeglasses to meet the ever-increasing power of your lenses? Do you wonder why in spite of wearing them your eyesight is getting weaker day-by-day?Would you like to use a single pair of glasses lifelong for correcting vision due to eye problems like myopia (near-sightedness), hyperopia (long-sightedness), or problems related to computer use?
Here is a solution!

We offer a scientific way to restore clear vision. Use Pinhole glasses to overcome impaired vision owing to any common refractive eye disorders. Pinhole glasses block indirect rays from entering the eye thus preventing them from distorting your vision. Pinhole glasses are

    • Completely Natural
    • Scientific
    • Really Effective
    • Durable &
    • Affordable

alternatives to prescription eyeglasses.

Pinhole glasses...

Acupuncture Massager

$125 [Free shipping]

Add to Cart

1 pair Pinhole-glasses

$14.95 [Free shipping]

Add to Cart

Are effective and helpful in restoring vision for a number of eye disorders like myopia, hyperopia, cataract and astigmatism. Click to read more...
It is also useful over all distances. Whether it is for reading, for watching TV, or for working on the computer, one pair suits all purposes.

Allows only direct and coherent light rays to pass through. It does not allow indirect rays from distorting the true images formed by the direct rays entering in your eyes. Find out more about how pinholes work and the science behind its working here...

Do not employ concave lenses in correcting your vision. This prevents your eyesight from weakening due to wearing lenses, a common opthalmologic phenomenon called Acquired Myopia.

Increase brightness of image of objects. This allows you to see better in norma circumstances.

Are made with laser technology. They are highly effective, quality tools.

Are sturdy and long lasting. You need not worry as its performance does not get affected by scratches and marks on the lenses.

Unlike prescription eyeglasses, are a one-time investment. It saves you trouble and the money you would otherwise spend on changing your eyeglasses every now and then.


Posted By Andry Chang to vadismart - the cybermall at 9/24/2008 07:43:00 AM

[vadisworld - my way, my world] BJ Vadis' M&M Characters!

Maveric Mash - BJ Rostaman's Avatar

Mayhem Mayor - Custom Avatar (not from vadis)

Max Meltzer - Default M&M Yellow

Michael Mintz - Default M&M Red

Hey BJ Rosta,
BJ Vadis created a new M&M'S® character and wanted you to see it! Click the link below to check it out:

Here is a message from BJ Vadis:
Hiya there! Here's the custom M&M-ized BJ Rosta on www.mms.com/us/becomeanmm/create (M&M main site www.mms.com)

(C) 2008 Mars, Incorporated and its Affiliates. All Rights Reserved. We respect our visitor's privacy.
Masterfoods USA, 800 High Street Hackettstown, NJ 07840 USA


Posted By Andry Chang to vadisworld - my way, my world at 9/24/2008 06:32:00 AM

[vadis.tk - the portal] Look who's become an M&M'S(R) character

Hey BJ Rosta,
BJ Vadis created a new M&M'S® character and wanted you to see it! Click the link below to check it out:

Here is a message from BJ Vadis:
Hiya there! Here's the custom M&M-ized BJ Rosta on www.mms.com/us/becomeanmm/create (M&M main site www.mms.com)

(C) 2008 Mars, Incorporated and its Affiliates. All Rights Reserved. We respect our visitor's privacy.
Masterfoods USA, 800 High Street Hackettstown, NJ 07840 USA


Posted By Andry Chang to vadis.tk - the portal at 9/24/2008 08:26:00 PM

BJ Vadis' M&M Characters!

Maveric Mash - BJ Rostaman's Avatar

Mayhem Mayor - Custom Avatar (not from vadis)

Max Meltzer - Default M&M Yellow

Michael Mintz - Default M&M Red

Hey BJ Rosta,
BJ Vadis created a new M&M'S® character and wanted you to see it! Click the link below to check it out:

Here is a message from BJ Vadis:
Hiya there! Here's the custom M&M-ized BJ Rosta on www.mms.com/us/becomeanmm/create (M&M main site www.mms.com)

(C) 2008 Mars, Incorporated and its Affiliates. All Rights Reserved. We respect our visitor's privacy.
Masterfoods USA, 800 High Street Hackettstown, NJ 07840 USA

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